
Island artists receive grants

Michelle Bouey says receiving an arts grant will help turn her dreams of creating an extended play record (EP) into reality.

Bouey is among 24 Island artists who recently received a total of $100,000 through the provincial Arts Grants program.  

“There are times when an artist needs a helping hand and it can change the trajectory of their career,” said Bouey. “I’ve been wanting to do this project for so long and to have the opportunity to actually make it happen means the world to me. I am beyond grateful for the beautiful arts community on this Island and so thankful to have this chance to make music.”

The successful applicants were selected by a six-member jury of their arts community peers and follows the same model used by the Canada Council of Arts.

“Arts grants continue to have a meaningful impact on Island artists. It’s wonderful to hear how these grants help artists achieve their goals, and we look forward to seeing these fantastic projects come to life.” 

- Economic Growth, Tourism and Culture Minister Matthew MacKay. “


Here are the successful arts grants recipients.

Alexis Bulman
Visual Arts, $7,000
Future Booths will be a body of work consisting of three elaborate produce booth art installations that celebrate the functionality, and modest absurdity of traditional road-side farm stands. Set up in rural locations, this project will promote awareness of climate change adaptation in agriculture by using recognizable structures in new and unfamiliar ways.

Alicia Toner
Music, $2,000
A public presentation of the artists’ new album, “Joan” on June 18, 2021, which will include a special filmed album release concert at PEI Brewing Company in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

Benton Hartley
Theatre, $3400
The artist will be writing a new play based in Prince Edward Island called "The Dance." It features three actors and discusses the themes of loss, family, and career, and how they shape identity.

Bianca Pilar Garcia
Writing and Publishing, $5,000
"THE BLOCK'' is the first magazine curated for BIPOC communities in PEI. The focus is tailored towards BIPOC communities, with fresh and innovative content. Funding will support the release of a second issue focusing on celebrating Pride and the Queer BIPOC community this summer.

Catherine MacLellan
Writing and Publishing, $4,800
The artist will be writing a biographical book on their father, songwriter Gene MacLellan, in collaboration with NB writer Bob Mersereau.

Corinne Chappell
Crafts, $6,390
Through this project, the artist will gain a deeper understanding of the spiritual significance of Mi’kmaq petroglyphs and how to respectfully incorporate these ancient teachings into their art pieces. The artist says – “Just as petroglyphs preserve and share traditional knowledge, I have been inspired to create art pieces that raise awareness of Mi’kmaq history and connection to this land.”

Dale Sorensen
Music, $1,600
To create a series of works for solo trombone with a loop station.

Dennis MacKenzie
Music, $4,000
This project is the recording of a debut album which tells the story of the artists’ time in the Canadian Armed Forces, suffering PTSD from serving in Afghanistan, and dealing with the loss of many friends. This record follows their story from recruitment, to training, to deployment, to tragedy, and finally release from the forces, all while highlighting the healing they have found in music.

Elizabeth Iwunwa
Writing and Publishing, $5,000
This project is an anthology of memoirs, essays, poems, food and drink recipes, paintings, short stories, photo essays, portraits, interviews, and illustrations by immigrants. It will encapsulate the Island immigrant life in words and pictures.

Geraldine Jadis
Crafts, $800
This project will support the artist to purchase the fabric required to make traditional Indigenous regalia.

Jahan Bloch
Film and Media Arts, $3,700
The artist will be writing a feature film script titled 'The Bollywood Romance,' a romantic comedy, which will be a Western film heavily influenced by Indian (Bollywood) style of filmmaking.

Jordan Beaulieau
Visual Arts, $3,500
A series of mosaic sculptures made from clay and ceramic litter collected on the riverbanks of Three Rivers.

Megan Stewart
Theatre, $7,000
“Here’s How it Ends” is a solo performance in development that examines loss, grief and renewal through scenes from a year of change amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. The proposed project is for a seven-month research & development process in collaboration with two theatre artists, Julie Hammond & Cole Lewis, to complete a full-length performance script.

Michelle Bouey
Music, $5,000
The artist will be recording five songs on their debut EP.

Niyi Adeogun
Visual Arts, $5,500
This is an augmented reality pop-up (fashion & visual art) experience collaboration with ZeroResistance Studios and Truly Motivated.

Noah MacDougall
Music. $5,000
Exploration and production of an 8-song, debut album to be released in April 2022. Pulling from the artist’s musical tapestry of genres and influences, the project aims to capture the complexities of their existence as a small town queer artist in 2021, through production experimentation, lyrical veracity and unabashed self-expression.

Oneil Kuku
Visual Arts, $1,984
Island Photo Exhibit II will showcase the beauty of Prince Edward Island to the public. The artist will highlight the stories, journeys and experiences of Immigrants on the Island.

Reequal Smith
Dance, $2,000
"Euphoria- A Rainbow in the Sky" will glorify goddesses and kings who are revealed in a moment of intense social change - a moment within our glow in the spectrum of human connection in a continuum of our most precious possessions; to bring forth the color of euphoric self-realization, stories, beauty, music and culture that corresponds with every shade. We are euphoric, our essence is rooted with the swish in our hips and vibration of the goat skin.

Richard Pellissier-Lush
Film and Media Arts, $7,466
The artist will create 14 short professional videos that capture beautiful scenery of Epektiwk (PEI), the Mi'kmaq culture (drumming, dancing, regalia's), and any other places or things that may bring inspiration and motivation to the audience. The artist wants to inspire and motivate the audience to create happiness, and potentially motivate them to create their own art one day.

Robin Gislain Shumbusho
Visual Arts, $2,000
The artist will participate in a solo exhibition via This Town Is Small. 

Sarah Eddie
Music, $4,860
This creation project will involve recording, mixing, mastering, and releasing three songs composed by Sarah Eddie (Sasha’s Ambulance) and releasing them as an EP, entitled “Impasse.

Sharlene Kelly
Film and Media Arts, $2,000
St Bernard's Cult is an eight-episode comedic series set in Prince Edward Island. In order to pitch the series, dedicated editing is required.

Susan Rodgers
Film and Media Arts, $5,000
To support a screenplay, Kristian's Cross, a feature film the artist intends to produce and direct, from first to second draft. This will required hiring an experienced professional story editor.

Tanya Davis
Interdisciplinary, $5,000
The Web is a suite of poems for interdisciplinary presentation, rooted in performance poetry and incorporating elements of music and theatre.


Media contact:
Hillary MacDonald
Department of Economic Growth, Tourism and Culture

General Inquiries

Department of Fisheries, Tourism, Sport and Culture
Shaw Building
95-105 Rochford Street
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8
North 3rd Floor

Telephone: 902-368-5956
