
Hurricane Fiona relief to NGOs, seniors, social programs and social housing recipients

Islanders who have been impacted by Hurricane Fiona will receive financial support from the Province. 

“We have had devastating impacts from Hurricane Fiona, putting many Islanders in extremely challenging circumstances. Our main priority is to ensure Islanders are safe and have their immediate basic needs met as quickly and efficiently as possible.”

- Social Development and Housing Minister, Matthew MacKay

The following one-time financial assistance will be offered to eligible Islanders:

  • $150 for each social program recipient and dependent (Social Assistance and Assured Income),
  • $150 for each household registered with the Seniors Independence Initiative,
  • $150 for each social housing household (including mobile rental voucher and rental supplement recipients),
  • $100 one-time grocery card to any household with Islander(s) over the age of 65
    • Any senior who previously received an approved one-time senior grocery voucher will automatically receive a $100 grocery voucher through the same delivery method that was previously requested,
    • Any household with Islander(s) over the age of 65 can apply through Hurricane Fiona Senior Grocery Card Support or by calling 2-1-1 who will assist to make applications. 
      • If calling 2-1-1, please be patient as call volume may be high.

Islanders already registered for social assistance, assured income, and social housing will automatically receive payments as early as next week. Any household in receipt of Seniors Independence Initiative benefits will be contacted by Social Programs staff to arrange the best delivery method. 

Funding will also be provided to support community organizations that help people:

  • $200,000 to go to the Adventure Group to offer continued and extra services at the Community Outreach Centre and administer funding to other community support organizations,
  • $500,000 to over a dozen community organizations to support the basic needs of their clients, administered through the United Way of PEI and the Department of Social Development and Housing, 
  • $500,000 to food banks across the Island, and
  • $240,000 to Residential NGOs who provide support to Islanders with disabilities.

Organizations may offer peer support, fuel cards, grocery cards or other options that support the basic needs of their clients. 

Media contact: 
Rebecca Gass
Social Development and Housing (link sends e-mail)

General Inquiries

Department of Social Development and Seniors
2nd Floor, Jones Building
11 Kent Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-620-3777
Toll-free: 1-866-594-3777
Fax: 902-894-0242 (link sends e-mail)