Information for Internationally Educated Teachers

Moving to a new country and working toward your career goals can be a daunting experience. This Resource Guide for Internationally Educated Teachers will help you make a move to Prince Edward Island.

Country-Specific Fact Sheets

In addition to the resource guide, the fact sheets below provide information specific to a number of countries.  For the countries listed, these fact sheets provide information on where to obtain required documentation such as academic transcripts and Statements of Professional Standing, information on which post-secondary institutions and teaching credentials are recognized by the Prince Edward Island Registrar, and how your academic course work is evaluated.

Websites and content referenced in these country-specific fact sheets were accurate at the time of writing, but their ongoing status cannot be guaranteed.  The PEI Office of the Registrar accepts no responsibility for any unforeseen consequences of use or reliance on the information.  You are encouraged to contact the organizations and post-secondary institutions described in these fact-sheets directly to receive up-to-date details on any given program or service.


Published date: 
October 31, 2023
Education and Early Years

General Inquiries

Education and Early Years
Certification and Professional Development for Teachers
Holman Centre
250 Water Street, Suite 101
Summerside, PE   C1N 1B6

Telephone: 902-438-4130
Fax: 902-438-4062 (link sends e-mail)