Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority Inc.

Anne of Green Gables looks at Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority Inc.

The Anne Authority is jointly owned by the Province of Prince Edward Island and the Heirs of L.M. Montgomery Inc. The Anne Authority was established to protect the integrity of the images of Anne, to preserve and enhance the legacy of L.M. Montgomery and her literary works, and to control the use of Anne of Green Gables and related trademarks and official marks, including Green Gables House ("Anne" trademarks). "Images of Anne" means words and images depicting the fictional characters, places, and events described in Montgomery's novel Anne of Green Gables and related novels.

About product licensing

AS THE SOLE LICENSING AGENT for Anne trademarks, the Anne Authority requires that any product, service, or event using images of Anne be licensed. Licences granted by the Anne Authority permit use of specified Anne trademarks for certain goods, services, and events for a specified period and may be limited to particular geographic regions. Royalties are payable at the discretion of the Anne Authority.

All products, services, and events using images of Anne must adhere to the following general guidelines:

  • They must be appropriate to the image of Anne (or other characters, e.g. Diana Barry, Marilla, Matthew, or place, e.g. Green Gables house) as depicted by L.M. Montgomery;
  • They must be of high quality and meet standards specified by the Anne Authority; and
  • They must be appropriate to the use or purpose for which they were intended.

In addition to the above guidelines, the Anne Authority will give consideration to the number of similar products, services, and events already licensed and other factors which it deems relevant.

The completed copy of the license application form should be returned to the Anne Authority at the appropriate address, with a cheque or money order in the amount of $50.00 for the application fee, and made payable to the Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority Inc.

Applications are reviewed on a regular basis by the appropriate Anne Licensing Committee, with approval or rejection given by the Anne Authority, if possible, within eight weeks of review.

If you have any questions about the licensing procedure, please feel free to contact us:

Shannon Pratt
Tel: (902) 626-8613 (link sends e-mail)
94 Euston Street
PO Box 910
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Canada   C1A 7L9

Kate MacDonald
Tel: (416) 971-7473 (link sends e-mail)
29 Commercial Road
Suite 205
Toronto, Ontario
Canada   M4G 1Z3

Innovation PEI

General Inquiries

Cultural Development Division, Innovation PEI
94 Euston Street
PO Box 910
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7L9
Telephone: 902-368-6300
Toll-free (North America): 1-800-563-3734
Fax: 902-368-6301 (link sends e-mail)