
Statement by Premier King on the passing of Francis “Junior” O’Brien

Premier Dennis King issued the following statement today on the passing of Francis “Junior” O’Brien: 

“Junior O’Brien was a proud Islander and family man who ably served his community and the people of 2nd Kings as a Member of the Legislative Assembly for many years, and his loss is being felt by many today.

Junior was born in 1927 and, after receiving his education at local schools, he worked as a farmer for most of his life, specializing in mink and beef, while helping raise a family of twelve children. As an engaged member of his community, Junior was involved with organizations such as the Knights of Columbus, Morell Co-op, Morell Credit Union, Morell Chevy’s baseball club, Knights of Columbus and the Caledonia Club for many years. 

Elected as the Assemblyman for 2nd Kings in the General Election of 1982, Junior was re-elected in 1986. Active on Legislative Committees, he chaired the Standing Committee on Transportation during the government of the Honourable Jim Lee.

Junior had a well-earned reputation as a good constituency person who cared deeply about the people he served. He was also a gifted storyteller, and I will treasure the many chats we had at the ball field that always ended in laughter and smiles. My thoughts and sympathies are with Junior’s family and friends during this difficult time.”

Media Contact:
Amanda Hamel
Executive Director, Communications and Public Affairs
Office of the Premier
(902) 368-4400

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