Animal Bite Investigations

A bite from any animal can be serious and should be examined by a health professional. Prompt treatment can help to prevent infection or more serious illness. A wound should be thoroughly washed and flushed with running water and then an antiseptic can be applied.

Should I report an animal bite?

The Chief Public Health Office receives reports of animal bites from physicians, Public Health Nursing, the Humane Society, and the public. All wild animal bites are of concern. Once a biting incident involving a wild animal (such as a bat, fox, raccoon, or skunk) or a serious injury from a domestic animal (pet) is reported, environmental health officers will ensure that steps are taken to locate the animal, arrange for testing or observation, and make appropriate and timely decisions regarding treatment of persons exposed to the animal.

Under the Public Health Act, human contact with an animal suspected to have rabies or known to be infected with rabies must be reported.

Should my pet be vaccinated for rabies?

Yes, vaccinations are important to keep your pet safe and healthy. Contact your local veterinary clinic to discuss the appropriate vaccinations for your pet.


Published date: 
May 4, 2017
Health and Wellness

General Inquiries

Environmental Health
2nd Floor Sullivan Building
Fitzroy Street
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8
Telephone: 902-368-4970
Toll Free: 1-800-958-6400