North Cape Wind Farm

Each Vestas V-47 turbine at the North Cape Wind Farm has a generating capacity of 660 kilowatts, the equivalent of 11,000 light bulbs.

Where does the energy from this wind farm go?

All electricity from the North Cape Wind Farm is transmitted to Maritime Electric’s substation in Huntley, PEI. From the Huntley substation, Maritime Electric distributes the electricity to Island customers. 

Construction of the Wind Farm

The North Cape Wind Farm was constructed after environmental and regulatory approvals were met. The construction took place over two phases, with eight turbines commissioned in November 2001 and eight more added in November 2003. Other major components of the construction included:

  • a 69-kilovolt transmission line,
  • five kilometres of access roads,
  • a pad-mount transformer station, and
  • an underground distribution system.
Published date: 
June 1, 2016
Environment, Energy and Climate Action

General Inquiries

PEI Energy Corporation
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8
Phone: 902-894-0288
Fax: 902-894-0290