Marketing Support

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

The Marketing Support Assistance helps Prince Edward Island businesses with their marketing costs from start-up through to international exporting. This assists companies as they undertake marketing research, advertising and promotion, and market investigation.

Am I eligible?

A company (sole proprietorship, partnership, cooperative or limited liability) is eligible for funding if it has a well-developed business and marketing plan and manufactures, processes, or provides exportable services in one of the following sectors:

  • aerospace
  • food development
  • diversified manufacturing
  • information technology
  • bioscience
  • renewable energy
  • craft/giftware
  • first-of-its-kind exportable services in other sectors may be considered.

Retail and consumer services businesses are not eligible for assistance with the Marketing Support Assistance.
The project must provide economic benefit to the province and cannot jeopardize similar businesses.

New project submissions from an applicant in default on any reporting, project completion or financial obligation to Innovation PEI will not be reviewed until a resolution to the default is reached.

What activities are supported?

following marketing activities will be considered for funding:

  • primary, qualitative, or quantitative research identified in the marketing plan;
  • design, development and placement of advertising and promotional materials; and
  • attendance and exhibits at appropriate trade shows and exhibitions, and market investigation.

What level of assistance is available?

This assistance provides up to:

40 per cent of the eligible costs not exceeding $40,000 associated with:

  • market research;
  • design and development of advertising / promotional tools not previously used by the applicant (first time printing costs for up to 1000 units is eligible, i.e. brochures);
  • advertisement placement in appropriate media or promotional campaign execution;
  • exhibiting at appropriate trade shows; 
  • applicants will be limited to maximum three visits to the same trade show; provincial trade and provincial consumer shows are not eligible; maximum of two participants per show;
  • attending but not exhibiting at appropriate trade shows or visits to new geographic market areas.

Each business will be allowed up to two applications per calendar year totaling a maximum of $40,000 in project costs.

How do we decide who receives help?

Not all projects meeting the minimum criteria will receive funding. Applications will also be evaluated using the following considerations:

  • potential for long-term viability,
  • export sales,
  • qualifications and track records of managers,
  • import substitution,
  • cost benefit to the province,
  • environmental impact,
  • availability of assistance funds,
  • employment creation,
  • level of assistance from other government supports offered or available.

Innovation PEI reserves the right to deny a grant application or request for payment if it suspects or detects fraudulent intent.

Performance Monitoring

Marketing Support projects will be monitored for a two-year period. In addition to yearly financial statements, applicants must be prepared to provide information, as requested, on the ongoing activities of the business.

If your project is approved, the accepted letter of offer shall constitute a contract between Innovation PEI and the applicant(s).

Should the project fail to comply with the terms of the contract or be discontinued, Innovation PEI may, at its sole discretion:

  • declare the applicant to be in nonperformance (default of the contract);
  • request the applicant to repay in full the incentive received; and
  • take necessary legal action to collect the incentive amount in full with interest.

Application must be submitted before any financial or legal commitment is made on the project.

Business Development Application (Online)

*This information is provided for information purposes and is not comprehensive and reflective of all Innovation PEI policies. Not all projects meeting the minimum assistance criteria outlined will receive funding. Please consult with an Innovation PEI staff member for guidance specific to your company's situation. 

Service Standards

Innovation PEI encourages applicants to contact a Business Development Officer prior to applying for support, as this typically will save the applicant time and result in a better experience.  This contact benefits the applicant by:

  • assisting the applicant to identify the most appropriate support(s) available from Innovation PEI and other sources, via a review of their business and its associated plans, opportunities, and challenges; and
  • providing a review of the application form and process, to ensure the applicant fully understands the information and/or documentation required for application and the associated timelines.

These service standards are applicable under normal conditions; deviations may be necessary under exceptional circumstances.

Acknowledgement of Application

Applicants will receive confirmation that their application has been received, and advised whether their application is complete, within ten business days of receipt by Innovation PEI.

Notification of Decision

Following Innovation PEI’s receipt of a complete application, applicants will be advised of Innovation PEI’s decision within the following timeframes:

Marketing Support – twenty (20) to thirty (30) business days.


General contact information

94 Euston Street, PO Box 910
Charlottetown, PE     C1A 7L9
Telephone:     (902) 368-6300
Facsimile:       (902) 368-6301
Toll-free:       1-800-563-3734

Date de publication : 
le 5 Janvier 2024
Innovation Î.‑P.‑É.

Renseignements généraux

Innovation Î.-P.-É.
94, rue Euston
C.P. 910
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7L9

Téléphone : 902-368-6300
Télécopieur : 902-368-6301
Sans frais (Amérique du Nord) : 1-800-563-3734

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