Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 20 of 22 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
MacDonald, Hailee
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk
MacEachern, Alysha
Committee Clerk
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk
Tel: 902-368-3137 alyshamaceachern@assembly.pe.ca
MacLeod-Keliher, Cynthia
Office Coordinator & Lead Editor
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk
Tel: 902-620-3137 crkeliher@assembly.pe.ca
McQuaid, Sean
Research Officer
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk
Tel: 902-368-4317 Fax: 902-620-3975 sfmcquaid@assembly.pe.ca
Mistal, Miyah
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk
Tel: 902-368-5371 msmistal@assembly.pe.ca
Morrell, Laura
Librarian - Research, Web Services, & Design
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk
Tel: 902-620-3765 Fax: 902-620-3975 lemorrell@assembly.pe.ca
Reddin, Ryan
Directory of Parliamentary Research
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk
Tel: 902-620-3766 Fax: 902-620-3975 rmreddin@assembly.pe.ca
Shay, Lauren
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk
Tel: 902-368-5371 lrshay@assembly.pe.ca
Sheen, Ann-Marie
Executive Assistant
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk
Tel: 902-368-5970 amsheen@assembly.pe.ca
Walker, Bren
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk

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