Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 20 of 45 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Alan, Paul
Manager of Election Operations and Communications
Legislative Assembly
Elections PEI
Tel: 902-368-5895 Fax: 902-368-6500 pbalan@electionspei.ca
Bernstein, Marvin
Child and Youth Advocate
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Child and Youth Advocate
Tel: 902-368-5630 mmbernstein@ocyapei.ca
Boutilier, Gabrielle
Elections Office Coordinator
Legislative Assembly
Elections PEI
Tel: 902-368-6113 Fax: 902-368-6500 Toll-free: 888-234-8683 gaboutilier@electionspei.ca
Burke, Judy
Conflict of Interest Commissioner
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Conflict of Interest Commissioner
Tel: 902-368-5970 Fax: 902-368-5175 judyburke@assembly.pe.ca
Campbell, Trevor
Manager of Broadcast Services and Technology
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk
Tel: 902-894-0404 Fax: 902-368-5175 ticampbell@assembly.pe.ca
Chapman, Matthew
Deputy Ombudsperson
Legislative Assembly
Ombudsperson and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner
Tel: 902-288-1105 contactus@ombudspei.ca
Clark, Cheryl
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk
Tel: 902-368-5371 cnclark@assembly.pe.ca
Dalton, Alexandra (Alex)
Legislative Assembly
Ombudsperson and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner
Tel: 902-288-1105 contactus@ombudspei.ca
Doiron, Denise
Human Resource Administrator
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk
Tel: 902-288-1518 dadoironHR@assembly.pe.ca
Doiron, Denise N
Information and Privacy Commissioner
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner
Tel: 902-368-4099 denisendoiron@assembly.pe.ca
Doiron, Emily
Deputy Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk
Tel: 902-368-5972 Fax: 902-368-5175 emilydoiron@assembly.pe.ca
Evans, Erica
Advocacy Representative
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Child and Youth Advocate
Tel: 902-368-5558 elevans@ocyapei.ca
Ferguson, Neil
Parliamentary Counsel
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk
Tel: 902-368-5525 Fax: 902-368-5175 nrferguson@assembly.pe.ca
Fitzpatrick, John Ross
Broadcast and Creative Services Technician
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk
Tel: 902-368-0404 Fax: 902-368-5175 jrfitzpatrick@assembly.pe.ca
Garrity, Tim G
Chief Electoral Officer
Je parle français
Legislative Assembly
Elections PEI
Tel: 902-368-5895 tggarrity@electionspei.ca
Gillis, Margaret
Executive Assistant
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Speaker
Tel: 902-368-4310 maragillis@assembly.pe.ca
Hermiston, Sandy
Ombudsperson and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner
Legislative Assembly
Ombudsperson and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner
Tel: 902-288-1105 contactus@ombudspei.ca
Jeffrey, Joseph
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Clerk
Tel: 902-368-5970 Fax: 902-368-5175 jajeffrey@assembly.pe.ca
Johnston, Kimberley
Administrative Assistant
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner
Tel: 902-368-4099 kjohnston@assembly.pe.ca
Lewis Kemp, Nicola
Administrative Assistant
Legislative Assembly
Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner
Tel: 902-368-4099 nlewiskemp@assembly.pe.ca