Environmental Records Review
What is an environmental records review?
An environmental records review shares property information related to:
- incidents of property contamination (e.g. oil spills);
- presence of underground petroleum storage tanks;
- status of any environmental protection orders or environmental approvals/permits issued on a property; and
- whether or not a property is entered on the Department's Contaminated Site Registry.
Why would I need an environmental records review?
People such as consultants, lawyers, and financial institution representatives often request environmental information of a property before it changes ownership.
How do I apply for an environmental records review?
Applicants can fill out and submit an Environmental Records Review Application Form.
What are the fees?
$54.77 is the fee for each principal and associated residential property.
$109.53 is the fee for each principal and associated commercial property.
HST is included in the fees.
Make cheques payable to the Minister of Finance.
How long does it take to complete an Environmental Records Review?
The department will provide a summary report of the review within 15 business days of receiving your request.
Who can I contact for more information?
Scott Mitchell (Hazardous Materials and Remediation Specialist)
Jones Building 4th Floor
Charlottetown, PEI
Telephone: (902) 368-5059
Fax: (902) 368-5830
Email: rsmitchell@gov.pe.ca