Apply for the Generic Drug Program
The Prince Edward Island Generic Drug Program is for Islanders under the age of 65 who do not have insurance. The program limits out-of-pocket costs for eligible generic prescription drugs to a maximum cost of $19.95.
Am I eligible for the Generic Drug Program?
You are eligible for the program if you:
- have no private drug insurance coverage;
- are under 65 years of age;
- are a PEI resident as defined by the Drug Cost Assistance Act;
- have a valid PEI Health Card; and
- have completed an application and have been approved for coverage.
How can I apply for the program?
You can apply for the Generic Drug Program by completing an application online or in person at Access PEI locations, pharmacies, physician offices, or pharmacare offices.
What drugs are covered under the program?
The program covers eligible generic prescription drugs that are listed on the provincial formulary. It does not include the following:
- brand name drugs
- diabetes drugs (coverage already exists through a different public program); or
- narcotics, controlled and targeted substances
- compounded drugs
- over the counter drugs
Some medications in the PEI Pharmacare Formulary are approved on a special authorization basis only. If your authorized prescriber prescribes a drug in this category, he or she can submit a Standard Special Authorization Request form
to have a medication considered for coverage.
If your medication is not included in the PEI Pharmacare Formulary, it will not be eligible for coverage.
Will I get a refund for medication I already purchased?
Coverage is not retroactive, you will not be reimbursed for medications you have already purchased.
Will my medications be eligible for coverage if they are filled at an out of province pharmacy?
Claims are eligible for manual submission only if the medication or any formulation of the medication cannot be dispensed through a PEI pharmacy.