Community Mental Health Services

Need Help Now?

Mental Health and Addictions Phone Line
Calls are answered by trained mental health professionals (a registered nurse or a social worker) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Mental health care is offered in community health facilities across the province. Bilingual services are available in some locations.

What is available for me at Community Mental Health Services? 

The first step in service is screening. When you talk with an intake worker they will help you determine which programs and services are best suited to your treatment needs. Once your needs are screened, you may be linked to one of the following mental health services:

  • A group treatment education program for some mental health conditions, such as severe stress, anxiety, or depression.
  • A community mental health specialist (nurse, social worker, occupational therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist) who can work with you to assess your condition. Together you will identify the treatment plan, program, and services that will work best for you to meet your needs and reach your goal.
  • Services outside of Community Mental Health that would better meet your needs.

Some Community Mental Health Services are more specialized and have criteria in order to access these services. These include the Seniors Mental Health Resource Teams, Outreach Teams and several group treatment programs. 

How do I access Community Mental Health Services for my child (under age 18)?

  • You can contact Community Mental Health in your area.
  • If you are a parent, and would like to talk to someone about referring your child, call Community Mental Health in your area.
  • Children’s mental health services are typically offered in communities where there is a Community Mental Health Clinic. Services may be offered in individual, family, or group settings.

How do I access Community Mental Health Services if I am an adult (over age 18)?

  • You can contact Community Mental Health in your area.
  • Your doctor, nurse practitioner or other service provider can refer you to mental health services by submitting an Adult Services Referral form  [PDF | 210 KB]. 

How do I contact Community Mental Health Services?


Souris Hospital
17 Knights Avenue
Souris, PE   C0A 2B0

Telephone:  (902) 687-7110
Fax:  (902) 687-7119


126 Douses Road
PO Box 3000
Montague, PE   C0A 1R0

Telephone:  (902) 838-0960
Fax:  (902) 838-0961


McGill Community Mental Health
55 McGill Avenue
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8

Telephone:  (902) 368-4911
Fax:  (902) 368-6189

Richmond Centre
1 Rochford Street
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8

Telephone:  (902) 368-4430


Prince County Hospital
65 Roy Boates Avenue
Summerside, PE   C1N 2A9

Telephone:  (902) 888-8180
Fax:  (902) 888-8173


397 Church Street
Alberton Community Health Centre
Alberton, PE   C0B 1B0

Telephone:  (902) 853-8670
Fax:  (902) 853-0420


O'Leary Health Centre
14 MacKinnon Drive
O'Leary, PE   C0B 1V0

Telephone:  (902) 853-8670
Fax:  (902) 853-0420

Published date: 
January 3, 2025
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General Inquiries

Health PEI
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-6130
Fax: 902-368-6136

Your Health Privacy

Health PEI Board of Directors

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency department.

If you are unsure what to do about a health issue or if you need health information, call 8-1-1.

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