Medical Education Program

The Medical Education Program provides opportunities for undergraduate and visiting postgraduate medical students to gain experience in family medicine and a variety of specialty areas in health care facilities across Prince Edward Island.

What medical schools participate in the PEI Medical Education Program?

Prince Edward Island is a training site for Dalhousie University, Memorial University and Université de Sherbrooke. The Medical Education Program works closely with these schools to assist medical students and residents in securing family medicine and specialty area experiences. 

Where can I receive information about core and elective opportunities?

If you are a medical student or resident enrolled at:

Dalhousie University, Memorial University or Université de Sherbrooke – Students must contact the PEI Medical Education Coordinator for more information about core and elective opportunities.

Any other Canadian or International university:

What types of experiences are offered to undergraduate and postgraduate leaners in PEI?

There are many elective choices offered by a variety of physicians who can provide you with clinical training and mentoring.

Elective choices available in PEI (subject to change):

  • Anaesthesia
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Family Medicine
  • Geriatrics
  • Hospitalist
  • Internal Medicine
  • Laboratory Medicine / Pathology
  • Medical Oncology
  • Neurology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics   
  • Otolaryngology
  • Palliative Care
  • Pediatrics
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Radiation Oncology
  • Radiology
  • Sports Medicine
  • Surgery (General)
  • Urology

What is the registration process for completing a clinical rotation?

Once your placement has been confirmed, the Medical Education Coordinator will advise you of the paperwork requirements, which will be dependent on your learning needs. 

These requirements will ensure:

  • Undergraduate learners are placed on the Medical Education Register with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Prince Edward Island (CPSPEI);
  • Postgraduate learners receive an educational license with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Prince Edward Island (CPSPEI);
  • Learners receive hospital privileges;
  • Learners are in good standing with their home university;
  • Immunizations are up-to-date and meet hospital standards;
  • Confidentiality;
  • Understanding and acceptable use of hospital electronics;
  • Postgraduate learners receive a billing number for prescription and dictation purposes;
  • Postgraduate learners have coverage with the Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA);
  • Learners understand hospital and clinic standards; and
  • Postgraduates provide a sample signature for prescription purposes.

All learners require approval from the Medical Education Program. If you have not received approval, you are not permitted to participate in any rotation, in any hospital or clinic across PEI.

Where will I have physician privileges?

Depending on the preceptor you are assigned to throughout your rotation, you may be granted privileges and access to one or more of the following facilities:


Health Centres


  • Seaside Medical Centre, 51 Main Street


  • Montague Health Centre, 407 MacIntyre Avenue


  • Stratford Medical Centre, 13 Stratford Road, Stratford


  • Boardwalk Professional Centre, 220 Water Street, Charlottetown
  • The Polyclinic, 199 Grafton Street, Charlottetown
  • Four Neighbourhoods Health Centre, 5 Gordon Drive, Charlottetown
  • Parkdale Medical Clinic, 20-24 St. Peter's Road, Charlottetown
  • Sherwood Medical Centre, 15 Brackley Point Road, Charlottetown


  • Wholeness Family Clinic, 20461 Trans Canada Highway, Crapaud


  • Summerside Family Clinic, 535 Granville Street, Summerside
  • Summerside Medical Centre 475 Granville Street, Summerside
  • Sea Isle Medical Centre 516 MacEwan Road, Summerside


  • West Prince Family Health Clinic, 536 Main Street, O'Leary

Where can I get a list of preceptors in PEI?

If you are a student looking for a clinical rotation, there are a variety of practicing, credentialed physicians, also known as preceptors who can provide you with clinical training and mentoring.

For a current list of preceptors in PEI, contact the Medical Education Program.

What is the orientation process?

You will meet with the Medical Education Coordinator and be provided with:

  • a brief tour of key areas within the hospital;
  • a hospital/parking access card;
  • directions to your preceptor’s clinic and their contact information, if required;
  • additional information which may be key to your specific placement;
  • training on the Clinical Information System (electronic patient charting);
  • a username and password for computer access;
  • a resident license with the PEI College of Physicians and Surgeons and billing numbers (if you are a postgraduate); and
  • an orientation of your preceptors practice and clinic (by your preceptor).

Will I be provided with accommodations while on rotation in PEI?

The Medical Education Program does not have dedicated accommodations for medical students and visiting residents. However, a list of suggested accommodations can be provided to you that include options such as room and board, bed and breakfast, private fully furnished homes, basement apartments or lofts. This listing can be obtained from the Medical Education Coordinator and will be provided to the learner upon confirmation of placement. It is the responsibility of the learner to arrange suitable accommodations. The Medical Education Coordinator may assist, only if necessary.

I am a practicing physician in PEI, why should I become a preceptor?

The Medical Education Program is always looking for new preceptors in order to keep up with the increased demand of requests for clinical experiences in PEI. As a teaching site, it is significantly important that we are able to provide adequate opportunities along with diversity to meet increased health care needs.

Reasons to become a preceptor:

  • for the personal satisfaction of watching students grow as professionals;
  • to play a role in educating the next generation of professionals;
  • to gain new perspectives on clinical practice and develop skills in adult education;
  • the opportunity to learn about new technologies and trends in clinical practice;
  • the opportunity to alter or expand services for clients, families and caregivers;
  • to develop supervisory and leadership skills;
  • to recruit new staff;
  • to gain access to university resources (bookstores, software and online libraries);
  • to earn continuing education credits for your professional portfolio;
  • to receive faculty rank; and
  • for opportunities to join faculty committees.

How can I become a preceptor?

All PEI teachers require an academic appointment with Dalhousie University and Memorial University, both for legal reasons (i.e. the ability to sign off on learner evaluations) and for payment purposes (all payments are made through Dalhousie University and Memorial University payroll).

Physicians interested in teaching core rotations must be appointed. Applications for appointment can be obtained from the PEI Medical Education Program.

Are there incentives for medical students completing clinical rotations in PEI?

If you are approved to complete your rotation in PEI, you will be granted free access to certain fitness facilities for the duration of your rotation. Arrangements have been made with the following facilities:

  • Charlottetown – University of PEI
  • Summerside – Iron Haven Gym
  • Alberton – Iron Haven Gym

How many medical school seats are available to Islanders?

Medical school seats are available for Island students at the following universities:

Funding is directed to the university, not the applicant.

What education assistance is available for medical learners?

First year Island medical students are eligible for the 'Black Bag' program. The bag includes a stethoscope, diagnostic kit, and other medical equipment required by students in medical training. This program is co-funded by Health PEI and the Medical Society of PEI

A $500 book allowance is available to second and third year Island medical students attending any Canadian medical school.

Health PEI will pay the $100 license fee to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of PEI on behalf of all medical residents.

How do I contact the Medical Education Program?

Medical Education Program
Medical Education Coordinator
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 8T5

Telephone:  (902) 894-2537
Fax:  (902) 620-3896


Published date: 
January 24, 2022
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General Inquiries

Health PEI
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-6130
Fax: 902-368-6136

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Health PEI Board of Directors

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency department.

If you are unsure what to do about a health issue or if you need health information, call 8-1-1.

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