
Additional funding to support survivors of sexual assault

Supporting Island families

Government is investing more than $216,000 in additional funding for the Prince Edward Island Rape and Sexual Assault Centre (PEIRSAC) to increase access to free specialized therapeutic services for those Islanders needing this support.      

“Timely trauma counseling services are crucial to ease the impact of the traumatic experience of sexual assault and to support recovery.  I am pleased this additional investment to the Prince Edward Island Rape and Sexual Assault Centre will expand crucial therapeutic supports for Islanders who have experienced sexual assault, as well as for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse.” - Tina Mundy, Minister of Family and Human Services 

"Sexual assault is a deeply complex traumatic experience that requires specialized support services," said Paula Biggar, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women. "Violence against women is a pervasive issue in society. Government will continue to work diligently to ensure our province is a safe place for all genders."

This investment will allow PEIRSAC to hire an additional full time trauma therapist and improve access to services for Islanders who have experienced sexual assault.  It will also expand reception and administration support needed to provide a more timely response to people reaching out for help and for clinical consultation.

“We are highly appreciative for the additional support being provided to the centre.  This will help us meet the increased demand for specialized therapy services and to address a wait list that has been steadily building,” said Sigrid Rolfe, PEIRSAC Organizational Coordinator.

PEIRSAC will also expand access to culturally appropriate trauma therapy to Indigenous peoples across PEI.   

Additional funds for the Men Matter program will expand services to Summerside.  Men Matter is a confidential group program led by experienced professionals for male survivors of sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse.  

Government has committed to evaluating the financial status of community organizations on an annual basis, and where possible, provide additional funds for those organizations most in need.  

“We are a province that cares for those in need," Minister Mundy said.  “Our strong Island economy allows for additional investments in crucial services where new demands exist.”  

Islanders can visit the Prince Edward Island Rape and Sexual Assault Centre or contact 902-566-1864 for more information about services.

Media contact:
Bobbi Jo Walker
Department of Family and Human Services


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