Contact P.E.I.AIC

If you have any questions, we are happy to help! You can reach us:

By Phone

AgriInsurance 902-836-0439
AgriStability & AgriInvest 902-836-0435

By Email

General questions or questions about the programs

In Person

The P.E.I. Agricultural Insurance Corporation is located at 7 Gerald McCarville Drive, Kensington, PE. View map.


Looking for someone specific?

Visit our employee directory.


Stay in the know!

Follow us on X (Twitter) for program updates and reminders! @PEIAIC 



Published date: 
March 14, 2023
Agriculture Insurance Corporation text with hand and plant image

General Inquiries

P.E.I. Agricultural Insurance Corporation
7 Gerald McCarville Drive
Kensington, PE
Fax: 902-836-8912

Mailing Address: PO Box 400, 
Kensington, PE C0B 1M0

Follow us on X (formerly Twitter)


AgriStability and AgriInvest: