Special Waste Disposal Permit
When do I need a permit to dispose of special waste?
Some waste items require special disposal considerations to protect worker safety and reduce impacts to the environment. Upon request from companies or the general public, the Department issues special waste permits for these items.
What is considered special waste?
Special waste includes:
- asbestos-containing material
- metal-containing soils
- hydrocarbon-contaminated soils
- sharps, such as needles, broken glass, and other sharp objects capable of causing cuts or punctures
- burnable waste from ships and aircraft from outside the province
- oil-soaked materials
- diseased potatoes from testing laboratories
- empty ammonium nitrate fertilizer bags
- screenings from a waste treatment plant
- non-hazardous laboratory waste
- creosoted or pressure-treated material
- biomass wet with a solvent
- absorbent materials and clothing contaminated with human or animal blood, tissue, or bodily fluids produced from surgical medical or veterinary procedures in hospitals, medical centres or clinic, or veterinary hospitals or clinics
- body-piercing procedures in tattoo or body-piercing establishments
How can I obtain a permit?
Please contact the Department to request a Special Waste Disposal Permit. Permits are typically issued at the time of request.
What are the fees?
$25 is the fee for an individual permit. $200 is the fee for an annual permit. HST is not required.
Make cheques payable to the Minister of Finance.
Who can I contact for more information?
Scott Mitchell (Hazardous Materials and Remediation Specialist)
Jones Building, 4th Floor
11 Kent Street
Charlottetown, PEI
Telephone: (902) 314-0048
Fax: (902) 368-5830
Email: rsmitchell@gov.pe.ca