Water and Wastewater Facility Registration and Classification

The regulations require that all water and wastewater systems need to be registered with the Department and each system is assigned a unique registration number. This provides the department with important contact information to ensure system owners and operators are aware of any new developments or changes in regulatory requirements that may affect their system. Registration also provides important information necessary for the Facility Classification of the system and its components, and the determination of monitoring and operating requirements required by the regulations

What types of drinking water and wastewater facilities need to be classified?

All central drinking water and wastewater systems that service more than five connections must:

The classification of the system determines the operator certification and monitoring requirements for the system.

How are facilities classified? 

Systems are classified using either a point-based system or on the basis of the population served.  Water distribution and wastewater collection systems are classified according to the population that each system serves.  Water treatment and wastewater treatment systems are classified according to size and complexity, using a point system. A table describing the classification requirements of each type of facility is available in the Water Supply System and Wastewater Treatment System Regulations.  

Central drinking water systems that service between 5 to 150 connections or is a campground and is not owned by a municipality is classified as a small or very small water system. These can be separated into two types of facilities, as follows:

  • Very Small Water System (VSWS) - 5 to 20 connections
  • Small Water System (SWS) - 21 to 150 connections

Documents summarizing the operator and minimum monitoring requirements for each class are available under the resources section of this page. 

What are the fees?

There is no fee to register or classify a water or wastewater facility; however, there is a fee to receive a License to Operate:

  • VSWS or SWS = $50
  • Class I or II = $250
  • Class III or IV =$500

How long does it take to classify a facility?

Facility classification can take up to four weeks.


Published date: 
February 5, 2024