Recreational angling season to open May 1
Government is confirming that recreational angling season will open on Friday, May 1, 2020. Normal angling regulations, as well as guidelines related to COVID-19, will be in effect.
"Thank you to of PEI’s anglers and fishers who remained patient and vigilant in our efforts to protect Islanders from COVID-19 as it spread across the country and the world. Islanders have a deep connection to the outdoors. It is because of our concerted effort that the province is in the position it is to ease public health measures carefully."
- Environment, Water and Climate Change Minister Natalie Jameson
Minister Jameson encouraged Islanders to use the online e-licensing option, and to continue to follow public health advice. Outdoor gatherings of more than five people from different households are not permitted. This includes for camping and camps, as well as fishing out of boats.
Licenses are being distributed to vendor locations across the Island starting Thursday, April 30. Anyone wishing to purchase their license in person are reminded to exercise physical distance practices.
The opening of recreational fisheries includes inland and tidal water fisheries. Species include trout, Atlantic salmon, smelt, striped bass, mackerel, flounder, perch, scallop, softshell clam, bar clam, razor clam and mussels. It also includes recreational shellfish.
In Prince Edward Island, angling season normally opens each year in mid-April for brook trout, rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon. Under the Wildlife Conservation Act, the Minister of Environment is responsible for issuing angling licenses and collecting fees for freshwater fisheries. The Government of Canada determines season dates, bag limits, and all activities in tidal waters (eg fishing from wharves or beaches).
Islanders are reminded to respect bag limits, size limits, gear restrictions, as well as practice responsible consumption of alcohol and cannabis products.
Media Contacts:
Leanne Ritchie
Department of Environment, Water and Climate Change
(902) 314-0134 (link sends e-mail)
Ron Ryder
Department of Fisheries and Communities
(902) 620-3084 (link sends e-mail)
Yesterday, the Province released Renew PEI Together, which outlines the guiding principles and phased approach to the reopening of businesses, services and public spaces.
The following is public guidance for Phase 1 of Renew PEI Together:
- Stay informed, be prepared and follow public health advice.
- Maintain physical distancing of 2 m (6 ft) with individuals who are not part of one’s household.
- Outdoor gatherings of no more than five individuals from different households, while maintaining physical distancing, are permitted.
- Stay home when ill and call 811 promptly if experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; if not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains 60% - 80% alcohol.
- Don’t touch your face with unwashed hands.
- Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your sleeve, and wash your hands directly after.
- Ensure enhanced cleaning and disinfection of commonly touched surfaces.
- Continue to use online, home delivery, and curbside pick-up shopping options where available.
- Vulnerable individuals should exercise caution and minimize high-risk exposures.
- Avoid interaction with immune-compromised and vulnerable populations.
- Limit personal non-essential travel.
- Consider wearing non-medical masks in certain situations (e.g. public transit).
- Keep a log of interactions to self-monitor and to facilitate contact tracing should a case be detected.