Report a Council Member Vacancy

The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), or their designate, of the municipality should report any council member (Mayor/Council) vacancies to Municipal Affairs, along with potential by-election dates.  The CAO should ensure that resigning council member filed a signed resignation. (MGA Section 83 ).

What needs to be reported?

  • Member’s name
  • Position (Mayor or Councillor)
  • Date of vacancy
  • Reason for resignation
  • Date of by-election, if known

Important Note: By-election needs to be held within 6 months of the vacancy. 

The Municipal Government Act requires that a by-election be held within 6 months of vacancy with some exceptions. Read Sections 60-62 of the Act and the Election Regulations for more information.

Who can I contact for help holding a by-election?

Municipal Affairs can provide resources for holding a by-election. Visit the Municipal Elections page, or call 902-620-3558 or email for more information.

Housing, Land and Communities

General Inquiries

Municipal Affairs
2nd Floor, Aubin-Arsenault Building
3 Brighton Road
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-620-3558
Fax: 902-569-7545

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