Copying Archives Material

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

You can copy archival records for research or private study. If you intend to use copies for any other purpose (eg. print or electronic publication, exhibition, commercial purposes, etc.) you must get written permission from the Public Archives and Records Office.

Reproducing archival material is subject to Canadian copyright law, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPP) law, and donor agreements. You are responsible for establishing copyright status and clearance for any material you want to copy.

Restrictions may also apply if the material you want to copy is in fragile condition or an unmanageable size.

How can I get archival material copied?

You can make copies yourself using your personal camera or cell phone (some restrictions apply) or the on-site microfilm scanners. Personal scanners and tripods are not permitted. 

You can request photocopies, microfilm prints, electronic copies (PDF), digital images, and audio-visual recordings for a fee.

Using a personal camera or cell phone

If you use your camera or cell phone to copy archival material, you must:

  • read and sign a Personal Camera Use Agreement and display a marker indicating you have done so at your workplace;
  • make sure copying does not pose a risk to the material;
  • confirm copying is not prohibited by donor agreement or institutional policy;
  • ensure you do not disturb other researchers or staff; and
  • understand that your reproduction may be subject to copyright law

Using the on-site microfilm scanners

The self-serve ScanPro machines are available in the Reading Room on a first-come, first-serve basis. You must save your scans to a USB memory stick and respect all copyright law and donor agreements.

Requesting copies of archival material

You will find forms to request photocopies, microfilm prints, electronic copies (PDF), and digital images in the Reading Room.

If you order copies by mail or phone, ensure accuracy by including as much detail as possible in your order:

  • name/title and type of document
  • accession number, if applicable
  • date
  • name of the individuals involved, type of event
  • any relevant volume, page, column numbers

Fees for copying Archives material

All copying fees are subject to applicable taxes. A $5 handling fee applies to large-format material requiring off-site copying. A partial prepayment may be required for large-volume orders.

Payments can be made by cash, debit, credit card, or cheque (please make cheques payable to Provincial Treasurer of Prince Edward Island).  Payment is required before copies are provided. 

Physical and electronic (PDF) copies

Photocopies, microfilm prints, and electronic copies (PDF) are available in many cases.  Minimum mailout and electronic copy fees apply.

Type of Copy: Photocopy or electronic copy (PDF)

Size: 8” x 11” / 8” x 14”

Cost: $0.25 per page/capture

Large order surcharge (100+ copies/captures): $8

Minimum mailout fee: $5 (up to 20 copies)

Minimum electronic copy fee: $5 (up to 20 captures)

Processing time: 24-48 hours


Type of Copy: Microfilm print or electronic copy (PDF)

Size: 8” x 11” / 8” x 14”

Cost: $0.50 per page/capture

Large order surcharge (50+ copies/captures): $8

Minimum mailout fee: $5 (up to 10 copies)

Minimum electronic copy fee: $5 (up to 10 captures)

Processing time: 24-48 hours


Type of Copy: Large format photocopy, microfilm print, or electronic copy (PDF)

Size: 11” x 17”

Cost: $1 per page/capture

Large order surcharge (100+ copies/captures): $8

Minimum mailout fee: $5 (up to 5 copies)

Minimum electronic copy fee: $5 (up to 5 captures)

Processing time: 24-48 hours


Digital images

High-resolution images are available as TIFF or JPEG files, typically at 300 or 600 resolution. You must sign an Acceptable Image Use and Conditions agreement when placing an image order.

Type of Copy: Digital image (already scanned)

Cost: $5 per image

Large order surcharge (30+ images): 20% of base amount

CD cost: $3 per CD (or provide your own CD or memory stick)

Processing time: 1-2 weeks depending on workload, etc. Extra time may be required for large orders. Rush orders may be possible at double the cost.


Type of Copy: Digital image (requires scanning)

Cost: $10 per image

Large order surcharge (30+ images): 20% of base amount

CD cost: $3 per CD (or provide your own CD or memory stick)

Processing time: 1-2 weeks depending on workload, etc. Extra time may be required for large orders. Rush orders may be possible at double the cost.


Audio-visual materials

Type of Copy: Audio and video recording

Cost: $10 per digital object provided

Processing time: 2-4 weeks depending on workload, etc. Extra time may be required for large orders.



Please contact us by email or phone (902-368-4290) if you have questions or need more information about ordering copies of Archives material. 


Date de publication : 
le 1 Mars 2024
Éducation et Petite enfance

Renseignements généraux

Heures d’hiver: 

Du lundi au vendredi de 10 h à 17 h
Le jeudi soir de 17 h à 20 h

Bureau des archives et des documents publics
Atlantic Technology Centre (ATC), Suite L20
176, rue Great George
C.P. 1000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7M4
Téléphone: 902-368-4290
Télécopieur: 902-368-6327