Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 200 of 416 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Abeywardane, Kalana
Food Services Manager
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8250 Fax: 902-888-8247 kdabeywardane@gov.pe.ca
Acorn, Jamie
Youth Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8250 Fax: 902-888-8247 jracorn@gov.pe.ca
Affleck, Lindy
Sexual Offence Assessment and Treatment Specialist
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Clinical Services
Tel: 902-368-6391 Fax: 902-368-5644 lbaffleck@gov.pe.ca
Allison, Peter F.
Chief Legislative Counsel
Justice and Public Safety
Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services
Legislative Counsel Office
Tel: (902) 368-4553 Fax: (902) 368-5176 pfallison@gov.pe.ca
Anderson, Katrina
Therapeutics Court Coordinator
Justice and Public Safety
Justice Policy and FPT Relations
Arbing, Shawn
Manager, Security & Intelligence
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Tel: 902-218-5630 smarbing@gov.pe.ca
Arnold, Della
Administrative Assistant
Justice and Public Safety
Financial and Consumer Services Division
Consumer Services
Tel: 902-368-4504 Fax: 902-368-5283 dearnold@gov.pe.ca
Arsenault, Andy J
Food Service Cook
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 368-4590 Fax: (902) 368-5834 ajarsenault@gov.pe.ca
Arsenault, Felix M J
Je parle français
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 888-8250 Fax: (902) 888-8247 fmarsenault@gov.pe.ca
Arsenault, Kevin J.
Casual Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8211 Fax: 902-888-8464 kjarsenault@gov.pe.ca
Arsenault, Michelle I
Justice and Public Safety
Legal Aid
Summerside Location
Tel: (902) 888-8065 Fax: (902) 438-4071 miarsenault@gov.pe.ca
Arsenault, Robert
Deputy Fire Marshal
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Fire Marshal's Office
Tel: 902-368-4869 Fax: 902-368-5526 robarsenault@gov.pe.ca
Atchison, Marguerite C
Child Support Guidlines Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-368-6220 Fax: 902-368-6934 mcatchison@gov.pe.ca
Atkinson, Anthony
Conservation Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Investigation and Enforcement
Tel: 902-218-2951 adlatkinson@gov.pe.ca
Aylward, Kelly
Youth Justice Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-888-8357 Fax: 902-888-8214 kellyaaylward@gov.pe.ca
Baglole, Janice H.
Court Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 888-8197 Fax: (902) 888-8222 jhbaglole@gov.pe.ca
Bailey, Jessica
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-368-4590 jsbailey@gov.pe.ca
Baltzer, Kelsey
Court Stenographer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6039 Fax: 902-368-6123 kbaltzer@gov.pe.ca
Barbour, Blair
Legislative Specialist
Justice and Public Safety
Justice Policy and FPT Relations
Tel: 902-213-1219 Bwbarbour@gov.pe.ca
Barrow, Andrew K
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 368-4590 Fax: (902) 368-5834 arbarrow@gov.pe.ca
Batchilder, David
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 368-4590 Fax: (902) 368-5834 dbbatchilder@gov.pe.ca
Beck, Nathan
Crown Attorney
Justice and Public Safety
Crown Attorneys Office
Summerside Location
Tel: 902-888-8213 Fax: 902-888-8224 natbeck@gov.pe.ca
Bedard, Danielle
Administrative Support
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-368-6940 Fax: 902-368-6934 drbedard@gov.pe.ca
Bell, Darcy
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 368-4590 Fax: (902) 368-5834 darcybell@gov.pe.ca
Belyea, Jordan
Correctional Supervisor
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-368-5844 Fax: 902-368-5834 jtbelyea@gov.pe.ca
Bernard, Sheila
Child Support Guidelines Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-368-6068 Fax: 902-368-6934 sxbernard@gov.pe.ca
Birt, Jillian
Licensing & Registry Services Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Financial and Consumer Services Division
Consumer Services
Tel: 902-368-4550 Cell: 902-368-6122 jbirt@gov.pe.ca
Bourgeios, Wanda P
Community Youth Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: (902) 838-0988 Fax: (902) 838-0646 wpbourgeois@gov.pe.ca
Bradley, Robert A
Superintendent of Insurance
Justice and Public Safety
Financial and Consumer Services Division
Insurance and Real Estate
Tel: (902) 368-6478 Fax: (902) 368-5283 RABRADLEY@gov.pe.ca
Brasseur, Samson
Crown Attorney
Justice and Public Safety
Crown Attorneys Office
Charlottetown Location
Tel: 902-368-4595 sbrasseur@gov.pe.ca
Brown, Ryan
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8250 Fax: 902-888-8247 jrbrown@gov.pe.ca
Bryenton, Beverley
Fine Collection Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6030 Fax: 902-368-6210 bevbryenton@gov.pe.ca
Bulman, Chris
Education Specialist
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Tel: (902) 888-8250 Fax: (902) 888-8247
Bulmer, Jolene
Child Support Guidelines Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-368-6220 jbulmer@gov.pe.ca
Burke, Diane
Indigenous Caseworker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Clinical Services
Tel: 902-569-7765 Fax: 902-368-5644 dburke@gov.pe.ca
Burleigh, Susan
Safe Parenting Time Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Busch, Mary
Administrative Support
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-368-5872 mlbusch@gov.pe.ca
Butler, Bonnie P
Community Youth Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: (902) 838-0640 Fax: (902) 838-0646 bpbutler@gov.pe.ca
Butler, Neale
Bilingual Enforcement Officer/ISO
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-894-0383 Fax: 902-368-6934 njbutler@gov.pe.ca
Byrne, Patrick
Youth Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8250 Fax: 902-888-8247 ptbyrne@gov.pe.ca
Campbell, Benjamin
Justice and Public Safety
Legal Aid
Charlottetown Location
Tel: 902-888-8220 Fax: 902-438-4071 bpcampbell@gov.pe.ca
Campbell, Emily
Deputy Director & Crown Attorney
Justice and Public Safety
Crown Attorneys Office
Charlottetown Location
Tel: 902-288-1107 Fax: 902-368-5812 ecampbell@gov.pe.ca
Campbell, Kelly
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 368-4590 Cell: (902) 368-5834 kdcampbell@gov.pe.ca
Campbell, Mark F
Youth Intervention Outreach Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Campbell, Mark E
Departmental Solicitor
Justice and Public Safety
Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services
Legal Services
Tel: (902) 368-4557 Fax: (902) 368-4563 mecampbell@gov.pe.ca
Campbell, Sarah
Administrative Support
Justice and Public Safety
Legal Aid
Charlottetown Location
Tel: 902-368-6656 Fax: 902-368-6122 sarahcampbell@gov.pe.ca
Caseley, Paxton
Safe Parenting Time Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Chaisson, Catherine A.
Children's Lawyer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-368-4842 Fax: 902-368-5335 cachaisson@gov.pe.ca
Champion-Brown, Lindsey
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8208 Fax: 902-888-8464 llchampion@gov.pe.ca
Charles, Katherine
Administrative Coordinator
Justice and Public Safety
Justice Policy and FPT Relations
Tel: 902-370-6931 kgcharles@gov.pe.ca
Chen, Crystal
Safe Parenting Time Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Chisholm, John D
Deputy Fire Marshal
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Fire Marshal's Office
Tel: (902) 620-3128 Fax: (902) 368-5526 jdchisholm@gov.pe.ca
Christian, Janet M
Legislative Counsel
Justice and Public Safety
Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services
Legislative Counsel Office
Tel: (902) 368-4295 Fax: (902) 368-5176 jmchristian@gov.pe.ca
Christian, Veronica
Mental Health Therapist
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Clinical Services
Tel: 902-368-6632 Fax: 902-368-5644 vechristian@gov.pe.ca
Clark, Linda I
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Firearms Office
Tel: 902-368-5536 Fax: 902-368-5834 liclark@gov.pe.ca
Clark, Stacey
Victim Services Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Victim Services
Tel: 902-888-8218 staceyclark@gov.pe.ca
Clements, Jonah
Deputy Minister
Justice and Public Safety
Minister's Office
Tel: 902-368-5152 Fax: 902-368-4910 jrkclements@gov.pe.ca
Clow, Cathy M P
Legal Secretary
Justice and Public Safety
Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services
Legal Services
Tel: (902) 368-4851 Fax: (902) 368-4563 cclow@gov.pe.ca
Coady MacAulay, Loretta L K.C.
Senior Policy Advisor
Justice and Public Safety
Justice Policy and FPT Relations
Tel: 1-902-569-7782 llmacaulay@gov.pe.ca
Collicutt, Brad
Outreach Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-675-7480 bwcollicutt@edu.pe.ca
Collicutt, Philip
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 368-4590 Fax: (902) 368-5834 pjcollicutt@gov.pe.ca
Collicutt, Sheldon J
Youth Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: (902) 888-8250 Fax: (902) 888-8247
Collier, Chelsea
Legal Secretary
Justice and Public Safety
Tel: 902-368-6522 ccollier@gov.pe.ca
Collier, Richard
Department Solicitor
Justice and Public Safety
Tel: 902-368-5064 racollier@gov.pe.ca
Condon, Chelsey
Clinical Services Therapist
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Clinical Services
Tel: 902-288-1091 cmcondon@ihis.org
Connolly, Brody
Public Safety Director
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Tel: 902-620-3500 Fax: 902-368-6362 bconnolly@gov.pe.ca
Connolly, Grace
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-368-4590 gjconnolly@gov.pe.ca
Connor, Hans
Departmental Solicitor
Justice and Public Safety
Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services
Legal Services
Tel: 902-368-4594 Fax: 902-368-4563 hcconnor@gov.pe.ca
Cook, Nancy D
Case management
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 368-6022 Fax: (902) 368-6123 ndcook@gov.pe.ca
Cooper, Tony
Deputy Fire Marshal
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Fire Marshal's Office
Tel: 902-368-4893 Fax: 902-368-5526 ttcooper@gov.pe.ca
Cormier, Jalene
Administrative Support
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Tel: 902-888-8252 Fax: 902-888-8247 jalenecormier@gov.pe.ca
Cormier, Morgan
Judicial Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Tel: 902-368-6030 Fax: 902-368-6210 mccormier@gov.pe.ca
Costain, Jordann
Outreach Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-859-0390 jtcostain@gov.pe.ca
Craig, Chris
Probation Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-859-8806 Fax: 902-859-8709 ccraig@gov.pe.ca
Craig, Mitchell D
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 368-4590 Fax: (902) 368-5834 dmcraig@gov.pe.ca
Crawford, Ginette M
Outreach Worker
Je parle français
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8470 Fax: 902-888-8214 gmcrawford@gov.pe.ca
Creed, Eric
Youth Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8250 Fax: 902-888-8247 eecreed@ihis.org
Cudmore, Juanita M
Legal Secretary
Justice and Public Safety
Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services
Legal Services
Tel: (902) 368-4378 Fax: (902) 368-4563 mjcudmore@gov.pe.ca
Davison, Caroline
Justice and Public Safety
Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services
Legal Services
Tel: 902-368-5145 carolinedavison@gov.pe.ca
Deagle, Corinne
Administrative Support
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-888-8200 Fax: 902-888-8214 cmdeagle@gov.e.ca
Deagle, Karen
DFAA Program Analyst
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Emergency Measures Organization
Tel: 902-213-6786 Fax: 902-368-6362 kedeagle@gov.pe.ca
DeMone, Ruth M
Departmental Solicitor
Je parle français
Justice and Public Safety
Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services
Legal Services
Tel: (902) 368-5486 Fax: (902) 368-4563 RMDEMONE@gov.pe.ca
Denham, Debby W
Finance Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Finance and Corporate Services

Treasury Board Secretariat
Corporate Finance
Tel: 902-368-4976 Fax: 902-368-5830 dwdenham@gov.pe.ca
DesRoches, Dina A
Clinical Services Therapist
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Clinical Services
Tel: 902-368-6390 Fax: 902-368-5644 dadesroches@gov.pe.ca
DesRoches, Marya J
HR Officer
Public Service Commission
HR Management and Labour Relations

Justice and Public Safety
Finance and Corporate Services
Tel: 902-368-5320 Fax: 902-368-3959 mjdesroches@gov.pe.ca
DesRoches, Mitchell
Outreach Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-859-0390 mddesroches@gov.pe.ca
Desroches, Patrick
Conservation Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Investigation and Enforcement
Tel: 902-854-7250 Fax: 902-854-7255 psdesroches@gov.pe.ca
Diamond, John R K.C.
Director of Prosecution
Justice and Public Safety
Crown Attorneys Office
Charlottetown Location
Tel: 902-368-4595 Fax: 902-368-5812 jrdiamond@gov.pe.ca
Dickson, Kathryn E
FOIPP Analyst
Justice and Public Safety
Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services
Access and Privacy Services Office
Tel: 902-314-2171 Cell: 902-314-2171 kedickson@gov.pe.ca
Doiron, Katie
Administrative Support
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Corporate Services
Tel: 902-569-7680 Fax: 902-569-7711 kvdoiron@gov.pe.ca
Donovan, Jayden
Court Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Doran, Chantel
Victim Services Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Victim Services
Tel: 902-368-4582 ctdoran@gov.pe.ca
Doucette, Bryce
Public Safety Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Emergency Measures Organization
Tel: 902-916-1036 Fax: 902-368-6322 brycedoucette@gov.pe.ca
Doucette, Connie
Judicial Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Tel: 902-888-8188 codoucette@gov.pe.ca
Doucette, Mark
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8208 Fax: 902-888-8464 mxdoucette@gov.pe.ca
Dow Baker, Bobbi-Jo
Justice and Public Safety
Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services
Access and Privacy Services Office
Cell: 902-218-5614 bjdowbaker@gov.pe.ca
Dowling, Marianne
Justice and Public Safety
Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services
Legislative Counsel Office
Tel: 902-368-4269 mariannedowling@gov.pe.ca
Dowling, Steve D
Justice and Public Safety
Financial and Consumer Services Division
Tel: 902-368-4551 Fax: 902-368-5283 sddowling@gov.pe.ca
Doyle, Bob
Probation Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-838-0642 902-687-7017 Fax: 902-838-0646 bdoyle@gov.pe.ca
Doyle, George J.
Chief Sheriff
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6055 Fax: 902-368-6571 gjdoyle@gov.pe.ca
Doyle, Taylor
Youth worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8250 tadoyle@gov.pe.ca
Drake Pirch, Melynda
Youth Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8250 Fax: 902-888-8247 madrakepirch@gov.pe.ca
Driscoll, Madelyn
Legal Counsel and Policy Advisor
Justice and Public Safety
Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services
Legislative Counsel Office
Tel: 902-368-5624 madelyndriscoll@ocyapei.ca
Drover, Ann Marie
Administrative Support
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Clinical Services
Tel: 902-368-5311 Fax: 902-368-5644 amdrover@gov.pe.ca
Duffy, Mallory
Victim Services Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Victim Services
Tel: 902-218-0629 Fax: 902-368-4514 malloryduffy@gov.pe.ca
Duffy, Phil
Victim Services Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Victim Services
Tel: 902-368-5154 Fax: 902-368-4514 pvduffy@gov.pe.ca
Dunn, Amanda D
Administrative Support
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 368-4721 Fax: (902) 368-5834 adunn@gov.pe.ca
Dunn, Jarrod
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 368-4590 Fax: (902) 368-5834 jrdunn@gov.pe.ca
Dunn, Kyle
Youth Intervention Outreach Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-394-2107 kldunn@gov.pe.ca
Dunn, Wilma
Justice and Public Safety
Tel: (902) 368-6000 Fax: (902) 368-0266 wadunn@gov.pe.ca
Dyke, Michelle
Administrative Support
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-368-5833 mldyke@gov.pe.ca
Edwards, Brian L
Youth Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 888-8250 Fax: (902) 888-8247
Ellis, Chris
Outreach Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-888-8180 902-888-8470 Fax: 902-888-8214 crellis@gov.pe.ca
Ellis, David L
Youth Intervention Outreach Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: (902) 432-1343 Fax: (902) 436-4118 dellis@city.summerside.pe.ca
Ellis, Shannon L
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-432-2848 Fax: 902-432-2851 slellis@gov.pe.ca
Ellsworth, Brendon M
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 368-4590 Fax: (902) 368-5834 bellsworth@gov.pe.ca
Ellsworth, Kaily
Deputy Sheriff/Screening Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Tel: 902-888-8125 Fax: 902-432-2756 kkellsworth@gov.pe.ca
Essery, Maggy
Administrative Assistant to the Director
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Tel: 902-620-3632 Fax: 902-368-6362 messery@gov.pe.ca
Falcon, Donovan
Casual Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8208 Fax: 902-888-8646 defalcon@gov.pe.ca
Farrar, Alex
Assistant Research & Admin
Justice and Public Safety
Farrar, Laura
Admin Support
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Tel: 902-368-6061 Fax: 902-368-4579 lfarrar@gov.pe.ca
Fisher, Chantal
Deputy Public Trustee
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Office of the Public Trustee and Public Guardian
Tel: 902-368-4561 Fax: 902-368-5335 clfisher@gov.pe.ca
Fleischmann, Michael
Acting Director of Legal and Legislative Services
Justice and Public Safety
Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services
Tel: 902-368-4554 mfleischmann@gov.pe.ca
Fletcher, Sarah
Outreach Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-675-7480 smfletcher@gov.pe.ca
Flynn, Bobbi Jo
Director of Policy and FPT Relations
Justice and Public Safety
Justice Policy and FPT Relations
Tel: 1-902-620-3677 bjflynn@gov.pe.ca
Flynn, David
Firearms Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Firearms Office
Tel: 902-368-4585 Fax: 902-368-5198 dflynn@gov.pe.ca
Forrest, Emily
Clinician, Family Court Conciliation Office
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-218-3663 Fax: 902-368-4410 elforrest@gov.pe.ca
Foster, Gordon D
Correctional Officer Supervisor
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-368-5844 Fax: 902-368-5834 gdfoster@gov.pe.ca
Francis, Elaine
Administrative Support
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Tel: 902-288-1446 Fax: 902-368-6934 efrancis@gov.pe.ca
Francis, Tom F J
Correctional Officer Supervisor
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 368-5844 Fax: (902) 368-5834 tffrancis@gov.pe.ca
Fraser, Kylie
HR Manager
Public Service Commission
HR Management and Labour Relations

Justice and Public Safety
Finance and Corporate Services
Tel: 902-368-4629 Fax: 902-368-3959 kfraser@gov.pe.ca
Gagne, Matthew
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-368-4590 Fax: 902-368-5834 mgagne@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Ben
Casual Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8208 Fax: 902-888-8464 benjgallant@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Brad
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8211 Fax: 902-888-8464 bmgallant@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Darrell J
Restorative Justice Coordinator
Justice and Public Safety
Justice Policy and FPT Relations
Tel: 1-902-368-6619 darrellgallant@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Jacob
Deputy Sheriff
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-888-8192 Fax: 902-432-2756 jrgallant@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, John Barry (JB)
Youth Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8250 Fax: 902-888-8247 jbgallant@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Kathy L
Court Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 888-8197 Fax: (902) 888-8222
Gallant, Mark L. LLB
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6241 Fax: 902-368-5335 mlgallant@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Sheila F.
Court Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 368-6024 Fax: (902) 368-6774 sfgallant@gov.pe.ca
Garcia, Patti
Outreach Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-368-6985 jpgarcia@edu.pe.ca
Garlick, Tyler J
Correctional Officer Supervisor
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-368-5844 Fax: 902-368-5834 tjgarlick@gov.pe.ca
Garnhum, Luanne
Community Youth Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-368-4990 Fax: 902-368-4579 ljgarnhum@gov.pe.ca
Gaudet, Pierre D
Youth Centre Supervisor
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8238 Fax: 902-888-8247 pdgaudet@gov.pe.ca
Gill, Michelle
Outreach Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-838-0835 mrgill@edu.pe.ca
Gillan, Danielle
Policy Analyst
Justice and Public Safety
Justice Policy and FPT Relations
Tel: 902-368-4586 dmgillan@gov.pe.ca
Gillis, Sherry E K.C.
Justice and Public Safety
Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services
Legal Services
Tel: 902-368-4946 Fax: 902-368-4563 segillis@gov.pe.ca
Gosson, Jennifer A
Provincial Coordinator - Electronic Supervision Program
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-628-5747 Fax: 902-569-7711 jagosson@gov.pe.ca
Gotell, Kevin J
Judicial Clerk and Deputy Sheriff for Fines Collection
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: (902) 652-8990 Fax: (902) 652-8992 kjgotell@gov.pe.ca
Goulden, Lisa L
Q.C & Senior Crown Attorney
Justice and Public Safety
Crown Attorneys Office
Charlottetown Location
Tel: 902-368-4595 Fax: 902-368-5812 llgoulden@gov.pe.ca
Grady, Dwight
Youth Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: (902) 888-8250 Fax: (902) 888-8247
Grady, Jayelee
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Victim Services
Tel: 902-368-4584 Fax: 902-368-4514 jcgrady@gov.pe.ca
Grady, Justin
Youth Intervention Outreach Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-853-9000 Fax: 902-853-4324 justingrady@gov.pe.ca
Graham, Mike
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Tel: (902) 368-4590 Fax: (902) 368-5834
Gray, Lisa
Court Stenographer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6666 Fax: 902-368-6123 lisagray@GOV.PE.CA
Gunn , Chris
Chief Firearms Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Firearms Office
Tel: 902-218-4140 Fax: 902-368-5198 chrisgunn@gov.pe.ca
Hamm, Jackie M.
Administrative Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Legal Aid
Charlottetown Location
Tel: (902) 368-6016 Fax: (902) 368-6122 jmhamm@gov.pe.ca
Handrahan, Lisa L
Probation Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: (902) 888-8137 Fax: (902) 888-8214 llhandrahan@gov.pe.ca
Hannah, Sarah
Clinician, Family Court Conciliation Office
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-218-0627 Fax: 902-368-4410 sroachhannah@gov.pe.ca
Hardy, Natasha
Youth Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8250 Fax: 902-888-8247 nhardy@gov.pe.ca
Hargrove, Joanne M
Turning Point Coordinator
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Clinical Services
Tel: 902-368-6392 Fax: 902-368-5644 jmhargrove@gov.pe.ca
Harkness, Dean
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 888-8211 Fax: (902) 888-8464 dwharkness@gov.pe.ca
Harvey, Tyler
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 368-4590 Fax: (902) 368-5834 tlharvey@gov.pe.ca
Hatton, James G.
FOIPP Coordinator
Justice and Public Safety
Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services
Access and Privacy Services Office
Tel: (902) 368-6920 jghatton@gov.pe.ca
Henderson, Clare
Director, Family Law and Court Services
Justice and Public Safety
Tel: (902) 368-4794 Fax: (902) 368-6934 chenderson@gov.pe.ca
Hennessy, Danielle
Manager Youth Justice Services
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-368-6063 Fax: 902-368-4579 dehennessy@gov.pe.ca
Hennessy, Danielle
Manager Youth Justice Services
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-368-6063 Fax: 902-368-4579 dehennessy@gov.pe.ca
Hickey, Christopher
Child Support Guidelines Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-368-6068 Fax: 902-368-6934 chickey@gov.pe.ca
Holland, Lisa
FOIPP Analyst
Justice and Public Safety
Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services
Access and Privacy Services Office
Tel: 902-569-0568 laholland@gov.pe.ca
Hopkinson, Pam
Regulatory Services Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Financial and Consumer Services Division
Tel: 902-916-0875 plhopkinson@gov.pe.ca
Howatt, Adele
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Tel: 902-368-4590 Fax: 902-368-5834 adeleshowatt@gov.pe.ca
Huggan, Heather
HR Assistant
Public Service Commission
HR Management and Labour Relations

Justice and Public Safety
Finance and Corporate Services
Tel: 902-368-5270 HMHUGGAN@gov.pe.ca
Hulton, Kristina
Policy & Planning Coordinator
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Tel: 902-894-0385 Fax: 902-368-6322 khulton@gov.pe.ca
Hyde, Alex
Acting Coordinator
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Tel: 902-218-3287 Fax: 902-368-4410 adhyde@gov.pe.ca
Inman, Sharon
Correctional Programs Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-368-4232 Fax: 902-368-5834 soinman@gov.pe.ca
Jagoe, Nick
Public Safety Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Emergency Measures Organization
Tel: 902-213-0821 Fax: 902-368-6322 njagoe@gov.pe.ca
Jarmyn, Thomas
Director of Access and Privacy Services Office
Justice and Public Safety
Tel: 902-314-7399 tjarmyn@gov.pe.ca
Jenkins, Taylor
Executive Assistant to the Minister
Justice and Public Safety
Minister's Office
Tel: 902-370-5800 tayjenkins@gov.pe.ca
Jewell, Charlotte S
Probation Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-368-6059 Fax: 902-368-4579 csjewell@gov.pe.ca
Johnson, Cody
Enforcement Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-894-0383 Fax: 902-368-6934 jcjohnson@gov.pe.ca
Johnson, Katie
Outreach Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: 902-368-6985 katiejohnson@edu.pe.ca
Johnston, Judy L
Vital Statistics Clerk
Justice and Public Safety
Financial and Consumer Services Division
Vital Statistics
Tel: (902) 838-0882 Fax: (902) 838-0883 jljohnston@ihis.org
Jones, Locke F
Conservation Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Investigation and Enforcement
Tel: (902) 838-0600 Fax: (902) 838-0610 lfjones@gov.pe.ca
Jones, Lynn
Victim Services Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Victim Services
Tel: 902-888-8217 lynnajones@gov.pe.ca
Jones, Tracy
Policy Analyst
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Policing Services
Tel: 902-218-4114 Fax: 902-368-6362 tracyjones@gov.pe.ca
Judson, Stephen W.
Enforcement/ISO Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-894-0383 Fax: 902-368-6934 swjudson@gov.pe.ca
Karczynski, Kyle
JPS - Civic Addressing Coordinator
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Emergency Measures Organization
Tel: 902-368-6361 Fax: 902-368-6362 kkarczynski@gov.pe.ca
Keefe-Hogan, Lauren
Registry and Licensing Counsel
Justice and Public Safety
Financial and Consumer Services Division
Tel: 902-368-6478 Cell: 902-218-1389 llkeefehogan@gov.pe.ca
Keen, Christina
Victim Services Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Victim Services
Tel: 902-368-4785 cmkeen@gov.pe.ca
Kelly, Carolyn S
Correctional Officer Supervisor
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-368-5844 Fax: 902-368-5834 carkelly@gov.pe.ca
Kelly, Pat J.
Provincial Coordinator
Justice and Public Safety
Public Safety
Emergency Measures Organization
Tel: 902-894-0299 Fax: 902-368-6362 pjkelly@gov.pe.ca
Kennedy, Ron
Casual Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8208 Fax: 902-888-8464 rskennedy@gov.pe.ca
Kerr, Ericia
Administrative Support
Justice and Public Safety
Legal Aid
Charlottetown Location
Tel: 902-368-6043 Fax: 902-368-6122 ericiakerr@gov.pe.ca
Kilbride, Rachel
Senior Enforcement/ISO Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Family Law Section
Tel: 902-894-0383 902-213-2082 Fax: 902-368-6934 rjkilbride@gov.pe.ca
Knockwood, Carol
Admin Support
Justice and Public Safety
Family Law and Court Services
Office of the Public Trustee and Public Guardian
Tel: 902-368-6281 Fax: 902-368-5335 CJKNOCKWOOD@gov.pe.ca
Knox, Bethany
Justice Innovations Manager
Justice and Public Safety
Justice Policy and FPT Relations
Tel: 902-368-6619 beknox@gov.pe.ca
Knox, Robyn
Correctional Officer
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: (902) 368-4590 Fax: (902) 368-5834 rsknox@gov.pe.ca
Lajeunesse, Robin
Youth Worker
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Correctional Programs
Tel: 902-888-8250 Fax: 902-888-8247 rblajeunesse@gov.pe.ca
Lannigan, Kanda J
Administrative Support
Justice and Public Safety
Community and Correctional Services
Community Programs
Tel: (902) 368-4587 Fax: (902) 368-4579 klannigan@gov.pe.ca
Larsen, Jo-Anne H
A/Manager, Vital Statistics
Justice and Public Safety
Financial and Consumer Services Division
Vital Statistics
Tel: (902) 838-0884 Fax: (902) 838-0883 jhlarsen@ihis.org