Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Adegbembo, Dr. Albert O
Senior Dental Consultant
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-368-4915 Fax: 902-368-4922 Toll-free: 866-368-5460 aoadegbembo@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Ashley, Ruthie
Administrative Support, Public Health Nursing (West Prince)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-859-8720 Fax: 902-859-0399 rbashley@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Bartlett-Bitar, Jennifer
Manager, Speech Language Pathology and Audiology
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-368-6465 Fax: 902-620-3195 jlbartlett-bitar@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Clow, Norma
Administrative Support, Public Health Nursing (Central)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-620-3207 Fax: 902-368-4497 njclow@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Davidson, Allan
Acting Manager, Community Nutrition and School Therapy Occupational Therapy
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-368-4414 Fax: 902-620-3917 ajdavidson@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Davies, Valerie
Manager, Public Health Nursing (East)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-838-0766 Fax: 902-838-0803 vmdavies@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
DeWolfe, Dr. Nadine
Supervising Psychologist, Pediatric Psychology
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-368-6638 Fax: 902-620-3860 nadewolfe@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Dickson-Clark, Jenny
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-218-0616 jdicksonclark@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Dingwell-Rose, Jana
Manager, Provincial Dental Programs
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-368-4917 Fax: 902-368-4922 jcldingwell@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Dixon, Deborah
Administrative Assistant, Public Health Nursing (Montague)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-838-0762 Fax: 902-838-0803 dfdixon@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Gallant, Crista
Administrative Support, Public Health Nursing (East Prince)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-438-4047 Fax: 902-888-8153 cdgallant@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Gordon, Stephanie
Director, Public Health and Children's Developmental Services
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-569-7646 Fax: 902-569-0579 slgordon@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Greenan, Shawn
Provincial Hep C Treatment Program Coordinator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-569-7642 Fax: 902-569-7633 sagreenan@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Howlett, Louise
Administrative Assistant, Pediatric Psychology Services
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-620-3789 Fax: 902-620-3860 lhowlett@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Lewis, Judy
Administrative Support, Speech Language Pathology
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-368-4437 Fax: 902-620-3195 Toll-free: 844-344-8255 jmlewis@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
McNeill, Marisa
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-569-7641 Fax: 902-569-0597 mmcneill@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Mihalijevich, Dr. Amy
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-368-5460 amihalijevich@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Mosher, Jillian
Manager, Public Health Nursing (Central)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-368-4532 Fax: 902-368-4497 jrmosher@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Pinkham, Shalyn
Children with Complex Needs Coordinator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
slpinkham@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Thompson, Yvonne
School Therapy Occupational Therapist (STOT) Supervisor
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-620-3034 Fax: 902-620-3917 ycthompson@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Williams, Cathy
Administrative Support, Home Care / Public Health Nursing (Souris)
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: 902-687-7096 Fax: 902-687-7048 cdwilliams@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)
Wright, Kelley
Manager, Public Health Nursing (West)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-888-8167 Fax: 902-888-8153 kmwright@ihis.org (link sends e-mail)