View Surface Water Quality

Water found in rivers, streams, ponds, and estuaries is known as surface water. You can search the surface water quality results to find information about the quality of surface water in PEI including sampling locations, down-loadable raw data, and graphs.

How can I search the results?

Surface water quality data include both historical and current monitoring data. Filter using one of the following:

  • watershed 
  • water type
  • station ID
  • parameter
  • sampling date

How do I access the data?

You can access the data through the province's open data portal.   

Environment, Energy and Climate Action

General Inquiries

Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action
4th Floor, Jones Building
11 Kent Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-5044
Toll-free: 1-866-368-5044
Fax: 902-368-5830
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