UPDATE: Province warns of presence of highly toxic opioid methylfentanyl combined with a benzodiazepine

The following is updated July 5, 2024

Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Heather Morrison is warning Islanders of the presence of a highly toxic fentanyl analogue (methylfentanyl) combined with a benzodiazepine in the province.

There have been six (6) confirmed overdoses reported on PEI. There have been no deaths to report related to these cases. 

  • Expected substance: Fentanyl
  • Drug checking results: Methylfentanyl (an analogue more toxic than fentanyl) combined with a benzodiazepine (type unknown)
  • Colour: Orange and Bright Pink/Red
  • Date of overdoses: June 28, 2024.
  • Location of overdoses: Charlottetown. 

“This is an important reminder that carrying naloxone and informing others who may use drugs that naloxone is available are important steps to reduce the risk of possible overdoses.”

Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Heather Morrison

A Public Health Alert for methylfentanyl combined with a benzodiazepine is in place for the province. Islanders are encouraged to call 911 right away if they suspect an overdose. The combination of an opioid like methylfentanyl with another depressant like a benzodiazepine significantly increases the risk of overdose.

Naloxone was administered in some of these overdose events – temporarily reversing the overdose event and allowing time for follow-up medical attention.

Naloxone (Narcan) is a life-saving medication that can temporarily reverse an opioid overdose situation. Free naloxone kits are available at several locations across the province. For more information, please visit: Take Home Naloxone Program.

Phone-based supervised consumption services are available, including the National Overdose Response Service (NORS) and Brave. People who use drugs are encouraged to contact these services to reduce the risk of overdose, especially if using alone. Both services are available 24/7 and are free, confidential, and non-judgmental.

Many resources are still available to Islanders experiencing addiction. If you need assistance, call the Mental Health and Addictions Access line at 1-833-553-6983 or for more information on Mental Health and Addictions Services. Calls are answered by trained mental health professionals (a registered nurse or a social worker) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


What should you do if you suspect an overdose?

  • Call 911 right away if you suspect an overdose (slow or no breathing, not moving or can’t be woken, blue/grey lips or nails, gurgling or snoring sounds).
  • Call 911 even if naloxone is used. The effects of opioids last longer than the effect of naloxone, meaning follow-up care is still needed.
  • For people who use drugs:
    • Do not use drugs alone. Call or text NORS or Brave.
    • Have naloxone on hand.
    • Start with a test dose. Start low, go slow.
    • Test your drugs using fentanyl test strips, available at Needle Exchange Program sites.
  • Call 911 to save the life of someone who overdoses. The Canadian Good Samaritan law protects people from being charged for simple drug possession.

Media contact:
Autumn Tremere
Department of Health and Wellness

Last Updated Date

Friday, July 5, 2024 - 1:43pm
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Department of Health and Wellness
4th Floor North, Shaw Building
105 Rochford Street
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-368-6414
Fax: 902-368-4121
