Employment Standards in PEI

Workers’ rights are protected under employment legislation in PEI. The Employment Standards Act, Youth Employment Act and other labour laws clarify the rights and obligations of employees and employers and set minimum standards to ensure individuals are treated fairly in the workplace.

What is included under the PEI Employment Standards? 

PEI Employment Standards outline the labour rules and responsibilities in areas such as:

Wages and Work Hours

Every employee in the province must be paid at least the minimum wage and receive additional payment for additional hours worked (overtime). Employees are also entitled to break periods during the work day and vacation with pay. For more information about payment standards and other legal obligations related to hours of work, refer to Hours of Work and Wage Standards

Special Leave

Employees are entitled to time off work for illness, the arrival of a new child or other personal or family matters without threat of losing their job. For details about the type of leave available to employees in PEI, go to Employee Leave Options.  

Other Provisions

Employers in PEI are required to have policies that ensure workers are protected from injury, discrimination and sexual harassment. These obligations are described in more detail as follows:

Human Rights: You cannot deny or limit employment or services or treat someone differently on the basis of certain characteristics or grounds such as age, gender, race or disability.  In PEI, the Human Rights Act protects against discrimination and has a formal complaint process for investigating and adjudicating such claims. For more information, visit Prince Edward Island Human Rights Commission (link is external).

Sexual Harassment: Every employee is entitled to employment free from sexual harassment. You are obligated to have a sexual harassment policy posted in your workplace and ensure all employees are aware of policy requirements. If there is no sexual harassment policy in your workplace, consider using the sample available at Sexual Harassment Policy

Workplace Safety: For information about creating a safe workplace and services to assist with claims and coverage, visit the Workers Compensation Board of PEI. (link is external)

To help PEI employers and workers understand their workplace rights and responsibilities, employment standards and related legislation are summarized in the Guide to Employment Standards. 

What if the Employment Standards Act is not followed?

If employee or employer actions violate the PEI Employment Standards Act and all other attempts to resolve the issue are exhausted, the option exists to file a formal complaint without discrimination to the Employment Standards Board

Who can I contact for information about workplace obligations?

Sherwood Business Centre
161 St. Peters Road
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE
C1A 7N8 
Telephone: (902) 368-5550
Fax: (902) 368-5476

Published date: 
June 6, 2019
Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population

General Inquiries

Labour and Industrial Relations
2nd Floor Sherwood Business Centre
161 St. Peters Road, Suite 230
Charlottetown, PE C1A 5P7

Phone: 902-368-5550
Toll-free: 1-800-333-4362
Fax: 902-368-5476

labourrelations@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)