Board of Governors of the University of Prince Edward Island

The management, administration and control of the property, revenue, business and affairs of the University are vested in the Board.

What is the function of the board?

The Board of Governors is a body established by the University Act. The Act vests in the Board the responsibilities of conduct, management, administration and control of the property, revenue, business and affairs of the university. The role of a Board member is that of governor or a trustee. The Board is responsible for the stewardship of the university and delegates the daily management of the university to the President and Senior Administration. The University works within a bi-cameral structure and therefore the Board as the senior governing body, shares institutional governance with the Senate.

Primary Role:  Adjudicative

How many people are on the board?

The UPEI Board of Governors consists of 26 members, which includes the: 

  • UPEI Chancellor, 
  • UPEI President, and 
  • President of Holland College, 
  • plus nine (9) members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. 

The UPEI Board of Governors is also composed of the following nominations: 

  • two members elected by and from the UPEI Alumni Association ;
  • six members elected by the UPEI Board of Governors;
  • two members elected by and from the Senate of the University; 
  • two members elected by and from the Faculty of the University; and
  • two members elected by and from the student body of the University.

What are the requirements of board members?

Formal Qualifications
Members must have: 

  • the ability to commit time and effort to the work of the Board and its committees; 
  • have knowledge of and/or strong evidence of interest in UPEI;
  • commitment to the values of higher education and the specific role of UPEI; 
  • shall not be employed by UPEI, except for the President and those who may be elected by the student body, the faculty or Senate

Work & Experience Requirements
Interest and aptitude in working with the Board on one or more of the five standing committees of the Board: 

  • (i) Governance and Appeals 
  • (ii) Development, Fundraising and External Relations 
  • (iii) Finance and Audit 
  • (iv) Human Resources or 
  • (v) Property and Asset.

Skills Required
All members should be able to contribute to the deliberations of the Board and have related experience and interest in participation in the governance of UPEI.

What are the nomination requirements?

Statutory Nomination Requirements
The Lieutenant Governor in Council shall appoint nine members. The rest of the members shall be elected or appointed by their position.

Will I get paid?

Members do not receive a per diem for this board, but may be eligible for reimbursement for travel expenses to attend meetings and events, and expenses incurred by them in the course of carrying out their duties as members of the Board as set out in the University Travel Policy.

What is the time commitment of the board?

Members of the UPEI Board of Governors are appointed for a term of up to three (3) years in length. The UPEI Board of Governors conducts five (5) meetings per year; and standing committees meet approximately five (5) times per year. 

In addition to the time spent in actual Board and Committee meetings, members will be expected to do other work and reading in preparing for these Board and Committee meetings. 

Board of Governors of the University of Prince Edward Island - Members
Name County Term Start Term End
Carolyn Simpson Queens County Oct 6, 2023 May 31, 2026
Lynn Ellsworth Queens County Oct 6, 2023 May 31, 2026
Mary Anne McMahon Queens County Oct 6, 2023 May 31, 2026
Dr. Geraldine Johnston Kings County Oct 31, 2023 May 31, 2026
Brian Thompson Queens County May 31, 2024 May 31, 2027
Kateri Coade Queens County May 31, 2024 May 31, 2027
Karen Creighan Kings County Feb 28, 2023 May 31, 2026
Mary Robinson Prince County Oct 6, 2023 May 31, 2026
Pam Montgomery Queens County Oct 6, 2023 May 31, 2026

How can I apply? 

If you would like to serve as a member of a provincial government agency, board, or commission (ABC) you can apply online through Engage PEI

Who can I contact?

(902) 566-6780

Published date: 
May 29, 2024
Executive Council Office

General Inquiries

Executive Council Office
5th Floor, Shaw Building
95 Rochford Street
P.O. Box 2000,
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

General Inquiries:
Phone: 902-368-4502
Fax: 902-368-6118

Engage PEI Inquiries: 

Visit Engage PEI to learn more about serving as a member of an agency, board or commission (ABC).
Engage PEI