Ignition Interlock Program

In order to have your license reinstated following a drinking and driving conviction you must participate in the Ignition Interlock Program (IIP). Under this mandatory program your restricted license will allow you to operate only a vehicle equipped with an ignition interlock device. Operating a vehicle without the device while under the IIP or tampering with the device may result in further license suspension as well as fines ranging from $500 to $2,000.

What is required under the Ignition Interlock program?

  1. You must return a completed Ignition Interlock Program application form to Highway Safety in person or by mail. You can print and complete the form which is contained in the brochure called Mandatory Ignition Interlock Program
  2. You will have to get the ignition interlock device installed on your vehicle. You are responsible to pay the installation fee, a monthly program fee and the removal fee. Please call Guardian Interlock Systems at 1-866-658-6374 if you have any questions about the costs associated with this program.
  3. You must return to the installation facility to have the device calibrated and serviced every 60 days. Failure to service the system by the required date could result in the device locking. Your vehicle will not start and may need to be towed or arrangements made with the interlock provider to allow additional days to bring the vehicle in for device servicing.

How does the interlock device work?

You must blow into the device each time before starting your vehicle. If the recorded blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is above the pre-set limit, your vehicle will not start. Once the vehicle is started, the interlock device requires random breath samples at pre-set times. If you fail to provide a breath sample or if the BAC exceeds the limit, the device will issue a warning, record the event, and activate specific alarm systems, i.e. activate alarm, honk horn, etc., until the ignition is turned off.

Highway Safety Division will record and monitor all program activity using a built-in data logger.  Warnings will be issued if you repeatedly fail the breath tests and, if violations continue, the Highway Safety Division may order the removal of the ignition interlock device and reinstate the license cancellation period.

How long will the device be required?

You must have the device installed without incident a minimum 12 months. Mandatory minimum times for the IIP are as follows:

  • 1st offence - one year
  • 2nd offence - three to five years
    • BAC reading 120 or below – three years
    • BAC greater than 120 – five years
    • Refusing the breathalyzer – five years
  • 3rd and subsequent offence ten years

Any driver convicted of impaired driving with a passenger in the vehicle below the age of 16 years at the time of the offence will have an additional one year added to the required mandatory Ignition Interlock time.

What happens after the IIP time period is completed?

After completing the mandatory ignition interlock term for a 2nd offence, you will be issued a Restricted ZERO BAC Driver's License for a period of three years. Operating a motor vehicle with any alcohol in your system under this restricted license could result in a time-period extension up to ten years.

After completing five clean years of the 10-year mandatory Ignition Interlock term for a 3rd or subsequent offence, you may apply to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles for a Restricted Zero BAC Driver`s License and a Specially Coded Zero BAC license plate which, if approved, you can use to complete the remaining five years of the program.

*Note - Violating the Zero BAC Driver's License or operating a vehicle without a Specially Coded license plate carries a fine of $1500 to $2000, 12 demerit points and a one - year license cancellation in addition to any other charges that might be laid.

How is the interlock restriction removed from a license?

If you complete your restriction period without any serious program violations, you can apply to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles to have the restriction removed. The restriction will remain on your driver’s license until your application for removal is approved and you must continue to drive vehicles equipped with an approved ignition interlock device or be subject to penalties under the Highway Traffic Act.

For more information contact:

Highway Safety Division, Driver Records
Charlottetown Office:
33 Riverside Drive
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8
Summerside Office:

120 Heather Moyse Drive

Summerside, PE C1N 5Y8

Telephone: 902-432-2714

Facsimile: 902-432-2529

Published date: 
May 4, 2023
Transportation and Infrastructure

General Inquiries

Access PEI/Highway Safety Head Office
33 Riverside Drive,
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8
Phone: 902-368-5200
Fax: 902-569-7560


Road-Related Inquiries: roads@gov.pe.ca 

All other Transportation and Infrastructure inquiries: DeptTIE@gov.pe.ca 

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