Susan Robinson of Albany is a member of the Workers Compensation Appeal Tribunal

Do you want to apply to be on a government agency, board or commission?  Engage PEI oversees the recruitment of applicants and manages the appointment process for over 90 provincial government agencies, boards and commissions (ABCs).

All Islanders are encouraged to apply to Engage PEI to serve as a volunteer member for any ABC. It is a great opportunity to contribute to our Island community. It is also an important way to represent the public's interests to government.

There are three types of ABCs:

  • Advisory ABCs provide information to government that will assist in developing policy or delivering programs.
  • Operational ABCs provide goods and/or services to implement approved government policy and programs.
  • Regulatory ABCs control public or private sector operations, review licenses, or hear appeals regarding government and third-party decisions.

How do I choose which ABC to serve?

Look at the government agencies, boards or commissions profiles and consider one that sounds most interesting to you. Think about whether your knowledge, skills and interests fit with the membership criteria. Also think about whether you will be able to meet the anticipated time commitments.

You will be invited to indicate your preferred ABCs on your application.

When should I apply to Engage PEI?

You can apply to Engage PEI anytime throughout the year. On occasion, an ABC will put out a call for applications with a specified deadline. If you are interested in a specific ABC, apply at least two months before a vacancy to ensure you will be considered for the position.

What do I need to apply to Engage PEI?

Submit a completed application online or download the PDF and mail or fax to the address on the form.

The following supporting documents may strengthen your application and help to better match you with an appropriate ABC:

  • your resume
  • cover letter
  • references and letters of support

Download Engage PEI application PDF

What happens after I apply?

  1. You can apply to Engage PEI anytime. You will receive confirmation that your application is received.
  2. Your application will be added to the database for each ABC you indicated on your application. 
  3. Additionally, if you indicated you would consider boards other than those listed on your form, your application will be added to any ABC database matching your specific skills, education or experience.
  4. As vacancies arise, a list of recommended applicants will be forwarded to the Cabinet Committee on Policy and Priorities as an Executive Council Memo (ECM) for recommendation to Executive Council.
  5. Cabinet will review recommendations and nominate ABC members. (It may take two to four weeks for ABC appointments to be scheduled for the Cabinet’s agenda.)
  6. Successful nominees will have the opportunity to accept or decline the appointment. If a nominee declines, additional time will be required to determine new nominees.
  7. An Order-in-Council is issued with the names of successful applicants and is published in the Royal Gazette. This process normally takes two weeks after a nominee has accepted an appointment.
  8. Recent appointments are announced by news release after the decision-making process is complete and nominees have accepted appointments to ABCs.
  9. Applicants invited to participate in certain boards will be required to provide a completed criminal record check. 

Are ABC members paid to serve?

These are volunteer positions, but specific expenses such as travel may be covered. Sometimes honorariums are offered in accordance with the following Treasury Board guidelines:

  • Category A-1: The Chairperson receives either an annual salary or stipend as approved under the Senior Compensation Plan or by Executive Council.  The ABC budget accounts for this expense. Typically members receive $142/diem.
  • Category A: When a high level of responsibility and decision-making authority is required such as a regulatory ABC required to adjudicate, judge or arbitrate or an operational ABC providing direct operational/managerial functions for a specified entity. Typically the chair receives $200/diem; members receive $142/diem.
  • Category B: When a moderate level of responsibility and decision-making authority is required to assist the Minister in the administration of the respective acts, a regulatory ABC with appeal or licensing function or an operational ABC with general supervisory, advisory or operational role. The chair may receive $161/diem and members receive $109/diem.
  • Category C: For ABCs with a lower level of direct decision-making authority, performing advisory function to the Minister, the chair may receive $113/diem; members receive $73/diem.
  • Category D: ABC members receive no remuneration from the Province.

Note: Civil servants are not eligible to receive honoraria payments.

How can I contact Engage PEI?

Engage PEI
Executive Council Office
PO Box 2000, Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Email: (link sends e-mail)
Phone: (902) 368-4502 
Fax: (902) 368-6118


Published date: 
September 6, 2023
Executive Council Office

General Inquiries

Executive Council Office
5th Floor, Shaw Building
95 Rochford Street
P.O. Box 2000,
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

General Inquiries:
Phone: 902-368-4502
Fax: 902-368-6118 (link sends e-mail)

Engage PEI Inquiries: (link sends e-mail) 

Visit Engage PEI to learn more about serving as a member of an agency, board or commission (ABC).
Engage PEI