Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 750 of 750 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Acorn, Debbie
Clinical MH Therapist
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-838-0960 Fax: 902-838-0961 daacorn@gov.pe.ca
Adams, Katie
HR Analyst
Health PEI
Human Resources
HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development
Tel: 902-916-1346 katieadams@ihis.org
Adegbembo, Dr. Albert O
Senior Dental Consultant
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-368-4915 Fax: 902-368-4922 Toll-free: 866-368-5460 aoadegbembo@ihis.org
Aitken, Lisa
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-213-5294 laitken@ihis.org
Allen, Jennifer
HR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 jenniferallen@gov.pe.ca
Allen, Morgan
Medical Secretary
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-368-5464 Fax: 902-620-3077 mhallen@ihis.org
Anderson, Kathy
Nurse Manager
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-4353 Fax: 902-368-5946 klanderson@ihis.org
Andrew, Catherine
PCU Nurse Manager
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-432-4706 Fax: 902-438-4371 cjandrew@ihis.org
Arsenault, Ashley
Acting Strategic Sourcing Officer
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-213-2279 Fax: 902-438-4271 alarsenault@ihis.org
Arsenault, Christine
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-432-2643 Fax: 902-438-4381 christinearsenault@ihis.org
Arsenault, Denise
FirstNet Clinical Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-368-4515 Fax: 902-620-3388 demarsenault@ihis.org
Arsenault, Dylana
Executive Director
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Arsenault, Elise
French Language Services Analyst
Je parle français
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Tel: 902-854-7441 902-314-2272 Fax: 902-368-4969 elisearsenault@ihis.org
Arsenault, Julie A
Accounts Receivable Supervisor
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: (902) 620-3153 Fax: (902) 620-3162 jaarsenault@ihis.org
Arsenault, Sarah
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: (902) 853-8661 Fax: (902) 853-0408 saraharsenault@ihis.org
Arsenault, Tara J
Accounts Receivable Finance Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-438-4529 Fax: 902-438-4381 tjarsenault@ihis.org
Ashley, Ruthie
Administrative Support, Public Health Nursing (West Prince)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-859-8720 Fax: 902-859-0399 rbashley@ihis.org
Atkinson, Dave
Senior Communications Officer
Health PEI
Tel: 902-213-5936 Fax: 902-368-4974 datkinson@ihis.org
Aucoin, Jules
Financial Assessment Worker
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-438-4043 Fax: 902-888-8369 jdaucoin@ihis.org
Auld, Betty
Quality and Patient Safety Consultant
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Quality and Patient Safety
Tel: 902-620-3497 Fax: 902-368-6136 blauld@ihis.org
Austin, Andrew
HR Manager - Long-Term Care/Central
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-218-5174 aaustin@ihis.org
Bailey, Dodi
HR Manager - East
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 dlbailey@ihis.org
Bain, Denise
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-368-5413 Fax: 902-368-4969 dmbain@ihis.org
Baird, Julie
Infection Control Professional (West Prince)
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Tel: 902-960-4181 jdbaird@ihis.org
Banks, Cheryl
Acting Administrator
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals West
Tel: 902-853-8663 902-859-8718 cabanks@ihis.org
Bannon, Colleen
Nurse Manager
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals West
Tel: 902-859-0361 cmbannon@ihis.org
Barbour, Karen R
Buyer - Prince
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-853-8695 Fax: 902-853-8694 krbarbour@ihis.org
Barkhouse, Chad
Occupational Therapist
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals West
Tel: 902-960-2970 cvbarkhouse@ihis.org
Barnes, Kari
Health PEI
Human Resources
HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development
Tel: 902-213-4823 kbarnes@ihis.org
Barnes, Ross
Strategic Sourcing Manager
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-598-8858 Fax: 902-894-2384 rhbarnes@ihis.org
Barquilla, Myra
Telecommunications Technician
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2111 mbarquilla@ihis.org
Barrett, Becky
Foundations Clinical Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-620-3769 Fax: 902-620-3388 rlbarrett@ihis.org
Barrett, Patsy
Nurse Manager, Inpatient Mental Health (PCH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4410 Fax: 902-438-4401 pabarrett@ihis.org
Barry, Juliana
Provincial Perinatal Health Program Coordinator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Community Specialist Services
Tel: 902-368-5117 jmbarry@ihis.org
Barry, Kelly
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-368-4048 Fax: 902-569-0512 kmbarry@ihis.org
Barry, Kevin
QEH Director of Facilities Management
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2032 Fax: (902) 894-2386 kpbarry@gov.pe.ca
Bartlett-Bitar, Jennifer
Manager, Speech Language Pathology and Audiology
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-368-6465 Fax: 902-620-3195 jlbartlett-bitar@ihis.org
Barton, Cynthia
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-213-0307 cabarton@ihis.org
Barton, Michelle
Patient Navigator, PEI Cancer Treatment Centre
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 1-902-894-2552 Fax: 1-902-894-2187 mdbarton@ihis.org
Barwise, Gail
Infection Control Officer
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2110 Fax: 902-620-3904 gjbarwise@ihis.org
Barwise, Mary Ellen
Print Tech
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-894-2023 Fax: 902-894-2373 mebarwise@ihis.org
Beaton, Candy
Recreation Manager - Wedgewood Manor, Summerset Manor and Stewart Memorial Home
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: (902) 888-8327 Fax: (902) 888-8338 clbeaton@ihis.org
Beeley, Gina
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Health PEI Board
Tel: 902-368-6140 Cell: 902-916-0678 Fax: 902-620-3072 ginabeeley@ihis.org
Bell, Brandi
Planning and Evaluation Consultant
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Policy, Planning and Evaluation
Tel: 902-620-3749 blbell@ihis.org
Bell, Crystal
Administrative Supervisor, Primary Care Network (Queens West)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-314-4281 Fax: 902-621-3069 cdbell@ihis.org
Bell, Jamie-Lynne
Provincial Breast Screening Coordinator
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Diagnostic Imaging Services
Tel: 902-894-2914 Fax: 902-894-0190 jxbell@ihis.org
Bernard, Jessica A
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 jabernard@ihis.org
Berrigan, Pamela
Nurse Manager, Surgery / Restorative (PCH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4505 Fax: 902-438-4501 paberrigan@ihis.org
Bertram, Christa
Provincial Bed Coordinator
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Patient Flow and System Utilization
Tel: 902-213-2309 Fax: 902-368-6136 clbertram@ihis.org
Berube, Bruno
HR Manager - Medical Affairs
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Beyer, Linda
Director of Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-368-6721 Fax: 902-569-0579 libeyer@ihis.org
Biso, Julie
Nurse Manager, QEH Unit #5
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2445 Fax: (902) 894-2461 jabiso@ihis.org
Biso, Michelle J
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 jmbiso@ihis.or
Bitar, George
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-894-2096 Fax: 902-894-2384 gbitar@ihis.org
Blacquiere, Cathy
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2411 Fax: (902) 894-2416 cablacquiere@gov.pe.ca
Blacquiere, Karen
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-569-7596 Fax: 902-620-3077 kablacquiere@ihis.org
Blacquiere, Marshall
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Blaisdell, Kelly A
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 kablaisdell@gov.pe.ca
Blanchard, Julia
Recreation Assistant
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-213-0143 juliablanchard@ihis.org
Blanchard, Kelly
Nurse Manager - Margaret Stewart Ellis Home
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-859-8752 Fax: 902-859-8756 klblanchard@ihis.org
Bourque, Daniel
RIS/PACS System Administrator
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Diagnostic Imaging Services
Tel: 902-894-2996 Fax: 902-894-2276 dpbourque@gov.pe.ca
Boutilier, Bruce
Accounts Receivable Finance Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-894-0106 Fax: 902-894-2279 bjboutilier@ihis.org
Boutilier, Joanne M
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2025 Fax: (902) 894-2911 jmboutilier@ihis.org
Bowley-Harrison, Hannah
Clinical Social Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-888-8039 Fax: 902-888-8173 hbowleyharrison@ihis.org
Bowness, Laura L
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4295 Fax: 902-438-4296 llbowness@ihis.org
Bradley, Beth E
Oncology Clinical Pharmacist
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2379 Fax: (902) 894-2187 beebradley@ihis.org
Bradley, Jennifer
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Quality Care and Accreditation
Tel: 902-569-0576 Fax: 902-368-6136 reb@ihis.org
Brasky, Holly
Provincial Point of Care Coordinator
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Laboratory Services
Tel: 902-894-2321 Fax: 902-620-3906 hjbrasky@ihis.org
Brocklebank, Karen
Social Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-888-8180 Fax: 902-888-8173 klbrocklebank@ihis.org
Brown, Alan
Maintenace Tradesperson
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2031 Fax: 902-894-2386 agbrown@ihis.org
Brown, Kelley
Strategic Sourcing Officer
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-894-2970 Fax: 902-894-2384 klbrown@ihis.org
Brown, Megan
Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab Program RT
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Fax: 902-569-0579 mlbrown@ihis.org
Bruce, Jessica
Senior Communications Officer
Health PEI
Tel: 902-388-1292 Fax: 902-368-4974 jessicabruce@gov.pe.ca
Bruce, Melanie
HR Manager
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-218-5174 melaniebruce@ihis.org
Bryanton, Cynthia
Director of Nursing (Wedgewood, Summerset and Stewart Memorial Home)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-438-4100 Fax: 902-888-8338 clbryanton@gov.pe.ca
Bryanton, Jillian
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Financial Services
Tel: 902-368-6196 Fax: 902-368-4974 jmbryanton@ihis.org
Bryenton, Beverley
Accounts Receivable Finance Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-894-0140 Fax: 902-894-2279 bmbryenton@ihis.org
Buchanan, Shane
Manager of Laboratory Services, QEH
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Laboratory Services
Tel: (902) 894-2064 Fax: (902) 894-2385 scbuchanan@ihis.org
Buckland, Suzanne
Food Service Supervisor
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7103 scbuckland@ihis.org
Bulger, Jennifer M
HR Coordinator
Je parle français
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-438-4531 Fax: 902-438-4511 jmbulger@ihis.org
Burke, Amanda D
Pharmacy Manager
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-0211 Fax: 902-894-2911 adburke@ihis.org
Burnley, Tim
Director of Health Analytics
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Health Analytics
Tel: 902-213-1749 taburnley@ihis.org
Bustard, Denise
Emergency Management and Business Continuity Consultant
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Tel: 902-620-3071 Cell: 902-314-0053 dbustard@ihis.org
Butler, Donna D
Strategic Sourcing Officer
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-916-0345 Fax: 902-894-2384 ddbutler@ihis.org
Butler, Kristina
Long-Term Care Manager (Beach Grove Home)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-569-0543 Fax: 902-368-6764 kbutler@ihis.org
Byrne, Patricia
Infection Control Professional (Kings)
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 pdebyrne@ihis.org
Byrne, Robert K
Out-of-Province Claims Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-838-0915 Fax: 902-838-0940 rkbyrne@ihis.org
Caissie, Belina
Director, Research and Education
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Research, Innovation and Partnership
Tel: 902-288-1407 bcaissie@ihis.org
Callaghan, Mary Jane
Project Lead, Home Care Service Delivery Transition Project
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: 902-368-4280 mjcallaghan@ihis.org
Callbeck, Sandra
Strategic Sourcing Officer
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-916-0685 Fax: 902-894-2384 sscallbeck@ihis.org
Cameron, Shelley
Administrative Assistant (PCH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4513 Fax: 902-438-4381 shcameron@ihis.org
Campbell, Ambyr L
Pharmacy Clinical Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-620-3542 Fax: 902-620-3061 alcampbell@ihis.org
Campbell, Andrea
Physician Services Coordinator
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-213-4693 andcampbell@ihis.org
Campbell, Elaine
Provincial Geriatrics Services Coordinator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: (902) 432-2860 Fax: (902) 432-2859 eecampbell@ihis.org
Campbell, Jessica
Pharmacy Tech
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4297 Fax: 902-438-4296 jkecampbell@ihis.org
Campbell, Kent
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-888-8334 Fax: 902-888-8338 kentcampbell@ihis.org
Campbell, Larry
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-888-8340 larrycampbell@ihis.org
Campbell, Priyanka
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 prcampbell@ihis.org
Campbell, Rebecca
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 rcampbell@ihis.org
Campbell, Terry
Administrator (QEH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2351 Fax: 902-894-2416 tscampbell@gov.pe.ca
Carmody, Serena A
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-894-2354 Fax: 902-894-0259 serenacarmody@ihis.org
Carpenter, Amy E
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-838-0750 Fax: 902-838-0770 aecarpenter@ihis.org
Carr, April
Administrative Support
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: 902-368-4781 Fax: 902-620-3473 adcarr@ihis.org
Carrigan, Dr. Ian
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2111 idcarrigan@ihis.org
Chaffey, Karen
Director, Quality Care and Accreditation
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Quality Care and Accreditation
Tel: 902-894-2953 kkchaffey@ihis.org
Chaisson, Candice
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-687-7162 Fax: 902-687-7103 candicechaisson@ihis.org
Chaisson, Gail
Director of Nursing (Souris Hospital)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals East
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 gmchaisson@ihis.org
Chapman, Rachel M
Administrative Supervisor, Primary Care Network (Kings)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-687-7033 Fax: 902-687-7166 rmchapman@ihis.org
Charles, Dr. Duffy
Acting QEH Medical Director
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2411 Fax: 902-894-2416 chduffy@ihis.org
Chisholm, Julie
Nurse Manager, Surgical Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4468 Fax: 902-438-4451 jechisholm@ihis.org
Christie, Ali
Director, Human Resources
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Christie, Ellen
Nurse Practitioner (NP) Director
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Chuu, Sharon
Health Information Specialist
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Health Analytics
Tel: 902-620-3325 Fax: 902-368-6136 schuu@ihis.org
Clements-MacSwain, Brenda B
In-Province Claims Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-838-0916 Fax: 902-838-0940 abclements@ihis.org
Clinton, Cody
Program Development Lead
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-218-1676 codyclinton@ihis.org
Clinton, Megan
Glucose Sensor Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Tel: 902-213-4825 mlclinton@ihis.org
Clorey, Christina
Social Service Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-368-4765 Fax: 902-368-6229 cfclorey@ihis.org
Clow, Brett
Social Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-940-6193 brettclow@ihis.org
Clow, Kim
Pharmacy Technician
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 keclow@ihis.org
Clow, Norma
Administrative Support, Public Health Nursing (Central)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-620-3207 Fax: 902-368-4497 njclow@ihis.org
Coady, Catherine
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Quality and Patient Safety
Coady, Mary Laura
Director of Strategic Initiatives and Priorities
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-213-1205 mlcoady@ihis.org
Coffin, Jolene
Administrative Assistant (QEH Director of Nursing)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2355 Fax: 902-894-2416 jolenecoffin@ihis.org
Coffin, Troy J
HFS Consultant
Health PEI
Financial Services
Fiscal Planning and Audit
Tel: 902-620-3233 Fax: 902-368-6136 tjcoffin@ihis.org
Cole, Julie L
Physician Services Manager, Specialists
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-314-0176 jacole@ihis.org
Collicutt, Melody
Administrative Supervisor, Primary Care Network (West Prince)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-859-8846 Fax: 902-859-3922 macollicutt@ihis.org
Collins, Joey
Health Information Specialist
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Health Analytics
Tel: 902-368-4903 Fax: 902-368-6136 jaxcollins@ihis.org
Comeau, Tracey
Executive Director, QEH Foundation
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2425 Fax: (902) 894-2433 tacomeau@qehfoundation.pe.ca
Conrad, Janet
Finance Clerk
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-888-8345 Fax: 902-888-8369 mjconrad@ihis.org
Cooke, Wendy P
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2974 Fax: 902-894-2911 wpcooke@ihis.org
Corish, Jana
Nurse Manager, Medical / Palliative
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4394 Fax: 902-438-4501 jlcorish@ihis.org
Corish, Karan M
Financial Officer
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-620-3154 Fax: 902-620-3162 kmcorish@ihis.org
Cormier, Shianna
School-Based Occupational Therapist
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Corrigan, Pam
Activities Director - Margaret Stewart Ellis Home
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-859-8755 Fax: 902-859-8756 pjcorrigan@ihis.org
Cottreau, Michelle
Provincial Medical Physicist
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Diagnostic Imaging Services
Tel: 902-894-0203 Fax: 902-894-2276 mjcottreau@ihis.org
Coughlin, Nicco
Manager, Support Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals West
Tel: 902-859-3912 nrcoughlin@ihis.org
Creamer, Todd
Maintenance Tradesperson
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2031 Fax: 902-894-2386 toddcreamer@ihis.org
Croken, Maureen
Supervisor of Mental Health Adult Team - West
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-888-8180 Fax: 902-888-8173 mmcroken@ihis.org
Crozier, Steven B
Fiscal Analyst/Auditor
Health PEI
Financial Services
Fiscal Planning and Audit
Tel: 902-368-4992 Fax: 902-368-6136 sbcrozier@gov.pe.ca
Cudmore, Trevor
Administrator (Beach Grove Home, Prince Edward Home, Sherwood Home)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-5773 Fax: 902-368-6764 tbcudmore@ihis.org
Curley, Shawn J
Inventory Supervisor East
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-894-2077 Fax: 902-894-2971 shcurley@ihis.org
Currie, Melinda E
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-368-4691 Fax: 902-368-4905 mecurrie@ihis.org
Currie, Rachel
Director of Nursing (KCMH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals East
Tel: 902-838-0740 Fax: 902-838-0770 recurrie@ihis.org
Cyr, Heather
COPD Coordinator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: (902) 368-4218 Fax: (902) 569-0579 hacyr@ihis.org
Daley, Stephen
Emergency Management and Business Continuity Officer
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Tel: 902-620-3071 Fax: 902-368-6136 spdaley@ihis.org
Darrach, Marina
Wellness Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-303-3117 mrryan@ihis.org
Davidson, Allan
Acting Manager, Community Nutrition and School Therapy Occupational Therapy
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-368-4414 Fax: 902-620-3917 ajdavidson@ihis.org
Davies, Valerie
Manager, Public Health Nursing (East)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-838-0766 Fax: 902-838-0803 vmdavies@ihis.org
De Jong, Lucy
HR Manager - QEH
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-894-2367 Fax: 902-894-2424 ldejong@ihis.org
Deacon, Tara
Supply Chain Clinical Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-620-3390 Fax: 902-620-3061 tldeacon@ihis.org
Deagle, Kanesha
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-859-8750 Fax: 902-859-8756 kkdeagle@ihis.org
DeLorey, Christina B
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 cbdelorey@ihis.org
Derry, Seanah
Accounts Receivable Finance Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-620-3151 Fax: 902-620-3162 scderry@ihis.org
DesRoches, Cathy
Director, Nursing
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals West
Tel: 902-859-3910 902-853-0343 cddesroches@ihis.org
DesRoches, Desirae
Pharmacy Tech
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4298 Fax: 902-438-4296 dmdesroches@ihis.org
DesRoches, Meaghan
Addiction Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-853-0401 Fax: 902-853-0420 mldesroches@ihis.org
Devine, Melissa
Out of Province Liaison Nurse
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Patient Flow and System Utilization
Tel: 902-473-7082 Fax: 902-473-3290 Toll-free: 866-232-3042 melissa.devine@nshealth.ca
Dewar, Dorothy
Manager of Professional Practice and Clinical Policy
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Professional Practice
DeWolfe, Dr. Nadine
Supervising Psychologist, Pediatric Psychology
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-368-6638 Fax: 902-620-3860 nadewolfe@ihis.org
Diamond, Tracy
Manager, QEH Ambulatory Care Centre
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-0206 Fax: 902-620-0498 tldiamond@ihis.org
Dickson-Clark, Jenny
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-218-0616 jdicksonclark@ihis.org
Dingwell-Rose, Jana
Manager, Provincial Dental Programs
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-368-4917 Fax: 902-368-4922 jcldingwell@ihis.org
Dingwell-Vos, Paula
Medicare Services Manager
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-838-0931 Fax: 902-838-0940 pddingwellvos@ihis.org
Dionne, Jenifer
Strategic Advisor to COO
Health PEI
Tel: 902-213-1089 Jeniferdionne@ihis.org
Dixon, Deborah
Administrative Assistant, Public Health Nursing (Montague)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-838-0762 Fax: 902-838-0803 dfdixon@ihis.org
Doherty, Alana
Infection Control Professional (PCH)
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Tel: 902-438-4506 adoherty@ihis.org
Doran, Nick
Inventoy Supervisor West
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-438-4269 Fax: 902-438-4271 nrdoran@ihis.org
Doucette, Angela
CPOE Pharmacist
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-620-3543 Fax: 902-620-3061 amdoucette@ihis.org
Doucette, John William
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 jwdoucette@ihis.org
Doucette, Matthew
Program Development Lead
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-213-1976 matthewdoucette@ihis.org
Doucette, Natasha
Youth Addictions Counselor
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-432-2811 Fax: 902-432-2619 ndmdoucette@ihis.org
Doucette, Wendy H
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 whdoucette@ihis.org
Dowling, Marion H
Chief Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality Officer
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Tel: 902-368-4788 Fax: 902-368-6136 mhdowling@ihis.org
Doyle, Jonathan
Project Manager
Health PEI
Financial Services
Facilities and Capital Planning
Tel: 902-916-1756 Fax: 902-368-4969 jonathandoyle@ihis.org
Drake, Lynn
Nurse Manager, QEH Unit #3
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2185 Fax: (902) 894-0127 lvdrake@ihis.org
Driscoll, Katlyn
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Tel: 902-620-3160 Fax: 902-368-4969 kmdriscoll@ihis.org
Driscoll, Marion E
Payroll Manager
Health PEI
Human Resources
HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development
Tel: 902-218-2604 medriscoll@ihis.org
Dudley, Kyle
Workstream Director
Health PEI
CEO's Office
Transformation Office
Tel: 902-213-7162 kdudley@ihis.org
Dumville, Genna
Pharmacy Tech
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4298 Fax: 902-438-4296 gkdumville@ihis.org
Duncan, Kisha
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-687-7090 Fax: 902-687-7103 kerduncan@ihis.org
Dunn, Darlene
Recreation Manager / Riverview Manor
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-838-0772 Fax: 902-838-5671 dpdunn@ihis.org
Dunn, Darren
Utility Worker
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2031 Fax: 902-894-2386 dgdunn@ihis.org
Dunn, Karen
QEH Associate Director of Nursing, Education
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2007 Fax: (902) 894-2926 kadunn@gov.pe.ca
Dunphy, Barb
Chief Executive Officer, QEH Foundation
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2425 Fax: (902) 894-2433 bddunphy@ihis.org
Elghafghuf, Adel
Health Information Specialist
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Health Analytics
Tel: 902-620-3105 Fax: 902-368-6136 aelghafghuf@ihis.org
Ellis, Allison
HR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-894-2479 Fax: 902-894-2424 abellis@ihis.org
Ellis, Jason
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2031 Fax: 902-894-2386 jxellis@ihis.org
Ellis, Kelton
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals West
Tel: 902-853-8650 Fax: 902-853-8658 ktellis@ihis.org
Ellis, Paige
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-288-1382 Fax: 902-288-1226 paellis@ihis.org
Elmoslemany, Ahmed
Health Information Specialist
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Health Analytics
Tel: (902) 368-6893 Fax: (902) 368-6136 amelmoslemany@ihis.org
Estabrooks, Deanna
Fiscal Analyst/Auditor
Health PEI
Financial Services
Fiscal Planning and Audit
Tel: 902-894-2368 Fax: 902-368-6136 destabrooks@ihis.org
Evans, Autumn
Ward Clerk, Unit #9
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2115 Fax: 902-894-2973 asevans@gov.pe.ca
Evans, Rachel
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2591 Fax: 902-620-0497 rlevans@ihis.org
Fahey, Ryan
Board Member
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Tel: 902-330-8119 rfahey@ihis.org
Fall, Laura
HR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-368-5375 Fax: 902-368-4969 lmfall@ihis.org
Farrell, Laura
Pharmacy Technician
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 llfarrell@ihis.org
Farrell, Patrick
Pharmacy Tech
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2025 Fax: 902-894-2911 pjfarrell@ihis.org
Feng, Li
Settlement and Immigration Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Fennell, Sharlene
Manager, Laboratory Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Laboratory Services
Tel: 902-438-4290 Fax: 902-438-4281 smfennell@ihis.org
Ferguson, Cheryl
CareNet Clinical Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-368-5038 Fax: 902-620-3388 clferguson@ihis.org
Ferguson, Tara
Director, Infection Prevention and Control
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Tel: 902-620-3359 Fax: 902-368-6136 tlferguson@ihis.org
Ferguson, Vanessa
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-218-1352 vjferguson@gov.pe.ca
Ferrish, Trent I
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4295 Fax: 902-438-4296 itferrish@ihis.org
Fischer, Cathy
Nurse Manager, Wedgewood Manor
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-888-8008 Fax: 902-888-8369 cefischer@ihis.org
Fisher, Cindy
Coordinator, PEI School of Radiography
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Diagnostic Imaging Services
Tel: 902-368-4621 ctfisher@ihis.org
Fitzpatrick, Jonathan
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Patient Flow and System Utilization
Tel: 902-626-9874 Fax: 902-368-6136 jfitzpatrick@ihis.org
Fitzpatrick, Tanya
HR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-894-2112 Fax: 902-894-2424 tefitzpatrick@gov.pe.ca
Forbes, Jillian C
Senior Finance Officer
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: (902) 368-4850 Fax: (902) 368-6136 jcforbes@ihis.org
Ford, Michael K
Inventory Technician
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-853-0344 Fax: 902-859-0256 mkford@ihis.org
Ford, Tony
Director, Hospital Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4519 arford@ihis.org
Fortin, Agnes
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-772-7952 asfortin@gov.pe.ca
Foster, Courtney
Pharmacy Tech
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 cmfoster@ihis.org
Fraser, Kelly
Out-of-Province Health Services Coordinator
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Patient Flow and System Utilization
Tel: 902-916-0672 Fax: 902-370-3029 kellyfraser@ihis.org
Fraser, Melanie
Chief Executive Officer
Health PEI
CEO's Office
Tel: 902-368-4935 Fax: 902-368-4974 melaniefraser@ihis.org
Gallant, Andrea
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Health Analytics
Tel: 902-368-6887 andgallant@ihis.org
Gallant, Crista
Administrative Support, Public Health Nursing (East Prince)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-438-4047 Fax: 902-888-8153 cdgallant@ihis.org
Gallant, Darlene
Mental Health Intake
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: (902) 853-8670 Fax: (902) 853-0420 dmcgallant@ihis.org
Gallant, Jamie
Utility Worker
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2031 Fax: 902-894-2386 jamiegallant@ihis.org
Gallant, Karen
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-438-4040 Fax: 902-438-4511 karengallant@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Mary Ann
Service Worker
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-687-7162 Fax: 902-687-7103 maagallant@ihis.org
Gallant, Michael
Casual Storekeeper
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-888-8340 Fax: 902-888-8369 mzgallant@ihis.org
Gallant, Pat
Maintenance Manager - Wedgewood Manor, Summerset Manor and Stewart Memorial Home
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-888-8058 Fax: 902-888-8369 pdgallant@ihis.org
Gallant, Stephen
Planning and Evaluation Consultant
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Policy, Planning and Evaluation
Gallant, Suzanne
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-804-9009 suzannegallant@ihis.org
Gallant, Timothy
Gift Processor
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2392 Fax: 902-894-2433 tsgallant@ihis.org
Gallant, Wayne
Lab Clinical Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-620-3005 Fax: 902-620-3061 wjgallant@ihis.org
Gamble, Alex
Project Manager
Health PEI
CEO's Office
Transformation Office
Tel: 902-218-6320 alexgamble@ihis.org
Garland, Rhonda
Procurement RN
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-894-0171 Fax: 902-894-2384 rjgarland@ihis.org
Garnhum, Maridee
Nurse Manager, QEH Unit #7
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2426 Fax: (902) 894-2398 mrgarnhum@ihis.org
Garrett, Jonathan
Lab Clinical Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-368-4516 Fax: 902-620-3061 jmgarrett@ihis.org
Gaudet, Amy
Addiction Services - Supervisor of Detoxification Services
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-888-8380 Fax: 902-432-2585 aegaudet@ihis.org
Gaudet, Chrystal
Pharmacy Tech
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 cgaudet@ihis.org
Gaudet, Grace
Resident Care Worker
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-687-7090 gracegaudet@ihis.org
Gaudet, Gracie
Activities Director - Maplewood
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-853-8686 Fax: 902-853-8616 grgaudet@ihis.org
Gaudet, Marcy
Pharmacy Technician
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 magaudet@ihis.org
Gaudet, Morgan
Casual Youth Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-888-8250 megaudet@gov.pe.ca
Gaudet, Sheila
Quality and Patient Safety Consultant
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Quality and Patient Safety
Tel: 902-438-4533 smgaudet@ihis.org
Gaudet, Stephanie
Nurse Manager
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals West
Tel: 902-853-0404 sagaudet@ihis.org
Gemmell, Christina
Marketing Assistant
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Fax: 902-894-2433 cgemmell@ihis.org
Getson, Justin
Casual Youth Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-888-8250 jjgetson@gov.pe.ca
Giddings, Donna
Administrative Assistant (Queens)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: (902) 368-4790 Fax: (902) 368-4858 dlgiddings@ihis.org
Gilbank, Colleen
Project Manager
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Tel: 902-218-6541 crgilbank@ihis.org
Gilbert, Doran
HR Coordinator Long Term Care West
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-438-4531 Fax: 902-438-4511 dgilbert@ihis.org
Gillan, Emberlee
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-687-7090 Fax: 902-687-7103 ecgillan@ihis.org
Gillis, Calleen
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-368-5411 Fax: 902-620-3077 crgillis@gov.pe.ca
Gillis, Todd G
Director of Materials Management
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-394-7481 Fax: 902-894-2384 gtgillis@ihis.org
Gilmour, JD
Manager, Employee Abilities and Return to Work
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-439-4298 Fax: 902-368-4969 jgilmour@ihis.org
Gonzales, Shian
LR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-368-6890 sgonzales@ihis.org
Gordon, Jeanette R
Out-of-Province Claims Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-838-0917 Fax: 902-838-0940 jrgordon@ihis.org
Gordon, Leanne J
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4298 Fax: 902-438-4296 ljgordon@ihis.org
Gordon, Stephanie
Director, Public Health and Children's Developmental Services
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-569-7646 Fax: 902-569-0579 slgordon@ihis.org
Gorrill, Jill
Medicare Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-838-0900 Fax: 902-838-0940 jdgorrill@ihis.org
Graham, Janna
Public Engagement Officer
Health PEI
Gray, Shelley C
Payroll Auditor
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-916-0253 sgray@ihis.org
Green, Jenny
QEH Employee Health Nurse
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2045 Fax: (902) 620-3902 jegreen@ihis.org
Greenan, Shawn
Provincial Hep C Treatment Program Coordinator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-569-7642 Fax: 902-569-7633 sagreenan@ihis.org
Gregory, April
Financial Accounting Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 adgregory@gov.pe.ca
Griffin, Cathy
PSMS/REB System Manager
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Quality Care and Accreditation
Tel: 902-368-5267 Fax: 902-368-6136 cmgriffin@ihis.org
Gu, Crystal
Data Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Health Analytics
Guergis, Ashley
Administrative Assistant, Colorectal/Cervical Cancer Screening
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-368-5901 Fax: 902-368-6936 atguergis@ihis.org
Guitare, Cathy
Manager, Infection Prevention and Control
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Tel: 902-888-8354 Fax: 902-888-8369 caguitare@ihis.org
Gunathilake, Gayani
Employee Abilities and Return to Work Consultant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-213-4779 ggunathilake@ihis.org
Hagan, Kimberley
Acting Manager of QEH Social Work
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2297 Fax: (902) 894-2960 kahagan@ihis.org
Hameline, Carol
Supervisor, Community Mental Health (East)
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-838-0960 Fax: 902-838-0961 cmhameline@ihis.org
Hamill, Kristin
Quality and Patient Safety Consultant
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Quality and Patient Safety
Tel: 902-439-0558 krhamill@ihis.org
Handrahan, Christine E
Manager, Ambulatory Care and Allied Health (PCH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4494 Fax: 902-438-4102 cehandrahan@ihis.org
Handrahan, Pamela
Nurse Coordinator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-853-8680 Fax: 902-853-8616 pjhandrahan@ihis.org
Handren, Laurissa
Quality and Patient Safety Consultant
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Quality and Patient Safety
Tel: 902-394-6435 ldhandren@ihis.org
Hanlan-Aitken, Erin
Medical Education Program Coordinator
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-438-4236 Fax: 902-438-4381 ehaitken@ihis.org
Hansen, Lindsay
Provincial Cardiac/Pulmonary Rehabilitation Lead
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-569-7566 Fax: 902-569-0579 lmhansen@ihis.org
Hansen, Lindsey
Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab Program Lead
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-569-7566 Fax: 902-569-0579 lmhansen@ihis.org
Hardwick, Lesley
Youth Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-432-2811 Fax: 902-432-2619 ldhardwick@ihis.org
Harper, Tara D
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2512 Fax: (902) 620-0498 tdharper@ihis.org
Harris, Carol
Administrative Support (West)
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-432-2591 Fax: 902-432-2585 caharris@ihis.org
Harris, Mary
QEH Associate Director of Nursing
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2355 Fax: 902-894-2416 mcharris@ihis.org
Haywood, Laura
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-853-8660 Fax: 902-853-0408 lshaywood@ihis.org
Helm-Neima, Trish
Provincial Stroke Coordinator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-368-6527 Fax: 902-368-6936 tlhelm-neima@ihis.org
Hendry, Alex
Project Manager
Health PEI
CEO's Office
Transformation Office
Tel: 902-218-1044 ajhendry@ihis.org
Hennessey, Beth
Out of Province Liaison Nurse
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Patient Flow and System Utilization
Tel: (902) 473-7398 Fax: (902) 473-2191 Toll-free: (866) 232-3042 beth.hennessey@nshealth.ca
Herget, Kelly C
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 853-0355 Fax: (902) 853-0350 kcherget@ihis.org
Higgerty, Tara
Provincial Laboratory Education and Quality Coordinator
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Laboratory Services
Tel: 902-367-5292 Fax: 902-894-2385 tlhiggerty@ihis.org
Higgins, Shelley
Manager, Community Mental Health and Addictions Central
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-368-4430 smhiggins@ihis.org
Hodder, Janet P
Long-Term Care Manager (Riverview Manor)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-838-0780 jphodder@ihis.org
Hogan, Austin
Clerk 5 AR Finance Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Holmes, Meaghan
HR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-438-4535 Fax: 902-438-4511 mxholmes@ihis.org
Holmes, Wendy
Patient Navigator, PEI Cancer Treatment Centre
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2552 Fax: 902-894-2187 wbholmes@ihis.org
Hood, Brian
Utility Worker
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-892-2031 Fax: 902-894-2386 brianhood@ihis.org
Hood, Colin
RENEW Program Development Lead (Provincial Rehabilitation)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-218-0312 cdhood@ihis.org
Hood, Luke
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Hood, Pauline
Nurse Manager
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-569-0535 pmhood@ihis.org
Hood, Saul
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-894-2098 Fax: 902-894-2384 sdahood@ihis.org
Horne, Melissa
Infection Control Professional (QEH)
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Tel: 902-894-2110 mmhorne@ihis.org
Howatt, Peter
Provincial Palliative Care Centre Manager
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: (902) 620-3927 Fax: (902) 620-3473 pdhowatt@ihis.org
Howlett, Louise
Administrative Assistant, Pediatric Psychology Services
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-620-3789 Fax: 902-620-3860 lhowlett@ihis.org
Howlett, Louise
Medical Secretary
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals East
Tel: 902-838-0830 Fax: 902-838-0834 lahowlett@ihis.org
Hudson, Dr. Amanda
Director, Mental Health and Addictions Research
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Research, Innovation and Partnership
Hughes, Amy J
Fiscal Analyst/Auditor
Health PEI
Financial Services
Fiscal Planning and Audit
Tel: 902-620-3296 Fax: 902-368-6136 ajhughes@ihis.org
Hughes, Bethany
eHealth Program Lead
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-218-1958 brhughes@ihis.org
Hughes, Tina
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-894-0192 Fax: 902-894-2384 tinahughes@ihis.org
Hughes, Valerie
Nurse Manager, QEH ICU/CCU
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2420 Fax: (902) 894-2918 vjhughes@ihis.org
Humphrey, Rosalind
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 rehumphrey@ihis.org
Hutt, Lorna
Director, Community Mental Health and Addictions
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-231-2322 Fax: 902-888-8173 lbhutt@ihis.org
Hutt, Natalie A
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 853-0355 Fax: (902) 853-0350 nahutt@ihis.org
Ignasimuthu, 150 Fr. Augustine
Roman Lyndon Hogan
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2055 aignasimuthu@ihis.org
Jackson, Bailey
Project Manager
Health PEI
CEO's Office
Transformation Office
Jackson, Janelle
Critical Care Emergency Nursing and Transition to Practice Programs Coordinator
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Professional Practice
Janse Van Rensburg, Mariska
Project Manager
Health PEI
Financial Services
Facilities and Capital Planning
Jarvis, Ben
Environmental Services Supervisor
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Jayasooriya, Thushani
Clerk, Health Records
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Jefferson, Philip
Director, Facility & Capital Planning
Health PEI
Financial Services
Facilities and Capital Planning
Tel: 902-620-3329 Cell: 902-314-1856 Fax: 902-368-4969 prjefferson@ihis.org
Jenkins, Taylor
Accounts Payable/Finance Clerk (60%)
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-368-5272 Fax: 902-620-3162 tljenkins@ihis.org
Jesseman, Rebecca
Executive Director
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-569-7596 Fax: 902-620-3077 rjesseman@ihis.org
Johnston, Angela
Nutrition Services Manager / Environmental Services
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-4614 Fax: 902-368-5946 aejohnston@ihis.org
Johnston, Brooke
Social Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-888-8386 brookejohnston@ihis.org
Johnston, Matthew
Policy Analyst
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Johnston, Rhonda
Infection Control Nurse (Long-term Care - Queens)
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Tel: 902-368-4074 Fax: 902-368-6764 rajohnston@ihis.org
Jones, Jannett
Youth Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-432-2811 jejones@ihis.org
Joudrie, Calvin
Provincial Director, Long-Term Care
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-620-3853 Fax: 902-368-6136 ccjoudrie@ihis.org
Joy, Rehna Mercy
Registered Nurse
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 289-821-4239 rmjoy@ihis.org
Judson, Michael
Admin Support
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-368-6171 Fax: 902-569-0579 majudson@gov.pe.ca
Kassami, Isaac
PSMS Solution Support Specialist
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Quality Care and Accreditation
Katmouz, Kara
Social Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-888-8180 Fax: 902-888-8173 kkatmouz@ihis.org
Keenan, Richard
Pharmacy Clinical Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-620-3001 Fax: 902-620-3061 rjkeenan@ihis.org
Kelly, Sandra
Buyer – Western
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-853-8695 sakelly@ihis.org
Kelly, Shelley
Out-of-Province Liaison Nurse
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Patient Flow and System Utilization
Tel: 902-473-7082 Fax: 902-473-3290 shelly.kelly@nshealth.ca
Kelly Weyman, Lauren
Executive Director
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-393-6657 lekelly@ihis.org
Kennedy, Darlene
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-569-7641 Fax: 902-368-6136 darlenekennedy@ihis.org
Kennedy, Ellen
LPN Float
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2107 Fax: 902-894-2926 emkennedy@ihis.org
Kennedy, Lisa
Nurse Manager, Surgery Restorative
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4505 lmkennedy@ihis.org
Kennific, Alicia
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-368-4283 Cell: 902-213-4634 akennific@ihis.org
Kennific-Bernard, Norma
Project Manager
Health PEI
Financial Services
Facilities and Capital Planning
Tel: 902-218-4112 Fax: 902-368-4969 nkennificbernard@ihis.org
Keough, Jessica
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-0216 jmkeough@ihis.org
Keoughan, Jacinta
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Facility Operations
Tel: 902-368-5401 jmkeoughan@ihis.org
Kerr, David G
Financial Officer
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: (902) 620-3161 Fax: (902) 620-3162 dgkerr@ihis.org
Kewley, Rebecca
Acting Administrator
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4516 Fax: 902-438-4381 rakewley@ihis.org
Khan, Sandra
Training/Communications Lead
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-368-6530 Fax: 902-620-3388 sdkhan@gov.pe.ca
Kickham, Mark E
HR Analyst
Health PEI
Human Resources
HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development
Tel: 902-213-4085 mekickham@ihis.org
Killam, Laura
HR Manager, West
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: (902) 432-2579 Fax: (902) 438-4511 lkillam@ihis.org
Kinch, Jessica
Pharmacy Tech
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2025 Fax: 902-894-2911 jmakinch@ihis.org
King-Gallant, Tracey
HR Manager - Hillsborough Hospital
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-368-4307 tdkinggallant@ihis.org
Kispal, Lara
MSIP Program Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-303-7127 lkispal@ihis.org
Knox, Kaley
Provincial Mental Health & Addictions Patient Navigator
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-218-3289 Fax: 902-838-0961 kknox@ihis.org
Kok, Mike M
Financial Assessment Worker
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: (902) 620-3075 Fax: (902) 368-6136 mmkok@ihis.org
Kothakapu, Keerthana
Health Information Data Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Health Analytics
Tel: 902-368-5835 Fax: 902-368-6136 kkothakapu@ihis.org
Koughan, Katie
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Labrosse, Stephane
Manager, Primary Care Network (East Prince)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-432-2613 Fax: 902-432-2610 srlabrosse@ihis.org
Laird, Robin
Director, eHealth Clinical Operations
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-620-3869 Fax: 902-620-3388 rlaird@ihis.org
Lamont, Gayle
Administrator (Wedgewood Manor, Stewart Memorial Home and Summerset Manor)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-888-8090 Fax: 902-888-8338 gdlamont@gov.pe.ca
Landon, Nadine
Program Development Lead
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-218-3105 nmlandon@ihis.org
Landry, Debby
Administrative Assistant, Primary Care Network (East Prince)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-432-2649 Fax: 902-432-2610 delandry@ihis.org
Lane, Katelyn
Medical Education Program Coordinator
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-894-2537 Fax: 902-620-3896 kmfkeoughan@ihis.org
Lannigan, Sherri
Volunteer Services Coordinator
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Acute and Complex Care
Tel: 902-368-5482 slannigan@ihis.org
LaPierre, Susanne
Director of Nursing (Community Hospitals West)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals West
Tel: 902-853-0343 Fax: 902-853-8658 smlapierre@ihis.org
Larkin, Thelma
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Tel: 902-213-9534 Fax: 902-368-4974 telarkin@ihis.org
LaRosa, Jennifer
Director of Policy, Planning and Evaluation
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Policy, Planning and Evaluation
Tel: 902-388-7610 jnlarosa@ihis.org
Larter, Kathy
Nurse Manager, QEH Unit #4
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2188 Fax: (902) 894-2912 kjlarter@gov.pe.ca
Lavers, Barbie
Long-Term Care Manager, Colville Manor
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-687-7092 Fax: 902-687-7103 bdlavers@gov.pe.ca
Lavers, Debbie
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 dalavers@ihis.org
Lavoie, Jennifer M
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 jmlavoie@ihis.org
Lawn, Kim
Workstream Director
Health PEI
CEO's Office
Transformation Office
Tel: 902-218-4197 klawn@ihis.org
Laybolt, Jarrod
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2031 Fax: 902-894-2386 jllaybolt@ihis.org
Laybolt, Richard
Shift Supervisor
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2001 rklaybolt@ihis.org
Laybolt, Sharon
Medical Secretary
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-368-4430 slaybolt@ihis.org
LeBlanc, Danielle
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-213-2491 deleblanc@ihis.org
Leblanc, Michael
MSIP Consultant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-218-7588 meleblanc@ihis.org
LeClair, Della
Clinical Social Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-838-0960 dmleclair@ihis.org
Lecours, Dr. Mireille
Medical Consultant
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: 902-368-4781 Fax: 902-620-3473 mlecours@gov.pe.ca
Lemieux, Bernadine
Administrative Assistant (PCH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4520 Fax: 902-438-4381 bmlemieux@ihis.org
Lewis, Judy
Administrative Support, Speech Language Pathology
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-368-4437 Fax: 902-620-3195 Toll-free: 844-344-8255 jmlewis@ihis.org
Lidstone, Chelsea
Accounts Receivable Finance Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-438-4529 Fax: 902-438-4381 cnlidstone@ihis.org
Lidstone, Katie
Diagnostic Imaging Clinical Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-368-6582 Fax: 902-620-3061 krlidstone@ihis.org
Littler, Margaret
Addictions Counselor
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-853-8670 mhlittler@ihis.org
Llewellyn, Crystal
Health Privacy and Information Access Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Privacy and Information Management
Tel: 902-569-7654 Fax: 902-368-6136 cgllewellyn@ihis.org
Llewellyn, Darlene E
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 dellewellyn@ihis.org
Llewellyn, Janice
Administrative Support (Montague)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: (902) 838-0786 Fax: (902) 838-0774 jallewellyn@ihis.org
Lockhart, Denise
Manager of PEI Cancer Treatment Centre
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2948 Fax: 902-894-0190 dlockhart@ihis.org
Longaphy, Jennifer
Planning and Evaluation Consultant
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Policy, Planning and Evaluation
Lund, Kelly
QEH Manager of Physical Medicine
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2066 Fax: (902) 894-2490 kdlund@gov.pe.ca
Lund MacDonald, Sheila
HR Analyst
Health PEI
Human Resources
HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development
Tel: 902-916-1387 slundmacdonald@ihis.org
Lush, Patricia
Health Information Specialist
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Health Analytics
Tel: (902) 620-3105 Fax: (902) 368-6136 pglush@ihis.org
Lutes, Sarah A
Antimicrobial Pharmacist
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2587 Fax: (902) 894-2911 saelutes@ihis.org
Lyttle, Vikki
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Maas, Anna
Casual RCW
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-4607 Fax: 902-368-5946 aemaas@ihis.org
MacArthur, Megan
Youth Volunteer Coordinator
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2002 Fax: (902) 894-0228 mamacarthur@ihis.org
MacAusland, Donna
Primary Care Renewal Manager
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-368-6508 Fax: 902-569-0579 ddmacausland@ihis.org
MacAusland, Joyce L
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-213-4651 jlmacausland@ihis.org
MacAusland, Melissa
Adult Protection Consultant
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Fax: 902-368-6136 mdmacausland@ihis.org
MacAusland, Wallace
Safety Officer Central
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-916-0658 wmacausland@ihis.org
MacAusland-Berg, Ian
CMH & Addictions Manager West
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-888-8180 Fax: 902-888-8173 imacausland-berg@ihis.org
MacDonald, Anthony
Clinical Lab Application Specialist
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-620-3768 Fax: 902-620-3061 ammacdonald@ihis.org
MacDonald, Billy
Fiscal Manager
Health PEI
Financial Services
Fiscal Planning and Audit
Tel: 902-916-1723 Fax: 902-368-4969 bpmacdonald@ihis.org
MacDonald, Brenda
Clinical Intake Therapist
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals East
Tel: 902-838-0960 Fax: 902-838-0961 bbmacdonald@ihis.org
MacDonald, Crystal
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Acute and Complex Care
Tel: 902-368-5461 cjmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Gaylene E
Website and Project Coordinator
Health PEI
Tel: 902-916-0639 Fax: 902-620-3072 gemacdonald@ihis.org
Macdonald, Harold
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-687-7090 haroldmacdonald@ihis.org
MacDonald, Kelly K
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 kkmacdonald@ihis.org
MacDonald, Lysa
Occupational Health and Safety LPN
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-315-0584 Fax: 902-438-4511 lmmacdonald@ihis.org
MacDonald, Melonie
QEH Manager of Health Records
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2082 Fax: (902) 894-2498 meloniemacdonald@ihis.org
MacDonald, Mike
Acting Associate Director of Nursing for Clinical Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2269 Fax: 902-894-2927 mikemacdonald@ihis.org
MacDonald, Norman CPA, CA
Senior Director QEH Operations
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2375 Fax: (902) 894-2279 ncmacdonald@gov.pe.ca
MacDonald, Rose
Administrative Assistant (Souris Hospital)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals East
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 rmmacdonald@ihis.org
MacDonald, Spencer
Procurement Supervisor
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-894-0317 Fax: 902-894-2384 sjmacdonald@ihis.org
MacDonald, Stacey
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4510 Fax: 902-438-4381 sdmacdonald@ihis.org
MacDonald, Tanya
ERM/Profile Clinical Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-368-4556 Fax: 902-620-3388 tacmacdonald@ihis.org
MacDonald, Treena
Administrative Supervisor
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-620-3266 Fax: 902-620-3295 tmacdonald@ihis.org
MacDonald-Campbell, Carla
Administrative Officer
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-620-3374 carmacdonald@ihis.org
MacDougall, Andrew
Executive Director
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Tel: 902-894-0247 Fax: 902-368-4969 asmacdougall@ihis.org
MacDougall, Anita M
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4295 Fax: 902-438-4296 ammacdougall@ihis.org
MacDougall, Darlene A.
DW Supervisor
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-4144 Fax: 902-368-4931 damacdougall@ihis.org
MacDougall, Jeanne
Director of Privacy and Information Management
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Privacy and Information Management
Tel: 902-368-4942 Fax: 902-368-6136 jnmacdougall@ihis.org
MacDougall, Mandy
Pharmacy Technician
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 mlmacdougall@ihis.org
MacDougall, Sheila
HR Admin Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: (902) 894-2365 Fax: (902) 894-2424 stmacdougall@ihis.org
MacEachern, Crystal
Social Worker - Beach Grove Home, Prince Edward Home, Sherwood Home
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-4672 Fax: 902-368-5946 cdmaceachern@ihis.org
MacEwen, Thane
Director of Transitions
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-368-4495 tmacewen@ihis.org
MacFadyen, Tammy A
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-894-0089 Fax: 902-894-2424 tmacfadyen@ihis.org
MacFarlane, Amanda J
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 ajmacfarlane@ihis.org
MacGuigan, Emily
Clinical Nurse Lead, East Prince Primary Care Network
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-432-2604 Fax: 902-432-2610 eamacguigan@ihis.org
MacGuigan, Shelley D
Project Manager
Health PEI
Financial Services
Fiscal Planning and Audit
Tel: 902-916-1025 Fax: 902-368-4969 sdmacguigan@ihis.org
MacGuigan, Willie
Program Development Lead, Primary Health Care
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Fax: 902-569-0579 wtmacguigan@ihis.org
Machon, Tanya
MH&A Acute Care Director of Nursing & MH&A Redevelopment Clinical Design Lead
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Acute and Complex Care
Tel: 902-314-8471 tdmachon@ihis.org
MacInnis, Cathy
Combined Service Worker
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-687-7162 Fax: 902-687-7103 cemacinnis@ihis.org
MacInnis, Jacinta L
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-368-6726 Fax: 902-368-4969 jlmacinnis@ihis.org
MacIntyre, Marcy
Payroll Auditor
Health PEI
Human Resources
HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development
Tel: 902-218-3696 marcymacintyre@ihis.org
MacIsaac, Bethany
Manager, Primary Care Network (West Prince)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-859-3924 Fax: 902-859-3922 blmacisaac@ihis.org
MacKay, Liane
Support Services Manager - Wedgewood Manor, Summerset Manor and Stewart Memorial Home
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: (902) 438-4478 Fax: (902) 438-4441 ljmackay@ihis.org
MacKay, Liane
Manager, Nutrition Services (PCH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4478 Fax: 902-438-4441 ljmackay@ihis.org
MacKay, Sheri
Administrative Assistant (KCMH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals East
Tel: 902-838-0736 Fax: 902-838-0770 sbmackay@ihis.org
MacKenzie, Anita
Manager, Primary Care Network (Queens East)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-620-3265 Fax: 902-620-3295 ahmackenzie@ihis.org
MacKenzie, Brian
Maintenance Electrician
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-687-7150 bpmackenzie@ihis.org
Mackenzie, Gaylene
Employee Abilities and Return to Work Consultant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-213-5148 gaylenemackenzie@ihis.org
MacKenzie Clark, Tara
Clinical Lead, West Prince Primary Care Network
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals West
Tel: 902-859-0002 Fax: 1-833-561-2449 tlmackenzieclark@ihis.org
MacKinnon, Krista
Manager, Diagnostic Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Diagnostic Imaging Services
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 krdmackinnon@ihis.org
MacKinnon, Monica
Physician Services Coordinator
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4318 Fax: 902-438-4381 mxmackinnon@ihis.org
MacKinnon, Patsy
Health PEI
Financial Services
MacKinnon, Shannell
Nurse Practitioner (NP) Director of Clinical Practice and Education
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
MacKinnon, Susan
QEH Manager of Supply, Processing and Distribution (SPD)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2041 Fax: 902-620-0496 smackinnon@ihis.org
MacKinnon, Tanya
Pharmacy Tech
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 tmackinnon@ihis.org
Maclachlan, Daphne
Human Resources Help Desk Lead
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Tel: 902-368-4637 djmaclachlan@ihis.org
MacLean, Matthew B
Clinical Services Supervisor
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-368-4273 Fax: 902-368-6229 mbmaclean@gov.pe.ca
MacLean, Tanner
Casual Youth Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-888-8250 tannermaclean@gov.pe.ca
MacLennan, Jewel
Pharmacy Tech
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4298 Fax: 902-438-4296 jpmaclennan@ihis.org
MacLeod, Alicia
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-853-8660 amacleod@ihis.org
MacLeod, Jacinta N
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-368-4904 Fax: 902-368-4905 jnmacleod@ihis.org
MacLeod, Muriel M
HR Manager, East
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: (902) 687-7150 Fax: (902) 687-7175 mmmacleod@gov.pe.ca
MacLeod, Vicki A
Strategic Sourcing Officer
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-916-0430 Fax: 902-894-2384 vamacleod@ihis.org
MacLeod-Compton, Christina
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-894-2909 cmacleodcompton@ihis.org
MacMillan, Emma
Casual Youth Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-888-8250 emacmillan@gov.pe.ca
MacMillan, Kyle
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 kwmacmillan@ihis.org
MacMillan, Linda
Provincial Breast Screening Coordinator
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Diagnostic Imaging Services
Tel: (902) 894-2914 lmmacmillan@ihis.org
MacMillan, Linda
Quality and Risk Coordinator, Provincial Diagnostic Imaging
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Diagnostic Imaging Services
Tel: 902-894-0297 Fax: 902-894-2276 lmmacmillan@ihis.org
MacNeill, Kendra C
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4298 Fax: 902-438-4296 kcmmacneill@ihis.org
MacNeill, Sandra
Administrative Support
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-859-8781 Fax: 902-859-8784 semacneill@ihis.org
MacNevin, Kandice
Executive Assistant
Health PEI
CEO's Office
Tel: 902-368-4935 Fax: 902-368-4974 kmmacnevin@ihis.org
MacPhail, Carolyn
Manager of Chronic Disease Prevention and Management
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-569-7566 Fax: 902-569-0579 clmacphail@gov.pe.ca
MacPhail, Ellen
Data & Admin Support
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2433 ellenmmacphail@ihis.org
MacPhee, Marlene
Administrative Support (Palliative Care)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: 902-620-3219 Fax: 902-620-3473 memacphee@ihis.org
MacPherson, Brett
Buyer - Kings
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-838-0738 Fax: 902-438-4271 bwmacpherson@ihis.org
MacPherson, Christie
Medical Affairs Locum Coordinator
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-213-2317 cdmacpherson@ihis.org
MacPherson, Gailyne
Director, Hospital Services (QEH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2364 Fax: 902-894-2416 tgmacpherson@gov.pe.ca
MacQueen, Jeanette
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2404 Fax: 902-894-2911 kjmacqueen@ihis.org
MacRae, Crystal
Casual Clerk 4
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
MacRae, Heather J
Pharmacy Assistant 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-368-4904 Fax: 902-368-4905 hjmacrae@ihis.org
MacRae, Tracey
HR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-218-7290 tlmacrae@ihis.org
Mahoney, Kasey
Pharmacy Technician
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 klmahoney@ihis.org
Mallard, Dawn
Nursing Clinical Development Coordinator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: 902-218-4463 Fax: 902-368-6136 dmmallard@ihis.org
Malone, Ed
Director, Support Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2359 edmalone@ihis.org
Malone, Joanne M
Medicare Administration Support
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-838-0918 Fax: 902-838-0940 jmmalone@ihis.org
Mann, Sarah L
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4298 Fax: 902-438-4296 slmann@ihis.org
Marinov, Iva
Provincial Collaborative Mental Health Lead
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: (902) 368-6927 Fax: (902) 569-0579 imarinov@ihis.org
Mark, Brian D
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 bdmark@ihis.org
Martin, Danielle
Admin Assistant
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-620-3322 dcmartin@ihis.org
Martin, Geraldine G
Financial Accounting Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-838-0877 Fax: 902-838-0770 egmartin@ihis.org
Martin, Jocelyn
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 jbmartin@ihis.org
Martin, Kennie
Manager of Cardio-Respiratory Services, QEH
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2051 Fax: (902) 620-0498 kmmartin@gov.pe.ca
Matheson, Carol Anne
Recreation Manager, Colville Manor
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-687-7104 Fax: 902-687-7103 camatheson@ihis.org
Matheson, Dale
RN Supervisor
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-687-7125 Fax: 902-687-7103 dematheson@ihis.org
Matheson, Debra
Manager of Home Care (Kings County)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: 902-687-7096 Fax: 902-687-7048 dmatheson@ihis.org
Matheson, Heather
Director, Prince County Hospital Foundation
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-432-2834 Fax: 902-432-2551 hematheson@ihis.org
Mattes, Connie
Administrative Assistant, Quality and Safety
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Tel: 902-569-7769 Fax: 902-368-6136 cpmattes@ihis.org
Maye, Sherri
Access to Information and Privacy Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Privacy and Information Management
Tel: 902-569-7734 slmaye@ihis.org
McAleer, Donna R
Accounts Payable Supervisor
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: (902) 620-3155 Fax: (902) 620-3162 drmcaleer@ihis.org
McCabe, Anita
Nurse Manager, QEH Unit #2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2186 Fax: (902) 894-2921 admccabe@gov.pe.ca
McCaffrey, Karen J
Chief Performance and Innovation Officer
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Tel: 902-218-7685 Fax: 902-620-3072 kjmccaffrey@ihis.org
McCardle, Andrew
Director, Support Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4530 acmccardle@ihis.org
McCarvill, Dr. Erin
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-7087 emmccarvill@ihis.org
McCashion, Angie
RIM Coordinator
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Privacy and Information Management
Tel: 902-368-6886 Fax: 902-368-6136 ammccashion@ihis.org
McClintick, Mark
Manager, Support Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals East
Tel: 902-838-0929 Fax: 902-838-5294 mdmcclintick@ihis.org
McCourt, April M
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4298 Fax: 902-438-4296 ammccourt@ihis.org
McCourt, Mandy
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
McDonell, Dr. Tyler
Medical Director
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4517 Fax: 902-438-4381 thmcdonell@ihis.org
McEachern, Ashley
Project Manager
Health PEI
Financial Services
Facilities and Capital Planning
McEwen, Lisa
Clinical Lead/Educator, QEH Ambulatory Care Centre
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2488 Fax: 902-620-0498 ldmcewen@ihis.org
McGillivray, Cara
HRIS Administrator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-916-1367 clmcgillivray@ihis.org
McGregor, Kathy
Administrative Assistant
Policy, Planning and Evaluation
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Tel: 902-894-0337 kjmcgregor@ihis.org
McGuigan, Samantha
Ward Clerk / Clerk 4 / Same Day Surgery
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2220 Fax: 902-894-2989 smcguigan@ihis.org
McInnis, Lisa
Coordinator, DI Provincial Quality Control
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Diagnostic Imaging Services
Tel: 902-894-0280 Fax: 902-894-2510 lmcinnis@ihis.org
McInnis, Verna
Family Medicine Residency Program Site Administrator
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-894-2536 Fax: 902-620-3896 vlmcinnis@ihis.org
McIntosh, Jeanna
HRIS Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development
McKee-Blanche, Katherine
Occupational Therapist
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-213-7104 kmckeeblanche@ihis.org
McKenna, Grant
Manager, Clinical Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals East
Tel: 902-687-7150 gamckenna@ihis.org
McKenna, Kimberley
Safety Officer East
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-394-7572 kimmckenna@ihis.org
McKenna, Nora A
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-368-4904 Fax: 902-894-2911 namckenna@ihis.org
McKenna, Troy
Utility Worker
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-213-4843 troymckenna@ihis.org
McLaine, John
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2031 Fax: 902-894-2386 jdmclaine@ihis.org
McLean, Everton
Chief Communications Officer
Health PEI
Cell: 902-213-1507 Fax: 902-368-4974 emclean@gov.pe.ca
McLellan, Krista
Quality and Patient Safety Consultant
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Quality and Patient Safety
Tel: 902-393-0838 kjmclellan@ihis.org
McNally, Laurie A
Complaints Resolution Officer
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-213-2994 lamcnally@ihis.org
McNeill, Marisa
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-569-7641 Fax: 902-569-0597 mmcneill@ihis.org
Mellish, Janice
Out-of-Province Liaison Nurse
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Patient Flow and System Utilization
Tel: (902) 473-7082 Fax: (902) 717-3831 Toll-free: (866) 232-3042 janice.mellish@nshealth.ca
Mihalijevich, Dr. Amy
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-368-5460 amihalijevich@ihis.org
Mill, Danielle L
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 687-7150 Fax: (902) 687-7175 dmmill@ihis.org
Millar, Ann
Stroke Navigator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Fax: (902) 368-6936 Toll-free: (844) 871-0634 aemillar@ihis.org
Miller, Edna
Administrator (Community Hospitals East)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals East
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 eamiller@ihis.org
Miller, Todd J
Strategic Sourcing Manager
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-218-3629 Fax: 902-894-2384 tojmiller@ihis.org
Milley, Brian
Pharmacy Tech
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 bcmilley@ihis.org
Milligan, Karen
HR Manager - Provincial Programs and Primary Care
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-620-3090 Fax: 902-368-4969 klmilligan@ihis.org
Milligan, Rachel
Administrative Assistant
Je parle français
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: (902) 438-4129 Fax: (902) 888-8338 rmmilligan@gov.pe.ca
Mills, April
Manager, Emergency Department
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-620-0407 Fax: 902-894-0023 jeamills@gov.pe.ca
Mills, Julia
Administrative Support
Je parle français
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: (902) 854-7259 Fax: (902) 854-7270 jmmills@ihis.org
Moase, Kent S
Procurement Technician
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-438-4273 Fax: 902-438-4271 ksmoase@ihis.org
Mol, Eva
Manager of Home Care (Queens)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: (902) 368-4790 Fax: (902) 368-4858 evmol@ihis.org
Molyneaux, Darlene
Youth Addictions Counsellor
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-368-4285 Fax: 902-628-2118 damolyneaux@ihis.org
Molyneaux, Norah C
Procurement Technician
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-620-3427 Fax: 902-368-5608 ncmolyneaux@ihis.org
Momcilovic, Ilona
Pharmacy Supervisory Technician
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 imomcilovic@ihis.org
Mooney, Chris G
Information Coordinator
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-838-0922 Fax: 902-838-0940 cgmooney@ihis.org
Moore, Emma
MSIP Consultant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-213-5293 emoore@ihis.org
Morrison, Janice
QEH Manager of Volunteer Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2151 Fax: (902) 894-0228 JXMORRISON@gov.pe.ca
Morrow, June
Website and Project Coordinator
Health PEI
Tel: 902-368-5810 jmmorrow@ihis.org
Morton, Teresa
CareNet/Orders Clinical Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-368-5579 Fax: 902-620-3388 temorton@ihis.org
Mosher, Jillian
Manager, Public Health Nursing (Central)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-368-4532 Fax: 902-368-4497 jrmosher@ihis.org
Mullen, Adam
Maintenance Tradesperson
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-368-5400 Fax: 902-368-5467 adammullen@ihis.org
Munro, Kim
Project Manager
Health PEI
Human Resources
HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development
Tel: 902-916-0645 kimmunro@ihis.org
Murphy, Adam
System Optimization Analyst
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Patient Flow and System Utilization
Tel: 902-569-7653 Fax: 902-368-6136 ajmurphy@ihis.org
Murphy, Amanda L
Medicare Eligibility Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-838-0955 Fax: 902-838-0940 almurphy@ihis.org
Murphy, Mark
Fiscal Analyst
Health PEI
Financial Services
Fiscal Planning and Audit
Tel: 902-368-6177 Fax: 902-368-6136 markmurphy@ihis.org
Murphy, Sarah
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 saramurphy@ihis.org
Murphy, Tanya
Patient Navigator
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Patient Experience
Tel: 902-620-3418 Fax: 902-368-6136 Toll-free: 1-844-882-3141 patientnavigator@gov.pe.ca
Mutch, Leanne
RIM Coordinator
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Privacy and Information Management
Tel: 902-368-6891 Fax: 902-368-6136 lmmutch@ihis.org
Mutch, Stephen J.
Financial Analyst/Auditor
Health PEI
Financial Services
Fiscal Planning and Audit
Tel: 902-368-5809 Fax: 902-368-6136 sjmutch@gov.pe.ca
Myatt, Trudy
Nurse Manager, QEH Unit #1
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2427 Fax: (902) 894-2598 tlmyatt@gov.pe.ca
Myers, Shawn
Clinical Application Specialist
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-894-0248 Fax: 902-620-3388 skmyers@ihis.org
Myers, Whitney
Ward Clerk
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Acute and Complex Care
Tel: 902-368-4048 Fax: 902-569-0512 wmyers@ihis.org
Myers-Taylor, Courtney
Infection Control Professional (QEH)
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Tel: 902-894-2525 csmyers-taylor@ihis.org
Myroniuk, Andrea
Strategic Sourcing Officer
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-916-0770 Fax: 902-438-4271 almyroniuk@ihis.org
Nangreaves, Jessica
Executive Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2351 jsnangreaves@ihis.org
Narayanan, ArunKumar
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Acute and Complex Care
Tel: 902-838-4048 Fax: 902-838-6229 anarayanan@ihis.org
Nelson, Ruth
Core Clinical Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-620-3231 Fax: 902-620-3388 rlnelson@ihis.org
Neumeyer, Ryan
Acting Strategic Sourcing Officer
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-213-9353 Fax: 902-894-2384 rgneumeyer@ihis.org
Nied-Kutterer, Anja
Colorectal/Cervical Cancer Screening Coordinator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: (902) 620-3616 Fax: (902) 368-6936 Toll-free: (888) 561-2233 aniedkutterer@ihis.org
Nixon, Jill
Manager, Safety and Violence Prevention
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-916-0657 jnixon@ihis.org
Noble, Heather
Recorded Information Management Clerk
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Privacy and Information Management
Tel: 902-569-7667 Fax: 902-368-6136 hanoble@ihis.org
Norquay, Wade
Provincial Lung Cancer Prevention and Screening Coordinator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-940-5126 wsfnorquay@ihis.org
Norton, Cheryl
Manager, Support Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals East
Tel: 902-687-7105 clnorton@ihis.org
O'Brien, Mary Jean
Manager, Diagnostic Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Diagnostic Imaging Services
Tel: 902-859-3925 902-853-3205 mjobrien@ihis.org
O'Brien, Samantha
Finance Clerk (AP/AR)
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-894-0178 Fax: 902-620-3162 smobrien@ihis.org
O'Connor, Liam
Procurement Technician
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-894-2920 Fax: 902-894-2384 lrhoconnor@ihis.org
O'Keefe, Cheryl
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-687-7090 Fax: 902-687-7103 ccokeefe@ihis.org
O'Meara, Crystal-Lynn
HR Manager - Support Services
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-894-2526 Fax: 902-894-2424 crystallomeara@ihis.org
O'Meara, Michael
Manager of Accounting Services
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-213-4127 Fax: 902-368-6136 momeara@gov.pe.ca
O'Rourke, Valerie I
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2939 Fax: (902) 894-2911 viorourke@ihis.org
Oakes, Darlene
Administrator, Margaret Stewart Ellis Home and Maplewood Manor
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: (902) 859-8734 Fax: (902) 859-8774 dhoakes@ihis.org
Olasimno, Adeola
Talent Acquisition Consultant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Oliver, Jonathan
Director of Facilities
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Facility Operations
Tel: 902-368-5404 jdoliver@ihis.org
Oliver, Liza C
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2025 Fax: (902) 894-2911 lcoliver@ihis.org
Oulton, Airalee
Talent Acquisition Consultant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
O’Neill, Keith
Project Lead LTC IT InterRAI
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-620-3853 Fax: 902-620-3072 koneill@ihis.org
Pacpaco, Mark
Infection Control Professional (Community)
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Tel: 902-368-7744 mpacpaco@ihis.org
Palmer, Allen
Maintenance Tradesperson
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2031 Fax: 902-894-2386 adpalmer@ihis.org
Palmer, Joy L
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-438-4383 Fax: 902-438-4381 jlpalmer@ihis.org
Paquet, Krista
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Parkman, Alicia
Human Resources Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-368-5413 Cell: 902-213-4634 aparkman@ihis.org
Payne, Brad
Pharmacy Manager
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-0182 Fax: 902-894-2911 bspayne@ihis.org
Paynter, Tracy
Accounts Payable Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-438-4386 Fax: 902-438-4381 tpaynter@ihis.org
Penny, Teresa A
Accounts Payable Officer
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-620-3156 Fax: 902-620-3162 tapenny@ihis.org
Penny, Tina
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Policy, Planning and Evaluation
Tel: 902-368-6367 Fax: 902-620-3072 tlpenny@ihis.org
Perry, Jason
Utility Worker
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-831-7900 jasonperry@ihis.org
Peters, David A
Buyer - Queens
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-368-6233 Fax: 902-368-5608 dapeters@ihis.org
Peters, Robbie
Interim Chief Financial Officer
Health PEI
Financial Services
Tel: 902-314-0190 rpeters@ihis.org
Peters, Wayne
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4415 Fax: 902-438-4296 whbpeters@ihis.org
Phillips, Christina
Administrator, Community Hospitals West
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals West
Tel: 902-853-8663 Fax: 902-853-8658 clphillips@ihis.org
Phillips, Courtney
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-218-5319 Fax: 902-569-0579 cphillips@gov.pe.ca
Phillips, Russel
Financial Assessment Worker
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: (902) 368-6384 Fax: (902) 368-6136 rphillips@ihis.org
Pickering, Sherry
Home Care Program Development Lead
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: (902) 620-3049 Fax: (902) 368-6136 slpickering@ihis.org
Pickles, Lisa
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-5946 llpickles@ihis.org
Pierre, Cheryl
Nova Scotia Out-of-Province Liaison Nurse
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Patient Flow and System Utilization
Tel: 506-860-2246 Fax: 506-875-6846 Toll-free: 855-860-2246 cheryl.pierre@horizonnb.ca
Pigott, Brady
SurgiNet Clinical Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-620-3767 Fax: 902-620-3388 bcpigott@gov.pe.ca
Pike, Rachelle
Women's Wellness Program Manager
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Toll-free: (844) 365-8285 rpike@gov.pe.ca
Pinkham, Shalyn
Children with Complex Needs Coordinator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Pitre, Janessa
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Tel: 902-218-3248 Fax: 902-368-4969 jkpitre@ihis.org
Pitre, Jennifer
Interim Director of Nursing, LTC Queens East
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-218-3896 Fax: 902-368-5946 jrpitre@ihis.org
Power, Joanne
Accounts Receivable Finance Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-894-2987 Fax: 902-894-2279 jpower@ihis.org
Power, Kelley
Administrative Coordinator (Chief Administrative Office)
Health PEI
Corporate Services
Tel: 902-916-2058 Fax: 902-368-4974 kapower@ihis.org
Powers, Arlene
Out-of-Province Health Services Coordinator
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Patient Flow and System Utilization
Tel: 902-368-6516 Fax: 902-569-0581 arpowers@gov.pe.ca
Powers, Cassandra
Pharmacy Technician
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4298 Fax: 902-438-4296 cppowers@ihis.org
Praught, Crystal
Manager of Home Care (Prince County)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: (902) 888-8440 Fax: (902) 888-8439 cdpraught@ihis.org
Praught, Lindsay
Employee Abilities and Return to Work Consultant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-218-0621 limpraught@ihis.org
Pridham, Cynthia
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 613-206-1305 Fax: 902-888-8338 ccpridham@ihis.org
Pritchard, Amanda
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Infection Prevention and Control
Tel: 902-368-5484 Fax: 902-368-6136 ampritchard@ihis.org
Profitt, Colby
Buyer - Queens
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-368-6233 cwprofitt@ihis.org
Profitt, Kelly J
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 kjprofitt@gov.pe.ca
Purcell, Shaina
Social Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-288-1160 Fax: 902-368-6466 shainapurcell@ihis.org
Pyke, Marsha
Director of Facility and Capital Planning
Health PEI
Financial Services
Tel: 902-315-1061 mlpyke@ihis.org
Ramsay, Sandra
Family Addiction - West
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-853-8670 Fax: 902-853-0420 slramsay@ihis.org
Ramsay, Sarah
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-438-4040 seramsay@ihis.org
Ranahan, Nathalie
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4295 nmranahan@ihis.org
Raynor, Lydia
Volunteer Services Coordinator (PCH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4359 Fax: 902-438-4221 ljraynor@ihis.org
Read, Janet
Manager, Telecommunications
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4306 Fax: 902-438-4301 jmread@ihis.org
Redmond, Chad M
Inventory Analyst
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-894-2158 Fax: 902-894-2384 cmredmond@ihis.org
Reeves, Jenna
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4513 Fax: 902-438-4388 jreeves@ihis.org
Rennie, Heidi
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-231-2319 harennie@ihis.org
Rice, Katerina
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Financial Services
Facilities and Capital Planning
Tel: 902-288-1651 Fax: 902-368-4969 katerinarice@ihis.org
Richard, Peter J
Financial Officer (West)
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-438-4385 Fax: 902-438-4381 pjrichard@gov.pe.ca
Richardson, Jolene L
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 jlrichardson@ihis.org
Ricker, Rebecca
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-859-8750 Fax: 902-859-8756 rjricker@ihis.org
Riley, Justine
Project Manager
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Tel: 902-218-7754 jriley@ihis.org
Rinco, Kilby S
Director of Pharmacy Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-368-5050 Fax: 902-894-2911 ksrinco@gov.pe.ca
Rix, Sheila
Provincial Long Term Care Practice Coordinator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-6296 Cell: 902-213-4688 Fax: 902-620-3072 smrix@ihis.org
Roberts, Deborah A
Clinical Lead/Educator, QEH Ambulatory Care Centre
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2487 Fax: (902) 620-0498 daroberts@ihis.org
Robertson, Chrissy
Clinic Coordinator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-218-3935 carobertson@ihis.org
Robertson, Nancy
Medicare Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-838-0900 Fax: 902-838-0940 nancyrobertson@ihis.org
Robertson, Ralph
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2031 Fax: 902-894-2386 rrobertson@ihis.org
Robertson, Tracy
Administrative Support - Community Mental Health & Addictions East
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-687-7110 Fax: 902-687-7119 tlrobertson@ihis.org
Robson, Heather
Health PEI
Corporate Services
Tel: 902-218-1545 Fax: 902-368-6136 herobson@ihis.org
Roche, Tara
Director, Inpatient Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals East
Tel: 902-838-0740 taroche@ihis.org
Rogers, Kerry
Nurse Manager
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-620-0407 klrogers@ihis.org
Rohani, Ladan
Social Service Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-368-4765 Fax: 902-620-3933 lrohani@ihis.org
Rose, Faith
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 fmrose@ihis.org
Rose, Roseanne C
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-368-4026 Fax: 902-368-6229 crrose@ihis.org
Rowe, Derrick
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-888-8310 drowe@ihis.org
Rowe, Derrick
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-888-8310 drowe@ihis.org
Rowswell, Corinne A
Chief Operating Officer
Health PEI
Tel: 902-368-4935 Fax: 902-368-4974 carowswell@ihis.org
Ruckley, Sharon
Provincial Palliative Care Nurse
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: (902) 620-3757 Fax: (902) 620-3473 segruckley@ihis.org
Ryan, Maribeth
Workstream Director
Health PEI
CEO's Office
Transformation Office
Tel: 902-218-4575 maribethryan@ihis.org
Ryan, Pat G
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-916-1728 Fax: 902-368-6136 pgryan@gov.pe.ca
Sabapathy, Jaycee
Planning and Evaluation Consultant
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Policy, Planning and Evaluation
Tel: 902-368-5817 jsabapathy@ihis.org
Salar, Khaled
Project Manager
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Tel: 902-916-7337 ksalar@ihis.org
Saldanha, Glenn
Acting Senior Project Manager – Employee Experience Specialist
Health PEI
Human Resources
HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development
Tel: 902-218-9647 gsaldanha@ihis.org
Saulnier, Gordon
Social Worker 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-314-2055 gvsaulnier@ihis.org
Saunders, Jill
CPAC Project Coordinator
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2554 Fax: 902-894-2187 jasaunders@ihis.org
Savoie, Amanda
HR Manager - Corporate Services and Medical Affairs
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-218-1837 asavoie@ihis.org
Schellen, Bonnie
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Financial Services
Facilities and Capital Planning
Fax: 902-368-4969 blschellen@ihis.org
Schurman, Karen
Occupational Therapy
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Acute and Complex Care
Tel: 902-368-5423 Fax: 902-368-5467 keschurman@ihis.org
Scott, Gail
Long-Term Care Program Manager
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-6296 Fax: 902-368-6136 gascott@ihis.org
Seale, Vanessa
Policy Coordinator / Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Policy, Planning and Evaluation
Tel: 902-620-3762 Fax: 902-620-3072 vseale@ihis.org
Seeley, Jennifer RN
Provincial Renal Clinic
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: (902) 629-8893 Fax: (902) 629-8827 jcseeley@ihis.org
Sellar, Carol
Manager, Primary Care Network (Queens West)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-569-8539 Fax: 902-368-6936 casellar@ihis.org
Sencabaugh, JoAnne
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-894-2943 jbsencabaugh@ihis.org
Sharpe, Lori
Health Resource Centre Coordinator (PCH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4225 Fax: 902-438-4102 lrsharpe@ihis.org
Shaw, Laurie
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Tel: 902-368-4788 Fax: 902-368-6136 laurieshaw@ihis.org
Shea, Holly
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4298 Fax: 902-438-4296 hshea@ihis.org
Shea-Duffy, Jessica
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-438-4040 jcshea@ihis.org
Sheehan, Donna
Administrative Assistant - Beach Grove Home, Prince Edward Home and Sherwood Home
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-5826 Fax: 902-368-6764 dmsheehan@gov.pe.ca
Sheikh, Imran
Project Manager
Health PEI
CEO's Office
Transformation Office
Tel: 902-218-6604 irsheikh@ihis.org
Shoemaker, Janet
Administrative Coordinator
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-213-3144 jashoemaker@ihis.org
Short, Gisele
Secretary, Cardio-Respiratory (PCH)
Je parle français
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4250 Fax: 902-438-4102 gdshort@ihis.org
Sigsworth, Melanie
Home Support Worker
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: 902-368-4790 Fax: 902-368-4858 msigsworth@ihis.org
Silliker, Wade
QEH Building Systems Manager
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2065 Fax: (902) 894-2386 wksilliker@gov.pe.ca
Simmons, Marla
Nurse Manager, Emergency Department
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4650 Fax: 902-438-4331 mjsimmons@ihis.org
Sinclair, Debbie
Scheduling Officer (PCH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4545 Fax: 902-438-4214 dksinclair@ihis.org
Singh, Inderpreet
Clinical Application Specialist - Foundations
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-368-6614 Fax: 902-620-3388 isingh@ihis.org
Skaff, Rony
Program Development Lead
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-368-3152 riskaff@gov.pe.ca
Slater, Bradley
Project Manager, Security and Violence Prevention
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-218-6209 bslater@ihis.org
Smith, Dawna
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-888-8045 Fax: 902-438-4511 dsmith@ihis.org
Smith, Jeff
Pharmacy Clinical Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-620-3391 Fax: 902-620-3061 jrsmith@ihis.org
Smith, Lindsey
Registered Nurse
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: (902) 388-7679 Fax: (902) 569-0579 limsmith@gov.pe.ca
Smith, Michelle
Clinical Nurse Lead, Primary Care Network (Queens East)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-620-3262 Fax: 902-620-3267 milsmith@ihis.org
Snodgrass, Jennifer
Clinical Lead, Primary Care Network (Queens West)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Sobey, Nicole
Administrative Assistant, Provincial Stroke
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-218-0553 Fax: 902-368-5467 nasobey@ihis.org
Sobey, Stephanie
Manager of Provinical Eye Clinic
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Community Specialist Services
Tel: 902-629-8850 Fax: 902-629-8802 svsobey@ihis.org
Somers, Wendy
Out of Province Liaison Nurse
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Patient Flow and System Utilization
Tel: 506-860-2246 Fax: 506-875-6846 wendy.somers@horizonnb.ca
St. Pierre, Martha
Provincial Diabetes Clinical Lead
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: (902) 368-4243 Fax: (902) 368-6936 mmstpierre@ihis.org
Stanley, Rod
Project Manager
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Policy, Planning and Evaluation
Tel: 902-368-6168 Fax: 902-620-3072 rjstanley@ihis.org
Stavert, Jessica
Planning and Evaluation Consultant
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Policy, Planning and Evaluation
Steele, Cara
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Patient Experience
Stevenson, Heather
Physician Services Coordinator
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-218-5920 hjstevenson@ihis.org
Stewart, Jacinta
Pharmacy Tech
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-838-0750 Fax: 902-838-0770 jacintastewart@ihis.org
Stewart, Jillian
Manager, Support Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Community Hospitals West
Tel: 902-853-0421 Fax: 902-853-8658 jillianstewart@ihis.org
Stewart, Kennedy
Clerk 4
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-4607 kennedystewart@ihis.org
Stewart, Neil
Senior Advisor
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-367-1837 nmstewart@gov.pe.ca
Stewart, Tara
Talent Aquisition Consultant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Tel: 902-292-4979 tvstewart@ihis.org
Stewart, Dr. Trina
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Sullivan, Jeff
Power Engineer 3rd Class
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-892-2198 Fax: 902-894-2386 jbsullivan@gov.pe.ca
Sullivan, Mary
Director of Home-Based Care
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: 902-620-3045 Fax: 902-368-6136 mksullivan@ihis.org
Sweeney, Edward
Power Engineer
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2198 Fax: 902-894-2386 esweeney@ihis.org
Sweeney, Ken
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-892-2031 Fax: 902-894-2386 ksweeney@ihis.org
Sweet, Krystal G
Financial Accounting Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-859-3901 Fax: 902-859-8776 kgsweet@ihis.org
Tahir, Sarah
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Tel: 902-916-0684 stahir@ihis.org
Taweel, Jeannette
Accounts Payable / Finance Clerk (40%)
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-368-5272 Fax: 902-620-3162 jetaweel@ihis.org
Taylor, Scott
QEH Maintenance Manager
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2074 Fax: (902) 894-2386 sjtaylor@gov.pe.ca
Taylor, Victoria
Administrative Assistant, Chronic Disease Prevention and Management
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-368-6171 Fax: 902-569-0579 vjtaylor@ihis.org
Theberge, Philip G.
Quality Risk Consultant
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Quality and Patient Safety
Tel: 902-368-4254 pgtheberge@ihis.org
Thompson, Jonathan
Patient Registry Clerk
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: (902) 620-3263 Fax: (902) 620-3295 Toll-free: (855) 563-2101 jmthompson@ihis.org
Thompson, Leila
Supervisor Administration Services West
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-888-8122 Fax: 902-888-8398 lrthompson@ihis.org
Thompson, Yvonne
School Therapy Occupational Therapist (STOT) Supervisor
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-620-3034 Fax: 902-620-3917 ycthompson@ihis.org
Tierney, Robert
Addictions Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-368-4297 Fax: 902-368-6229 rjtierney@ihis.org
Timmons, Allison B
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 abtimmons@ihis.org
Timmons, Brian
Provincial Technical Director Laboratory Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Laboratory Services
Tel: (902) 894-2964 Fax: (902) 894-2385 bdtimmons@ihis.org
Timpson, Brianne
Quality and Patient Safety Consultant
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Quality and Patient Safety
Tel: 902-620-3349 Fax: 902-368-6136 btimpson@ihis.org
Trainor, Melissa
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 melissatrainor@ihis.org
Trainor, Tara
Accounts Receivable Officer
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-894-3151 Fax: 902-620-3162 tltrainor@ihis.org
Trainor, Trevor
Maintenance Manager - Beach Grove Home and Prince Edward Home
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-620-3372 Fax: 902-368-5946 tjtrainor@ihis.org
Trivedi, Darshan
Pharmacy Technician
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 datrivedi@ihis.org
Ulahannan, Anu
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-4607 amulahannan@ihis.org
Vahora, Mobin
Pharmacy Technician
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 mvahora@ihis.org
Valverde, Candace
Receptionist/Clerk 4
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: (902) 368-6130 Fax: (902) 368-6136 cvalverde@ihis.org
Van Gaal , Meghan
Director of Transformation Office
Health PEI
CEO's Office
Transformation Office
Tel: 902-916-0691 meghanvangaal@ihis.org
VanBuskirk, Dianne M
Accounts Payable
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-438-4386 Fax: 902-438-4381 dmvanbuskirk@ihis.org
VanIderstine, Terri
Accounts Receivable Finance Clerk
Health PEI
Financial Services
Comptroller's Office
Tel: 902-620-3151 Fax: 902-620-3162 tlvaniderstine@ihis.org
VanOuwerkerk, Kristen
Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab Program RN
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-218-4598 Fax: 902-569-0579 kmvanouwerkerk@ihis.org
Vickerson, Adrienne C
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4298 Fax: 902-438-4296 acvickerson@ihis.org
Villard, Morgan
Pharmacy Tech
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-894-2024 Fax: 902-894-2911 mlvillard@ihis.org
Virdee, Gurpreet
eHealth Coordinator
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-620-3388 gvirdee@ihis.org
Vishnoi, Sumit
Data Analyst
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Health Analytics
Tel: 902-368-5835 svishnoi@ihis.org
Vuozzo, Jeremy P
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2025 Fax: (902) 368-4905 jpvuozzo@ihis.org
Waite, Kelly
Administrative Supervisor, Primary Care Network (East Prince)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-432-2647 Fax: 902-432-2610 kdwaite@ihis.org
Walker, Mark P
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2025 Fax: (902) 894-2911 mpwalker@ihis.org
Walker, Stephanie
Radiation Therapist
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-894-2951 Fax: 902-894-2187 smwalker@ihis.org
Walsh, Julie
Medical Secretary
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
e-Health Clinical Operations
Tel: 902-620-3518 Fax: 902-620-3388 jawalsh@gov.pe.ca
Walsh, Melanie
Executive Director of Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Health PEI
Nursing, Professional Practice and Quality
Quality, Patient Safety and Ethics
Tel: 902-368-5804 Fax: 902-368-6136 mawalsh@ihis.org
Ward, Blanche
Program Manager of Palliative Home Care Drug Program
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: (902) 368-4347 Fax: (902) 620-3473 btward@ihis.org
Warren, Leslie
Director Mental Health and Addictions Acute & Complex Care
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Acute and Complex Care
Tel: 902-368-4819 Fax: 902-620-3077 lawarren@ihis.org
Warren, Sydney
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Warren, Valerie
Administrative Assistant, Primary Care Network (Queens West)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-621-3057 Fax: 902-621-3069 vwarren@ihis.org
Waugh, Trevor
Director, Support Services (PCH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4530 Fax: 902-438-4381 tawaugh@ihis.org
White, Ryan
Director, Talent Management
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Tel: 902-628-0609 rwhite@ihis.org
Whiteway, Crystal
Medical Secretary
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-838-0960 Fax: 902-838-0961 cjwhiteway@ihis.org
Whitlock, Michael
Adult - Clinical Service Supervisor/Clinical Social Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: (902) 368-4430 Fax: (902) 368-4427 mawhitlock@gov.pe.ca
Whitty, Chelsea
Manager of Physician Services - Family Medicine
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs Administration
Tel: 902-213-5847 cwhitty@gov.pe.ca
Whitty, John
RIS/PACS Systems Administrator
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Diagnostic Imaging Services
Tel: (902) 894-2996 Fax: (902) 894-2276 jhwhitty@ihis.org
Wile, Andrea
Nurse Manager, Maternal Child Care Unit (PCH)
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4495 Fax: 902-438-4491 akwile@ihis.org
Wilkie, Alex
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-853-6416 anwilkie@ihis.org
Wilkie, Paul
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: (902) 438-4374 Fax: (902) 438-4511 epwilkie@ihis.org
Williams, Catherine
Manager, Nutritional Services
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Prince County Hospital
Tel: 902-438-4478 cjwilliams@ihis.org
Williams, Cathy
Administrative Support, Home Care / Public Health Nursing (Souris)
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: 902-687-7096 Fax: 902-687-7048 cdwilliams@ihis.org
Williams, Kristen
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: 902-620-0409 Fax: 902-894-2927 kpwilliams@ihis.org
Wilson, Nicole
Administrative Assistant
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Research, Innovation and Partnership
Tel: 902-288-1406 nmwilson@ihis.org
Wood, Gary
Utility Worker
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2031 garywood@ihis.org
Wood, Kimberley
Nurse Manager, QEH Unit #8
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Tel: (902) 894-2449 Fax: (902) 894-2975 kimawood@gov.pe.ca
Woodington, Nancy L
Pharmacy Technician 2
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: 902-438-4298 Fax: 902-438-4296 nlwoodington@ihis.org
Woods, Kelsey
Administrative Assistant to the Chief Medical Officer
Health PEI
Medical Affairs
Tel: 902-213-3284 klwoods@ihis.org
Wright, Greg
Manager of Materials Management
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-213-4260 Fax: 902-894-2384 gtwright@ihis.org
Wright, Kelley
Manager, Public Health Nursing (West)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-888-8167 Fax: 902-888-8153 kmwright@ihis.org
Wright, Shauna
Youth Worker
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Tel: 902-888-8250 shaunawright@gov.pe.ca
Wyatt, Allison
Director, Occupational Health and Safety
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-218-7389 Fax: 902-368-4969 awyatt@ihis.org
Yeadon, Julie
RIM Clerk
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Privacy and Information Management
Yeo, Blair H
Inventory Technician (casual)
Health PEI
Financial Services
Materials Management
Tel: 902-438-4276 Fax: 902-438-4271 bhyeo@ihis.org
Yorston, Linda
Recorded Information Management Clerk
Health PEI
Performance and Innovation
Privacy and Information Management
Tel: 902-569-7734 Fax: 902-368-6136 lryorston@ihis.org
Young, Cheryl
Recreation Manager - Prince Edward Home and Beach Grove Home
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-5792 Fax: 902-368-5946 cdyoung@ihis.org
Younker, Shaun
Recreation Therapist
Health PEI
Mental Health and Addictions
Community Programs
Tel: 902-368-6531 Fax: 902-368-6189 sbyounker@ihis.org
Zakem, Lorelei G
Health PEI
Hospital Services and Patient Flow
Provincial Pharmacy Services
Tel: (902) 894-2024 Fax: (902) 894-2911 lgzakem@ihis.org