Province offers hunting workshop

Island residents are invited to register for the annual provincial hunting workshop to learn more about safety while hunting.
Taking place Saturday, September 9, 2023 from 8:30am-2:00pm at the Charlottetown Trap & Skeet Club in Mount Albion, the free workshop is open to all ages and experience levels.
“We all have a role to play in making sure our outdoor recreation activities are safe and sustainable for everyone. Getting outdoors is a great way to experience PEI’s natural areas, so I encourage anyone with an interest in trying out hunting to check out this safety workshop to get ready for this year’s season.”
- Environment, Energy and Climate Action Minister Steven Myers
During the event, participants will rotate through stations learning about firearm safety, wildlife conservation, hunting regulations and enforcement, map and compass use, and waterfowl hunting techniques. Following this, participants can take part in an hour of instructional skeet shooting.
The workshop is hosted by the Forests, Fish and Wildlife, in partnership with Delta Waterfowl, Ducks Unlimited, Wildlife Conservation Fund and The Charlottetown Trap & Skeet Club. Participants who complete this workshop, along with the online portion of the Hunter Safety Course, receive hunter certification and a PEI Wildlife Conservation license.
Pre-registration is required, and the workshop has a maximum capacity of 90 participants. To register, and for more information, please call 902-368-4683. Those who pre-register are asked to register in person the day of the workshop at The Charlottetown Trap & Skeet Club starting at 8am.
Media contact:
Katie Cudmore
Environment, Energy and Climate Action (link sends e-mail)