Islanders invited to provide input on elected school board model
Islanders are invited to take part in consultations and provide input on the best elected school board model for the English language schools in Prince Edward Island.
The province today launched the first phase of online consultations to gather Islanders’ thoughts and ideas on an elected school board model for the English language schools. Islanders can now submit their ideas online through the Elected School Board Model Consultations webpage. Starting January 11, Islanders will have the added option to complete an online survey which will also be available online. Online consultations will be open until March 11, 2021.
“Engaging the public is an important part of our education system so we can hear first-hand what is most important to Islanders when it comes to teaching our children. We want input and ideas to help us determine things such as the suitable number of elected trustees, electoral districts, candidate eligibility, nomination process and methods to increase voter turnout.”
- Education and Lifelong Learning Minister Brad Trivers
The province previously committed to reinstating school boards that have elected representatives to foster further collaboration and communication between the English language school board, government and community stakeholders.
The information gathered from the online consultations will be reviewed by the Department of Education and Lifelong Learning and will inform a new governance model, as well as required legislative and regulatory changes under the Education Act.
“We want to give Islanders a stronger voice in their education system and how we support student learning while ensuring our school boards are more representative of our Island population under the leadership of elected trustees,” added Minister Trivers.
The current French Language School Board is already elected, and will continue to operate as is.
Media contact:
Lexi Drummond
Department of Education and Lifelong Learning