Dangerous Driving

Le contenu suivant est seulement disponible en anglais.

Some driving behaviours and modifications to motor vehicles can be illegal and incredibly unsafe.  Prohibited driving behaviours and vehicle modifications include the following:

Street Racing

Racing on highways and city streets and performing stunts are incredibly dangerous acts and highly illegal on Prince Edward Island.

A race is defined as:

  • driving a vehicle in a competition with another vehicle;
  • driving a vehicle to chase another vehicle;
  • driving a vehicle in a way that may endanger any person by:
  • driving well above the posted speed limit,
  • out-distancing or attempting to outdistance one or more vehicles at a speed well above the posted limit.
  • repeatedly changing lanes close to other vehicles to advance through traffic at a speed well above the posted limit.

Stunt Driving

Participating in a race or stunt can cause accidents which may result in serious injuries or death.

A stunt is defined as:

  • driving a vehicle (including a motorcycle but excluding commercial vehicles using lift axles) and lifting one or more of its tires off the surface of the highway or road (ie, "pulling a wheelie" on a motorcycle);
  • driving a vehicle in a way that some or all of its tires lose traction while turning (ie, "drifting");
  • driving a vehicle in a way that causes it to spin or circle (ie, "pulling donuts");
  • driving a vehicle side by side with one or more vehicles where one of the vehicles is in the lane for oncoming traffic for a period of time longer than is needed to pass (ie, drag racing);
  • driving a vehicle with someone in the trunk;
  • driving a vehicle from a position other than the driver's seat;
  • allowing a person or object to occupy the front seat in such a way that it prevents the driver from being able to control the vehicle;
  • allowing someone to ride in the vehicle in a way that interferes with the driver's control over the vehicle; or
  • allowing a person or object to stick out of the vehicle through a window, moon roof, sun roof or other opening in the vehicle.

Lift Kits

The maximum allowable vehicle height increase for any modified vehicle is limited to ten (10) centimetres or four (4) inches of lift, regardless of whether it is body lift, suspension lift or increased tire size.  Lift kits that raise a vehicle above this limit are prohibited and potentially dangerous.

For more information, please read the Highway Traffic Act Racing and Stunt Driving Regulations.


Date de publication : 
le 17 Mars 2016
Transports et Infrastructure

Renseignements généraux

Accès Î.-P.-É. / Bureau central de la sécurité routière
33, promenade Riverside
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.)  C1A 7N8
Téléphone : 902-368-5200
Télécopieur : 902-569-7560


Questions relatives à l’état des routes : roads@gov.pe.ca 

Autres questions liées aux Transports et à l’Infrastructure : DeptTIE@gov.pe.ca 

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