
Islanders’ input sought on poverty reduction action plan

Supporting Island families - 

Islanders’ experiences and thoughts about poverty are needed to help develop a collaborative, province-wide poverty reduction plan.

From now through June, the provincial government and the poverty reduction advisory council will gather public input about poverty on Prince Edward Island. This includes a confidential, five-minute survey Islanders are encouraged to take online until May 18 or by picking up a paper copy at any Access PEI or public library – or by calling the Department of Family and Human Services at 902-368-6185. 

“By completing this survey Islanders have the chance to ensure their voices are heard,” said poverty reduction advisory council chair Roxanne Carter-Thompson. “We're using a community based collaborative approach in developing this action plan and we need to hear from all Islanders, groups, communities and partners to have the best chance at addressing poverty in the province.”

The poverty reduction action plan will build on the contributions of groups and individuals as well as recent provincial government initiatives to reduce poverty. The initiatives – including those in government’s recent 2018-19 operating budget -- are:   

  • increases to food rates, personal comfort allowances and shelter rates;
  • increases to seniors and low-income home repair programs;
  • increases to school breakfast programs;
  • increases to minimum wage;
  • income tax relief, including 30,000 Islanders who no longer pay any provincial income tax;
  • introduction of Generic and Catastrophic Drug Programs;
  • introduction of Harvest and Prosper Program;
  • introduction of a Grandparents and Care Providers Program;
  • introduction of Seniors Independence Initiative; and
  • increases to child care subsidy

“For this poverty action plan to be truly collaborative we need to hear from Islanders about their thoughts on poverty,” Family and Human Services Minister Tina Mundy said. “Every Islander should take these opportunities to share their input as we continue to invest in initiatives to create a more inclusive and prosperous Prince Edward Island for all.” 

In addition to the survey, there will be small-group conversations and community gatherings from April through June 2018. Visit princeedwardisland.ca/poverty-reduction to stay up to date and to learn about more ways to provide input.


Media contact:
Darlene Gillis

General Inquiries

Department of Social Development and Seniors
2nd Floor, Jones Building
11 Kent Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Phone: 902-620-3777
Toll-free: 1-866-594-3777
Fax: 902-894-0242
