Employee Directory

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Displaying 1 - 154 of 154 records.
Name / Title Organization / Division / Section Contact Email
Praught, Crystal
Manager of Home Care (Prince County)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: (902) 888-8440 Fax: (902) 888-8439 cdpraught@ihis.org
Pridham, Cynthia
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 613-206-1305 Fax: 902-888-8338 ccpridham@ihis.org
Ricker, Rebecca
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-859-8750 Fax: 902-859-8756 rjricker@ihis.org
Rix, Sheila
Provincial Long Term Care Practice Coordinator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-6296 Cell: 902-213-4688 Fax: 902-620-3072 smrix@ihis.org
Robertson, Chrissy
Clinic Coordinator
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-218-3935 carobertson@ihis.org
Rowe, Derrick
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-888-8310 drowe@ihis.org
Rowe, Derrick
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-888-8310 drowe@ihis.org
Ruckley, Sharon
Provincial Palliative Care Nurse
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: (902) 620-3757 Fax: (902) 620-3473 segruckley@ihis.org
Scott, Gail
Long-Term Care Program Manager
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-6296 Fax: 902-368-6136 gascott@ihis.org
Sellar, Carol
Manager, Primary Care Network (Queens West)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-569-8539 Fax: 902-368-6936 casellar@ihis.org
Sheehan, Donna
Administrative Assistant - Beach Grove Home, Prince Edward Home and Sherwood Home
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-5826 Fax: 902-368-6764 dmsheehan@gov.pe.ca
Sigsworth, Melanie
Home Support Worker
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: 902-368-4790 Fax: 902-368-4858 msigsworth@ihis.org
Smith, Lindsey
Registered Nurse
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: (902) 388-7679 Fax: (902) 569-0579 limsmith@gov.pe.ca
Smith, Michelle
Clinical Nurse Lead, Primary Care Network (Queens East)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-620-3262 Fax: 902-620-3267 milsmith@ihis.org
Snodgrass, Jennifer
Clinical Lead, Primary Care Network (Queens West)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Sobey, Nicole
Administrative Assistant, Provincial Stroke
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-218-0553 Fax: 902-368-5467 nasobey@ihis.org
Sobey, Stephanie
Manager of Provinical Eye Clinic
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Community Specialist Services
Tel: 902-629-8850 Fax: 902-629-8802 svsobey@ihis.org
St. Pierre, Martha
Provincial Diabetes Clinical Lead
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: (902) 368-4243 Fax: (902) 368-6936 mmstpierre@ihis.org
Stewart, Kennedy
Clerk 4
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-4607 kennedystewart@ihis.org
Stewart, Dr. Trina
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Sullivan, Mary
Director of Home-Based Care
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: 902-620-3045 Fax: 902-368-6136 mksullivan@ihis.org
Taylor, Victoria
Administrative Assistant, Chronic Disease Prevention and Management
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-368-6171 Fax: 902-569-0579 vjtaylor@ihis.org
Thompson, Jonathan
Patient Registry Clerk
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: (902) 620-3263 Fax: (902) 620-3295 Toll-free: (855) 563-2101 jmthompson@ihis.org
Thompson, Leila
Supervisor Administration Services West
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-888-8122 Fax: 902-888-8398 lrthompson@ihis.org
Thompson, Yvonne
School Therapy Occupational Therapist (STOT) Supervisor
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-620-3034 Fax: 902-620-3917 ycthompson@ihis.org
Trainor, Trevor
Maintenance Manager - Beach Grove Home and Prince Edward Home
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-620-3372 Fax: 902-368-5946 tjtrainor@ihis.org
Ulahannan, Anu
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-4607 amulahannan@ihis.org
VanOuwerkerk, Kristen
Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab Program RN
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-218-4598 Fax: 902-569-0579 kmvanouwerkerk@ihis.org
Waite, Kelly
Administrative Supervisor, Primary Care Network (East Prince)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-432-2647 Fax: 902-432-2610 kdwaite@ihis.org
Ward, Blanche
Program Manager of Palliative Home Care Drug Program
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: (902) 368-4347 Fax: (902) 620-3473 btward@ihis.org
Warren, Valerie
Administrative Assistant, Primary Care Network (Queens West)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Primary Care and Chronic Disease
Tel: 902-621-3057 Fax: 902-621-3069 vwarren@ihis.org
Williams, Cathy
Administrative Support, Home Care / Public Health Nursing (Souris)
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Home-based Care
Tel: 902-687-7096 Fax: 902-687-7048 cdwilliams@ihis.org
Wright, Kelley
Manager, Public Health Nursing (West)
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Public Health and Children’s Developmental Services
Tel: 902-888-8167 Fax: 902-888-8153 kmwright@ihis.org
Young, Cheryl
Recreation Manager - Prince Edward Home and Beach Grove Home
Health PEI
Community Health and Seniors Care
Long-Term Care
Tel: 902-368-5792 Fax: 902-368-5946 cdyoung@ihis.org