Work Experience PEI - For Organizations

Work Experience PEI is an employment program developed to provide financial support to non-profit community organizations for projects that provide the job seeker with a valuable work experience and potential for long term employment. As the employee works on various aspects of the project activities, they will develop skills required in the workforce.

Who is Eligible to Participate?

If you are a hiring a new employee who lacks work experience for a short term project, SkillsPEI can provide financial assistance to subsidize a portion of the wages up to a maximum of 52 weeks.

Eligible employers include:

  • Non-profit organizations

How do I Apply?

Email a completed Work Experience PEI Application for Organizations and any supporting documentation to or drop it off to your local SkillsPEI office. A Program Officer will contact you within a few days to discuss your needs. To assess your application SkillsPEI will need:

  • Completed Work Experience PEI organization application form;
  • Detailed job description including: job duties, education requirement and timeline of training activities for the new employee;
  • The contact information for the new employee.

When is my Application Due?

There is no deadline for applications under the Work Experience PEI program as SkillsPEI accepts applications on an ongoing basis.

How does the Program Work?

Once you submit your completed application package, SkillsPEI will review your application. Once you receive confirmation that your application has been approved for the Work Experience PEI program, your new employee can start work.

This information is a general guide for applicants. Applications received by SkillsPEI will be assessed against additional program criteria to determine eligibility.

Where can I get more Information?

Call SkillsPEI's general inquiries line at 1-877-491-4766 or visit one of the SkillsPEI offices.

Application Form

Work Experience PEI Application for Organizations

Funding Agreement

Funded by the Department of Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population through the Canada-PEI labour market agreements.

SkillsPEI logo - Pathway to Your Future

General Inquiries


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Atlantic Technology Centre 
176 Great George Street, Suite #212
Phone: 902-368-6290

Access PEI
120 Heather Moyse Drive 
Phone: 902-438- 4151

548 Main Street 
Phone: 902-838- 0674

West Prince
50 MacKenzie Crescent
Woodstock, PE C0B 1V0
Phone: 902-859-8898