Islanders invited to give input on new Dog Owners Act
Islanders are being asked to provide additional comments and feedback on a new piece of legislation that focuses on enhancing safety for dog control.
As outlined in a previous consultation, the new Dog Owners Act will replace the Dog Act, and will focus on updating dog control and safety provisions while also improving on effective means of enforcement when a dangerous situation arises.
“After receiving a significant amount of feedback during our first round of consultation, we are proud to offer a second round in the hopes that we can more closely refine and identify areas where change may or may not be needed for this specific legislation. As many know, this legislation is outdated, and we look forward to being the first Government to fully modernizing it so that we can further improve enforcement and safety mechanisms while keeping animal welfare at the forefront.”
- Deputy Premier and Minister of Agriculture Bloyce Thompson
Media contact:
Kip Ready
Department of Agriculture