Apply for a Tourism PEI Hosting Grant
If your non-profit organization is hosting a meeting, convention or sporting event with off-Island participants, the Tourism PEI Hosting Grant may provide up to $5,000 ($10 per delegate) towards the cost of an opening/closing reception or banquet. The event must be scheduled during the shoulder season, i.e. anytime other than July and August. Apply by March 1st using the PDF or online form below.
Applications will be processed first come, first served. Requests submitted after the deadline will be considered providing allocated funds are still available.
Does my event qualify for a hosting grant?
The following events are eligible for funding:
- National or international conference or workshop-based meeting;
- Regional (Atlantic or Maritime) event with a minimum of 200 out-of-province registered delegates (i.e. registered conference participants and official guests).
- National or regional sporting event sanctioned by the appropriate national sports governing body.
- Organized by non-profit organizations; private sector organizations are not eligible.
- Events that qualify for assistance through programs of other government departments will not normally be considered for funding assistance under the hosting program. In the case of major cultural or sporting events with demonstrated benefits to the province, exceptions may be considered.
Any application meeting the following criteria will be considered while allocated funds are still available:
- Funding supports meal costs for registered participants and official guests only, e.g. opening or closing reception, brunch or banquet;
- Event is not held during July or August and is a one-time event;
- Non-profit organization is hosting (private-sector organizations are not eligible);
- Funding is not provided from other government sources (exception may apply for significant events);
- The Province of PEI will be acknowledged at the function as its sponsor.
What do I need to complete the online form?
You will be asked to include the following information on the form:
- Activity or event name and location
- Host organization name, contact and brief description including executive members
- Number of participants expected, total and out-of-province (estimate)
- Other funding sources
- Agenda or schedule of events (to be uploaded)
- Financial information including:
- Amount of funds requested
- Budget with proposed revenue and expenses (including all funding resources and requests)
- Corporate sponsorship, community financial support and other funding sources, i.e. other government grants
Alternatively, you may download and complete a paper form.
What is the process for receiving funds?
You will be notified if your request if approved. Funds will be issued with the presentation of a receipt from the banquet facility showing the number of meals purchased. Facility may be contacted for verification before payment is issued.
Who can I contact for more information about the grant?
Eamon Dooley
Tourism Development Officer
Tourism PEI
PO Box 2000, Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8
Telephone: 902-620-3126
Fax: 902-368-4438
E-mail: (link sends e-mail)