Forest Enhancement Program (FEP): Forestry Services for Private Forest Land Owners

Do you own woodland on PEI?

If you own woodland on PEI, the Forest Enhancement Program (FEP) can provide you with forestry-related advice and financial assistance. The program has helped thousands of Island woodlot owners manage their woodlands for recreation, forest products, wildlife habitat, forest restoration and health, and many other reasons and values.

Can I get help managing my private forest land?

The Private Land Regions Map can connect you with the FEP forester or forest technician who works in your area.

They will provide you with technical advice and financial assistance through the Forest Enhancement Program.

In order to participate, you need to:

Once your FEP Forest Management Plan Funding application is approved, you need to have a forest management plan prepared for your woodland. Plans are prepared by private sector forest consultants who will meet with you and prepare a Forest Management Plan tailored to your interests and the potential of your forest lands. 

Working on your forest land

Once your plan is approved, you may start to work on the recommended treatments. You can do the work yourself or hire a qualified forest contractor but in either case, the work must be done to the required minimum standard in order to qualify for financial assistance under the FEP. 

These Forest Silviculture Contractors  and the Forest Harvest Contractors are registered with the Forest Enhancement Program and offer a variety of forest management and harvest treatments to land owners.

Funding and support

The province will provide funding up to 70 percent of the estimated cost for many, but not all, recommended treatments. As the property owner you are responsible for the remainder as well as any cost over runs. Funding can be denied for work that does not meet the required standard. 

Other programs and services for Island woodlot owners

Forest Enhancement Program contact information

  • Eastern PEI:  902-961-7296
  • Central PEI:   902-368-4800
  • Western PEI: 902-854-7260 

Information for private sector forest contractors and consultants

Forest contractors and consultants who are interested in providing services to private land clients under the Forest Enhancement Program should consult the Private Sector Forest Contractors and Forest Consultants information page.

Please visit Resources for Forest Practitioners to learn more about resources that are available to consultants and practitioners regarding forest management on Prince Edward Island.

Environment, Energy and Climate Action

General Inquiries

Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division
J. Frank Gaudet Tree Nursery
183 Upton Road
Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-6450

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