Health PEI Public and Patient Engagement

Bringing Islanders’ perspectives to health care services and planning

Public and patient engagement is an important responsibility of a developing and responsive health care system. 

Engagement with patients and members of the public ensures:

  • the health care needs of Islanders are communicated and met; 
  • Islanders are educated on matters related to the health system; and 
  • Islanders are supported to play a role in managing their own health. 

What do I need to know about engaging with Health PEI?

Engagement, whether as a patient/family partner on a committee or a member of the public participating in a focus group, is completely voluntary. Islanders with direct experiences as a patient or family member/caregiver can be patient/family volunteers who play a unique role in helping to improve the quality and safety of health services for all Islanders.

Islanders can also participate as members of the general public to help Health PEI leaders, staff and physicians understand Islanders’ needs, priorities and values about health and their health care priorities. Direct experience with the health care system (as a patient or family member/caregiver) is not always required.

Why should I consider being a patient/family member volunteer or participate as a member of the public in an engagement activity?

Participating with Health PEI in engagement can:

  • give you a chance to improve the quality and safety of health care services for you and your family; 
  • provide the opportunity to be a part of meaningful change and make a contribution; 
  • increase your ability to understand and share information with other patients and families about the health system and policies of health care; 
  • provide the opportunity to network with staff, providers and leaders and other advisors; and 
  • expand your knowledge and skills about patient and family-centered care and your health care system.

Why does Health PEI want to engage with me?

Engagement with patients and the public can be helpful to:

  • improve the quality and safety of health care; 
  • increase the knowledge and skills of leaders and staff about the importance of the experience of patients and families; 
  • increase Health PEI’s ability to do better when planning services; and 
  • give a fresh perspective on problems and create innovative solutions.

What can a patient/family member volunteer do?

Patient/family member volunteers can:

  • participate on long-term committees or short-term working groups; 
  • attend focus groups or offer their patient experience story; 
  • speak at conferences and health care events;
  • give feedback about facilities and communications planning;
  • be members of councils and review teams;
  • help educate others by talking about their health care experiences as they relate to improving patient and family-centered care; and 
  • become a patient and community engagement researcher.

Examples of ways Health PEI currently partners with patients and families:

  • Cancer care patient councils and Ethics Committees 
  • Site-based Advisory teams and Steering Committees
  • Long-Term Care Residents’ Councils 
  • Supportive family volunteer programs 
  • Child and Youth Advisory Councils

How can I participate in Health PEI activities as a member of the public?

In addition to patient/family member volunteer work, members of the public can participate in:

Who can I contact for more information about Public and Patient Engagement?

Health PEI
16 Garfield Street
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8


Published date: 
June 16, 2020
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General Inquiries

Health PEI
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-6130
Fax: 902-368-6136

Your Health Privacy

Media Inquiries
Phone: 902-368-6135

Health PEI Board of Directors

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency department.

If you are unsure what to do about a health issue or if you need health information, call 8-1-1.

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