Suicide Prevention Action Plan

Together, the Province of Prince Edward Island and the Canadian Mental Health Association - PEI Division have developed a Provincial Suicide Prevention Action Plan.

The focus of the action plan is to build HOPE for individuals and for communities and to challenge factors that contribute to hopelessness. The model of HOPE is made up of these three building blocks and key action areas:

Goal #1: Hear

Graphic image of circle HOPE model that illustrates that when we respond by hearing an experience, helping to care for symptoms and healing from the root causes, we create space for HOPE. Create safe spaces for Islanders to share and receive safe messaging about suicide and mental wellbeing in supportive environments.

Reduce stigma in communities to break down barriers that prevent individuals from seeking help and to foster programs that provide hope and support.

Monitor and understand suicide in PEI to inform current and future suicide prevention efforts.

Goal #2: Help

Increase access points for care for timely access to a variety of services for Islanders struggling with suicidality.

Support an individual's circle of care to help ensure comprehensive support networks are kept informed and equipped to provide appropriate, ongoing help.

Equip staff to use person-centered approaches to care.

Goal #3: Heal

Treat the complexity of suicide to help address the root causes that can bring a person to hopelessness and suicide.

Support staff to maintain effective and meaningful care for individuals dealing with suicidality.

Ensure holistic case management to allow for healing by providing individuals with consistent support that is managed and followed along the pathway of care.

The building blocks of hope and the actions items put forward in this strategy draw strength from the fact that the responsibilities lie within each of us, all levels and departments of government and in each of our communities.


Canadian Mental Health Association - Prince Edward Island Division
Box 785 - 178 Fitzroy Street
Charlottetown Canada

Phone: (902) 566-3034
Fax: (902) 566-4643
Email: (link sends e-mail)
Website: (link is external)

Published date: 
May 25, 2018
Health and Wellness

General Inquiries

Department of Health and Wellness
4th Floor North, Shaw Building
105 Rochford Street
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-6414
Fax: 902-368-4121 (link sends e-mail)