Employee Directory

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  • Position title, i.e. deputy minister or administrative assistant
Displaying 1 - 40 of 84 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Ellis, Allison
HR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-894-2479 Fax: 902-894-2424 abellis@ihis.org
Fall, Laura
HR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-368-5375 Fax: 902-368-4969 lmfall@ihis.org
Feng, Li
Settlement and Immigration Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Fitzpatrick, Tanya
HR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-894-2112 Fax: 902-894-2424 tefitzpatrick@gov.pe.ca
Fortin, Agnes
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-772-7952 asfortin@gov.pe.ca
Gallant, Karen
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-438-4040 Fax: 902-438-4511 karengallant@gov.pe.ca
Gilbank, Colleen
Project Manager
Health PEI
Human Resources
Talent Management
Tel: 902-218-6541 crgilbank@ihis.org
Gilbert, Doran
HR Coordinator Long Term Care West
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-438-4531 Fax: 902-438-4511 dgilbert@ihis.org
Gilmour, JD
Manager, Employee Abilities and Return to Work
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-439-4298 Fax: 902-368-4969 jgilmour@ihis.org
Gonzales, Shian
LR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-368-6890 sgonzales@ihis.org
Gray, Shelley C
Payroll Auditor
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-916-0253 sgray@ihis.org
Gunathilake, Gayani
Employee Abilities and Return to Work Consultant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-213-4779 ggunathilake@ihis.org
Haywood, Laura
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-853-8660 Fax: 902-853-0408 lshaywood@ihis.org
Holmes, Meaghan
HR Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-438-4535 Fax: 902-438-4511 mxholmes@ihis.org
Humphrey, Rosalind
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-687-7150 Fax: 902-687-7175 rehumphrey@ihis.org
Kennific, Alicia
Employee Services Assistant
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-368-4283 Cell: 902-213-4634 akennific@ihis.org
Kickham, Mark E
HR Analyst
Health PEI
Human Resources
HR Analytics, Systems, Learning and Development
Tel: 902-213-4085 mekickham@ihis.org
Killam, Laura
HR Manager, West
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: (902) 432-2579 Fax: (902) 438-4511 lkillam@ihis.org
King-Gallant, Tracey
HR Manager - Hillsborough Hospital
Health PEI
Human Resources
Human Resources and Labour Relations
Tel: 902-368-4307 tdkinggallant@ihis.org
Kispal, Lara
MSIP Program Coordinator
Health PEI
Human Resources
Wellness and Safety
Tel: 902-303-7127 lkispal@ihis.org