
Adults Immunization Schedule (for use by Health Care Providers)

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Why do adults need immunization?

Adults may need immunizations for a number of reasons including:

  • to provide a booster against waning immunity, e.g. tetanus;
  • to protect against diseases more common in adults, e.g. herpes zoster;
  • to protect those who may be too young or too vulnerable to be immunized, e.g. pertussis

How can I find out about adult immunization in PEI?

PEI's Detailed Adult Immunization Schedule provides information on the vaccines that are recommended for adults in PEI, where the vaccines can be accessed and whether they are publicly funded (free) in PEI. The schedule was developed based on the recommendations of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (link is external) (NACI) and are further detailed in the Canadian Immunization Guide (link is external). PEI's detailed schedule is reviewed and updated periodically by the Chief Public Health Office as new information becomes available and policies change. 

How can I make sure my adult patient is adequately immunized?

  • Review the Detailed Adult Immunization Schedule to see if your patient requires immunization and where the vaccines can be accessed;
  • For publicly funded vaccines refer the patient to Health PEI Public Health Nursing using the Adult Immunization and TST Referral Form
  • Completing the health history will ensure a thorough assessment;
  • Physicians and nurse practitioners can order influenza and pneumococcal 23 vaccines for your offices based on the Annual Influenza Immunization Policy;
  • Pharmacists can administer certain vaccines and are provided access to publicly funded influenza vaccine;
  • The detailed schedule provides information on certain non-publicly funded immunizations including Herpes Zoster Vaccine.


Download: PEI's Detailed Adult Immunization Schedule

Download: Adult Immunization and TST Referral Form

General Inquiries

Department of Health and Wellness
4th Floor North, Shaw Building
105 Rochford Street
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-6414
Fax: 902-368-4121 (link sends e-mail)