Child Sexual Abuse

Call 911 or Child Protection Services if you know or suspect that a child needs protection from abuse.  

It is your legal responsibility to report concerns to a peace officer or the Director of Child Protection as soon as possible.

Where can I learn about children’s sexual behaviour and how to respond?

It is normal for children to sometimes behave in sexual ways. However, some types of sexual behaviour in children may be an indication that there is something wrong. A guide to help parents and other caregivers gain knowledge of children’s sexual behaviours and respond appropriately is available in resources.

What happens when child sexual abuse is reported?

When a sexual offence against a child is reported, the police and child protection investigate. 

The Prince Edward Island Child Sexual Abuse Protocol provides guidelines and procedures for professionals for a coordinated response to child sexual abuse. The protocol contains information on the process from reporting of child sexual abuse through to criminal proceedings. The protocol is available in resources.

When a child has been sexual abused, it has an effect on everyone in the family. People often wonder “what happens now?”

Image of booklet cover entitled "What Happens Now: A booklet to help children who have been sexually abused"In PEI, a series of four booklets explains the process for families of children who have been sexually abused and for persons charged with a sexual offence, as follows: 

What Happens Now: A booklet to help children who have been sexually abused

What Happens Now: Information for families of children who have been sexually abused

What Happens Now: For family or friends of a person charged with a sexual offence against a child

What Happens Now: For persons charged with a sexual offence involving a child

What if I am a survivor of sexual abuse?

Individuals and agencies across the province offer counselling and therapy services to survivors of sexual abuse and assault. An inventory of service providers is available in resources.

Where can I find additional resources about child sexual abuse?

View all RESOURCES available on child sexual abuse from Child and Family Services.

What is the role of the Provincial Child Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee?

Since 1986, the Province of Prince Edward Island has been focusing its attention on the issue of child sexual abuse in an effort to raise public awareness and to enhance the level of service provided to child victims of sexual abuse and their families.

The Provincial Child Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee was formed in 1991 with representatives from government and community. The mandate of the committee is to promote a coordinated, informed, cooperative, and collaborative response to child sexual abuse, and to promote public awareness and prevention strategies to reduce the prevalence of child sexual abuse in Prince Edward Island. More information on the committee is available in resources.

Who should I contact for general information about child sexual abuse prevention?

Jill Hume
Associate Director of Child Protection
Child and Family Services

Sherwood Business Centre
161 St. Peters Road, PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8

Telephone: (902) 368-6161

Published date: 
August 22, 2024