Livestock and Poultry Premises Identification (PEI)
If you own any parcel of land in PEI that is used to keep (raise or assemble), grow or dispose of animals, you must register with the Prince Edward Island Premises Identification Program. There is no cost to register your premises.
Each parcel of land you own, even if the activity on your property is managed or operated by someone else, requires a unique Premises Identification (PID). In the event of an animal health, food safety issue or an emergency (i.e. outbreak of an animal disease, or a natural disaster), the activity of animals associated with the PID can be traced. The ability to respond quickly to an emerging situation helps to minimize negative impacts on animals, premises owners, and affected markets.
Once your completed application is processed, you will be issued a PID number for your property as well as a summary of your submitted information and an aerial map of the registered premises.
What type of premises must be registered?
Any land in PEI where animals or poultry are located should be registered, including the following:
- farms, stables, hobby farms/small acreages, feedlots, pastures, community pastures;
- abattoirs, assembly yards, carcass disposal sites;
- veterinary clinics, hospitals or laboratories
- animal research facilities, insemination centres;
- exhibition/fair grounds, competition facilities, race tracks,
- auction or livestock/poultry sale sites,
- egg grading stations; and
- zoos and petting farms
What animals are included in this registry?
All livestock, poultry and bees must be identified, including the following:
- Alpacas, Llamas and Vicunas
- Bees
- Bison
- Cattle (beef and dairy)
- Deer
- Donkeys and Mules
- Elk
- Farmed Chinchillas
- Farmed Rabbits
- Foxes
- Goats
- Horses
- Mink
- Poultry
- Sheep
- Swine
What is a premises identification number (PID)?
A unique identification number based on a national standard is assigned to a parcel of land where livestock and poultry premises are kept. In P.E.I., PID numbers start with PE99 and are followed by five randomly generated numbers (i.e. PE9912345).
Once a PID number is issued, it will remain with that property regardless of any change in land ownership, number of animal species or premises types registered for that parcel of land.
Note: A PID number will be retired only if the property is subdivided or consolidated and no longer used to house livestock and poultry.
How will premises identification information be used?
PID information is gathered in order to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, or recover from emergencies that threaten animal or public health. Your information is protected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It will be used and shared only for emergency management purposes as outlined in the Animal Health and Protection Act.
What if my premises information changes?
You are responsible to notify the registrar of any changes in ownership or other registered premises information within 30 days of the change.
Although the PID number assigned to the location will remain the same, any change such as emergency contact, premises type and animal types for your operation should be updated.
Maintaining current accurate information on the database is essential to the success of the premises identification program. The Registrar will also request updated information on a regular basis.
What if there is more than one livestock enterprise at one location?
Although only one PID number is issued for a location, it is recommended that each operation at that location register separately to ensure the database has complete information including emergency contact, premises type and animal types, which may vary for each operation. Each enterprise may be assigned a sub-premises number upon request. Please contact the registrar directly to request a sub-premises number.
Do I register my premises if there are no animals on the property?
You are required to register your premises even if you presently do not have animals on your premises but may have in the future (or part of the year).
You are not required to register your premises if you presently do not have animals and are certain that you will not be keeping animals in the future.
How do I register my premises?
You can download (to print and submit) the Premises Identification application or register your premises online at Register for Livestock or Poultry Premises Identification.