
Statement by Premier Dennis King 

Hon. Dennis King, Premier of Prince Edward Island issued the following statement after participating in the First Ministers Meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau and fellow Premiers from across the country: 

“Earlier today, I participated in the First Ministers Meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau and my fellow Premiers from across the country to discuss the federal Emergencies Act in light of the blockades happening across the country.

I respect the democratic right to express individual views and opinions, and I have always respected the right to a protest that follows the laws of our country.  But, the incidents we are seeing across the country are troubling.  

I know that Islanders are tired and exhausted of this pandemic – I am too.  While there are Islanders who wish to see a rapid end of public health protocols, to date their sharing of those opinions and views has been done democratically and peacefully. 

I expressed my concern for my colleagues across the country that are experiencing extreme behaviors, blocked borders, supply chain disruptions and halting our economy unlawfully.  I expressed to the Prime Minister and my colleagues that while the Emergencies Act wasn’t required at this time for Prince Edward Island, I respect the decision to provide further assistance to those provinces requiring it. 

I also encouraged the Prime Minister and Premiers that our words and actions matter. I believe it is important for all political leaders across the country – and across all political parties – to dial down the rhetoric, to recognize and try to better understand the issues that divide us, in particular those that have been exposed through the last 23 months during this pandemic.

We have an important responsibility, as leaders, to begin to reshape the national conversation with the Canadian values of reason, respect, understanding and tolerance.”

Media Contact: 
Adam Ross
Office of the Premier 

General Inquiries

Office of the Premier
5th Floor South, Shaw Building
95 Rochford Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-4400
Fax: 902-368-4416
