
New benefit provides financial support to primary caregivers

Islanders with a high likelihood of admittance to long-term care may qualify for a new benefit that would enable them to stay in the comfort of their home while receiving ongoing care from a primary caregiver. 

The At Home Caregiver Benefit offers financial assistance to a primary caregiver who is providing a significant amount of unpaid, ongoing help to a person requiring care (care recipient).  The primary caregiver can be a family member, friend or neighbour helping with housework, finances, shopping, transportation, personal care, meals or other support. 

“Many Islanders want to age in place and living at home can be a safe option with the ongoing care and support of caregivers. This is the initial phase of this benefit with expansion to other groups planned for the future. We hope this benefit will provide unpaid primary caregivers with the financial means to continue supporting the care recipient so they can stay in the home and community they know and love.”

- Health and Wellness Minister Mark McLane

The monthly benefit is between $250- $1,500 depending on the care recipient’s household income. It is paid to the person receiving care who will then make the payment to their primary caregiver. 

Beginning July 15, people can call 1-800-371-8245 for more information and to be connected with a local home care office for an assessment. If the care recipient is deemed clinically eligible, they can request their application to be completed by a supports coordinator with the Department of Social Development and Seniors. 

Care recipients must have significant needs and will be at high likelihood of requiring long-term care admission, but it is not necessary for them to be on the long-term care waitlist to receive this benefit.

The benefit is being offered by the Department of Health and Wellness in partnership with Health PEI and the Department of Social Development and Seniors.  

“By providing financial support to at-home caregivers, the province is recognizing the immense value these people provide to residents and the island health system,” said the CEO of Health PEI, Melanie Fraser. 

As of 2022, there were 34,664 Island residents 65+ comprising 20.3 per cent of the PEI population, compared to the 18.8 per cent national average. This benefit could help hundreds of Island seniors stay in their own home longer.  Some people under age 65 may also be eligible to receive the benefit.  

For more information, visit: At Home Caregiver Benefit; phone: (902) 367-3893; Toll free: 1 (800) 371-8245 or Email: caregiverbenefit@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)

Media contact:
Maureen Coulter
Department of Health and Wellness
maureencoulter@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)

General Inquiries

Department of Health and Wellness
4th Floor North, Shaw Building
105 Rochford Street
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-6414
Fax: 902-368-4121

DeptHW@gov.pe.ca (link sends e-mail)