Maximum daily rate adjusted for public long-term-care homes
The maximum daily room rate in public long-term-care homes (manors) is changing from $92.19 to $105.78 per day, to align with private long-term-care rates.
The change takes effect August 1 for new residents entering long-term care. Current residents will see the rate change on October 1, 2023 to allow time to adjust to the new rate. Individuals may use this time to apply to the Subsidization Program if their income does not cover the new rate.
This adjustment is necessary as Health PEI is required to align the public rate with the daily negotiated with the Private Nursing Home Association, which came into effect in March 2023.
“Matching rates between the private and public sector ensures equality in costs for long-term-care residents across PEI for services. It also limits impact on demand for either private sector or public sector homes based on rate differences.”
- Executive Director, Community Health and Seniors Care, Andrew MacDougall
Eighty five percent of Manor residents are already covered by the Long-Term-Care Subsidization Program and will not be affected by the rate change. All current residents who are affected have been notified directly.
Media contact:
Everton McLean
Chief Communications Officer, Health PEI
902-213-1507 (link sends e-mail)