
More curriculum resources for teachers and students

(l-r) Kellie Steele, Cybelle Rieber, Paula Biggar, Min. Responsible for Status of Women, Michelle Jay, Kinley Dowling, Jordan Brown, Min. Education, Early Learning and Culture, Michelle Harris-Genge, Maribeth Rogers Neale and grade 9 students at Stonepark

A new health curriculum resource will be available to Island health classrooms this fall to help teachers engage youth in important sexual health education discussions. 

The Premier’s Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention Youth Engagement Working Group collaborated with Kinley Dowling, educators and community organizations to develop the new curriculum resource, The Microphone Project, for grade nine health classrooms. It was inspired by Dowling’s powerful and award-winning song and music video Microphone. 

“Kinley’s story is one that all too many women recognize and experience. One instance of sexual assault is one too many in our province,” said Paula Biggar, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women. “Kinley’s namesake project is a testament of what can be accomplished when government and community groups work together with the common goal of preventing sexual assault in our province”.

The Microphone Project has four modules:
•    Consent;
•    Gender norms;
•    Bystander intervention; and
•    Sexual assault. 

“The Microphone Project is an invaluable tool that will help our educators and young Islanders address the topics of sexual violence,” said Jordan Brown, Minister of Education, Early Learning and Culture. “The modules cover a wide range of topics that will guide youth in making informed decisions.”

"When I wrote this song I wrote it for myself but after it was released, I realized just how many people were affected by its message," said Dowling. "Jenna MacMillan and I knew we were making something important with the music video, something that is part of the movement to end sexual assault."

"Microphone starts a conversation around consent that has been long overdue. The video is authentic - it’s the first time I said out loud to a friend the details about what happened the night I was sexually assaulted. It’s hard to watch but it is necessary for education and healing. I am so honoured that it has inspired a new resource that will live on in the public school system in PEI."

Learn more about the Microphone Project at 

Media contact:
Vicki Tse 

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Department of Education and Early Years
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