PEI Respiratory Illness Summary 2024-2025 Season

Weeks 35 to 38 – August 25 to September 21, 2024

The surveillance period for the 2024-25 PEI Respiratory Illness Summary runs from August 25, 2024 (epidemiological week 35-2024) to August 23, 2025 (epidemiological week 34-2025). Surveillance weeks correspond to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) influenza surveillance weeks. While COVID-19 is not yet recognized as a seasonal respiratory virus, unlike influenza and RSV, data for COVID-19 are reported according to the surveillance period established for influenza.



  • Number of new COVID-19 detections: 95
  • Number of new RSV detections: 1
  • Number of new influenza detections: 0
  • Number of new hospital admissions for COVID-19: 14
  • Number of new hospital admissions for RSV: 1
  • Number of deaths due to COVID-19 reported to the Chief Public Health Office: 5
  • Number of new respiratory outbreaks: 4


Epidemiological curve and test positivity

Figure 1. Weekly respiratory illness case count and test positivity by respiratory virus, PEI 2024-25 surveillance period


                                                                  Current Reporting Period (Aug. 25, 2024 to Sept. 21, 2024) Previous Reporting Period  Cumulative 2024-25 Surveillance Period
  Case Counts Test Positivity Case Counts Test Positivity Case Counts     
COVID-19           95      14.8%     NA       NA         95
Influenza       0        0%     NA       NA          0
RSV       1     0.6%      NA       NA          1












NA = Not applicable

COVID-19, influenza and RSV case counts are just an indication of greater respiratory illness activity as many individuals with respiratory illness do not seek medical attention


PAXLOVID Dispenses, current period, previous period, and cumulative in 2024-25 

Paxlovid is an anti-viral treatment for individuals at higher risk of more severe outcomes, such as hospitalization, and who do not have any contraindications for the treatment.  For information on eligibility and how to access Paxlovid, visit:

  Current Reporting Period
(Aug. 25, 2024 to Sept. 21, 2024)
Previous Reporting Period
Cumulative 2024-25 Surveillance Period
Number of Paxlovid dispenses         34         NA            34


Respiratory Illness outbreaks, current period, previous period, and cumulative in 2024-25

  Current Reporting Period
(Aug. 25, 2024 to Sept. 21, 2024)

Previous Reporting Period 

Cumulative 2024-25 Surveillance Period
  LTC/CC1 Other2 LTC/CC1 Other2 LTC/CC1  Other2
COVID-19      4      0      NA     NA       4      0
Influenza      0      0      NA     NA       0      0
RSV      0      0      NA     NA       0      0
ILI      0      0      NA     NA       0      0
Other      0      0      NA     NA       0      0
Mixed Pathogen      0      0      NA     NA       0      0












1 LTC = long term care facility; CC = community care facility
2 For example, acute care facilities and correctional facilities
ILI = influenza like illness
NA = not applicable

Severe outcome surveillance,current period, previous period, and cumulative in 2023-24

  Current Reporting Period
(Aug. 25, 2024 to Sept. 21, 2024)
Previous Reporting Period  Cumulative 2024-25 Surveillance Period


  •  Hospitalizations
      14         NA         14
  •  ICU
       0         NA           0
  •  Deaths
       5         NA           5
  •  Hospitalizations
       0         NA           0  
  •  ICU
       0         NA           0
  •  Deaths
       0         NA           0
  • Hospitalizations
       1         NA           1
  •  ICU
       0         NA           0
  • Deaths
       0         NA           0

NA = Not applicable

Surveillance for COVID-19 Variants

PEI contributes data to the national reporting of COVID-19 variants in Canada


Wastewater Surveillance 

PEI’s Chief Public Health Office and the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action have partnered with the municipalities of Alberton, Charlottetown (including Stratford), Montague, Souris, and Summerside, and the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg to implement wastewater surveillance for COVID-19 in PEI.
PEI wastewater testing results are included on the national COVID-19 wastewater surveillance dashboard

Historical COVID-19 Data

Year Total Cases Hospitalized ICU Deaths

Week 35-2023 to

Week 34-2024

1,499 152 12 15
2022 54,179 355 29 81
2021 1,413 5 1 0
2020 96 0 0 0

Historical Influenza Data

Influenza Season Predominant Strain Total Cases Hospitalized ICU Deaths
2023-24 A 818 121 18 12
2022-23 A/H3 360 78 7 5
2021-22 A/H3 66 12 1 0
2020-21 - 0 0 0 0
2019-20 A 220 77 7 5
2018-19 A/pH1N1 280 123 12 9
2017-18 B 319 132 13 6
2016-17 A/H3 208 88 11 5
2015-16 A/pH1N1 71 39 2 1
2014-15 A/H3 (B) 209 98 11 9
2013-14 A/pH1N1 119 62 13 2

Historical RSV Data

Year Total Cases Hospitalized ICU Deaths
2023-24 413 111 3 3

Technical Notes

COVID-19 case count includes individuals who tested positive on lab-based PCR, Abbott ID Now NAAT, and Lucira NAAT.  It does not include individuals that tested positive on a rapid antigen test.

Note that clinical diagnosis of influenza takes place frequently in the community during peak season and is not confirmed with laboratory testing. In contrast to COVID-19, the prescribing of anti-viral treatment for influenza does not require a positive influenza test and can be based on a clinical diagnosis alone. Given the differences in testing approaches, the number of influenza detections and the number of COVID-19 detections in a given time period are not directly comparable.

COVID-19, influenza and RSV case counts are just an indication of greater respiratory illness activity as many individuals with respiratory illness do not seek medical attention.

Test positivity = (Count of positive tests per reporting period) / (Count of total tests per reporting period)  ×100

Test positivity for COVID-19 includes lab-based PCR and Abbott ID Now NAAT.  For influenza and RSV, test positivity includes lab-based PCR. Cases among PEI residents diagnosed outside of the province are included in the case counts but are excluded from the percent positivity calculation.

Paxlovid dispenses will only be reported when there’s at least 10 dispenses during the reporting period.

Outbreak definitions

  • Laboratory-confirmed influenza outbreak: two or more cases of influenza like illness (ILI) within a seven-day period with an epidemiological link, including at least one laboratory confirmed case of influenza within a surveillance setting
  • ILI outbreak: two or more cases of ILI within a seven-day period
  • ILI outbreak in school or workplace: Greater than 10% absenteeism which is likely due to ILI

    -COVID-19 outbreak

  • 2 or more test-confirmed cases of COVID-19 which are epidemiologically linked to a specific setting or location


  • 2 or more cases of ILI within a seven-day period with an epi link, including at least one laboratory confirmed case of RSV within a surveillance setting

Hospitalization definition: a laboratory confirmed case of influenza/RSV or test-confirmed case of COVID-19 that received treatment in hospital as a result of their respiratory illness

ICU admission definition: a case of influenza, RSV or COVID-19 that meets the hospitalization definition and was admitted to the ICU

Death definition: a death resulting from a clinically compatible illness in a laboratory confirmed influenza/RSV case or test-confirmed COVID-19 case. A death due to influenza/COVID-19/RSV may be attributed when influenza/COVID-19/RSV is the cause of death or is a contributing factor. 

Test-confirmed COVID-19 case: case with a positive result on lab-based PCR, Abbott ID Now NAAT, or Lucira NAAT.  A case with a positive result on a rapid antigen test may be considered to be a test-confirmed case of COVID-19 upon review by a Chief Medical Officer of Health or relevant public health authority.  

Hospitalization data is gathered through infection prevention and control practitioners at each Island hospital.

Hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths are reported based on the date that they are reported to the Chief Public Health Office.

Data presented throughout the report may be updated retroactively as new data becomes available.

Published date: 
September 25, 2024